Supporting Your Child Through Recovery - Distraction Techniques

Recovery at home takes dedication on the part of patients and parents. Distraction can help families navigate weight bearing, stretching, medical procedures, etc.
Make a plan with your child and make a list for preferred distraction tools or techniques. This is a great way to empower and involve your child!
Here are some distraction techniques to help the process go smoother.
1. Ages 3-6 years old:
-Use activities or toys in which your child has interest, in order to provide distraction.
-Examples: bubbles, story books, themed toys, musical instruments, fidget toys, glitter wands
2. Ages 7-12 years old:
-As a child develops, interests change and so do the necessary distraction tools.
-Examples: video games, tablet, virtual reality goggles, LEGO, slime, puzzles, Simon Says
3. Ages 13-18 years old:
-Electronics, stress balls, fidget toys
-meditation, deep breathing, guided imagery, heat/cold therapy
-cognitive and thinking games
Utilize the One Voice Method: Only one speaker at a time helps limit stress, anxiety, role confusion and refrain from creating a chaotic environment.
Get active! Find ways to move your body!
