Step Into your Fears and ACT on your DREAMS! - Les Brown | Powerful Motivation

Les Brown delivers a motivational speech on the importance of taking action to make your dreams come true.
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"When you have something you want to do, if you don't develop the courage to do that which has been given you to do, and you spend a lot of time going around trying to convince other people, trying to get their approval... what will happen is that you will lose your nerve.
And other people will convince you that what you're doing doesn't have any value. And you give up on your dreams.
I used to do door-to-door sales. And... I was working with another friend of mine. Door-to-door sales is punishing. It's cruel and unusual punishment. And I was a little boy knowing on doors: 'hello would you like to buy a working television set, no money down'... BANG! They slap the door on your face. And the friend of mine that was working with me, they slammed the door on his face and I looked back and he was going to the car. He said 'I can't do this'. And he sat down in the car, and he said 'You go ahead. I'll be here when you get back.'
Now he had a mother and father to take care of him. My mother was ill. I am adopted. I was hungry. I had to go on.
I went the next door: 'Hi, would you like to buy a... NO!'... BANG! Went to the next door... 'NO!'. After a while, I no longer took it personal. And I began to play a game. I said I know there a yes here somewhere. And I'll continue until I find it. And I'm not going home until I do. And then somebody eventually would say yes, and I would get the sale.
It's an interesting thing about life, I've also found, that if you don't have the courage to act... in particular, if you have something special to do, life will move on you.
If it was not for life I would still be a disk jokey. I didn't just leave voluntarily... I was fired! I was working on a job and I came home one day, I was married at the time to my former wife. I said 'that guy I work for is stupid!' and she said 'if he is so stupid, why does he sign your paycheck?'. That night I could not sleep well.
Here was a guy that was controlling my life. I was going through all kinds of changes because this man controlled my paycheck. We know scripture that says 'You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free'. And the truth that I had to come to grips with was that I wasn't in charge of my destiny. The truth was that I wasn't giving all that I had. The truth was that there was some things that I wanted to do, but I didn't have the courage to act on those things. And the truth was that Charles was a blessing to me. He made life so miserable for... I had to start looking at my life differently.
When you step into your fears, and continue to PUSH yourself to GO ON... something happens for you. It will enable you to transcend yourself.
When you step into your fears... someone said, was Winston Churchill, he said 'courage is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm'."
➤ Speaker:
Les Brown
/ @lesbrownspeaks
➤ Source:
Power of Change
• Les Brown THE POWER TO...
➤ Soundtrack:
Cinematic Orchestra by AShamaluevMusic
• Cinematic Orchestral -...
#LesBrown #Motivation #BeWhoYouCouldBe
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