Supreme Court To Hear Case That Could Allow States to OVERTURN Election Results

If this court rules on this case next year as expected, State Legislatures in battleground/swing states could overturn election results. This could lead to a legal coup, and one party rule in the United States for generations. This is serious stuff. If your state votes the way they don't like, all they have to have is suspicion of fraud (no real evidence) and they could overturn the election in that state, giving it to the Republican candidate, even if that candidate didn't really win that state.
This is the kind of stuff you'd expect in Russia, not The United States of America. Truly frightening.
#ElectionFraud #StartTheSteal #StopTheSteal #StolenElection #SupremeCourt #Democracy #Fascism #Totalitarian #OnePartyRule #Republicans #GOP #MAGA #MakeAmericaGreatAgain
