African Heritage / Black History Month at Peel CAS!

Happy Black History & African Heritage Month! We are sending out a HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to our Black Employee Network and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion teams for hosting a fun-filled event with our staff on February 2 - it featured empowering discussions with a Yoruba Poem tribute, group Socacize from Ayanna and a Drumming Dance performance from Sola Akinsola and Baba Williams! We were also grateful to have some of the youth that we support participate in a panel discussion on this year’s theme, Black Canadians and the Arts, to highlight how art has helped them throughout their lives. Thank you team for bringing us all together in commemoration! 🎉 💜
February is an opportunity to learn about the tremendous achievements and history of Black Canadians, to recognize their instrumental role in building our community and to understand the vital need to continue to combat racism, discrimination, and inequity while also gaining a greater understanding of the marginalization faced by Black Canadians, especially within the child welfare sector.
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