Supporting South Asian Families in our Community

Peel CAS has collaborated with Indus Community Services to create our collective Saath Wraparound Service Response, which aims to provide a culturally centered approach, with a focus on the unique perspectives and experiences of the South Asian community. Saath speaks true to its meaning, "together" in Hindi and Punjabi, where we work with and for families to effectively understand unique dynamics and provide support services rooted in cultural respect.
When Peel CAS works together with a family who may benefit from Saath, our teams reach out to Indus to connect with a cultural facilitator, also known as a "wraparound" worker. This facilitator has strong connections to South Asian communities and familiarity with their languages, religions, traditions, and cultural practices. Also well-versed in the specifics of the child welfare system, the facilitator can provide culturally appropriate resources and support to the family, help navigate cultural issues, and advocate for the family’s needs. Together we are wrapping around children, youth and their families as a support system that celebrates diversity.
Elements of the Saath Wraparound Service Response include:
Joint visits with a CAS child protection worker and Saath cultural facilitator/wraparound worker;
Culturally competent parenting and informal networking support;
Access to support with employment, housing, education and child care;
Facilitating emotional health service support through community partnerships.
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