swallow the moon - MORNING SUPERSTAR (official)


#sludge #stoner_doom_metal \\ vocals and lyrics - ♠️Luke Strike♦️ Lucas Galliano \\author of riffs and rhythm and bass guitar+ drums - 𝕸.𝕾.𝕽. Max Rudenko \\ lead guitar - Wal Ian Wallace \\ #metalmonday #crankitup #DoomMetal #Doom_stoner_Metal
Hello listener, please don’t compare our band with the famous and big ones - swallow the sun.
We are not trying to be a copy of them, and we do not engage in plagearism!
The thing is that when I named our band, I didn’t know about the STS group. I had never listened to or played doom or metal before, I was a punkrock musician, and for a long time I only listened to old punk and rock from the 90s and older, the fact is that I used heroin for a long time and was not interested in anything new. In short, please do not write that we are repeating after someone. I won’t change the name, I like it, although (RIGOR MORTIS project) inside Swallow the Moon is also a cool name for my taste, but still, I won’t change the name.
Thank you for understanding, if you like our songs, subscribe, like. MSR Max.
I've been here for too many long
even before the rest of them
ive been judged for not commit my functions
and wanting to be something else than this
distant stars deny the path I wanna follow
but fuck em I don't need them in the place I'm going
I have myself and that is more than enough

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