Start your day with Jesus

Start Your Day with Jesus
Starting your day with Jesus means beginning each morning by consciously inviting His presence into your life, committing your plans to Him, and trusting Him to provide the unmerited favor, wisdom, and strength you need for the day. This practice sets a positive and faith-filled tone for your entire day, helping you to remain focused on God's love and guidance rather than the challenges and negativity that may arise.
Practicing His Presence
1. Morning Devotion: Begin your day with a time of devotion. This could include reading a passage from the Bible, meditating on its meaning, and reflecting on how it applies to your life.
2. Prayer: Spend a few moments in prayer, inviting Jesus into your day and asking for His guidance, protection, and blessings.
3. Worship: Engage in worship through songs or hymns that uplift your spirit and honor Jesus. This helps to center your thoughts on His greatness and love.
4. Quiet Time: Take a few minutes to be still and quiet before the Lord. Listen for His voice and be open to His leading.
Committing Your Plans to Him
1. Daily Surrender: Acknowledge that your plans and ambitions are secondary to God’s will for your life. Surrender your day to Him, trusting that He will guide you in the right direction.
2. Seek Guidance: Ask Jesus for wisdom in making decisions, big and small, throughout your day. Trust that He will provide clarity and direction.
3. Depend on His Strength: Recognize that you cannot accomplish everything on your own. Lean on Jesus for the strength and energy needed to tackle your tasks and responsibilities.
Bible Reference
A strong Bible reference that aligns perfectly with this theme is Proverbs 3:5-6 (NIV):
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight."
This scripture emphasizes the importance of placing our trust in the Lord, committing our plans to Him, and relying on His wisdom rather than our own understanding. It reassures us that when we submit our ways to God, He will guide us and ensure that we are on the right path.
Trusting in His Unmerited Favor
1. Embrace Grace: Understand that Jesus’ favor is not something you earn, but a gift of His grace. This unmerited favor can open doors, provide opportunities, and bring blessings that you may not expect.
2. Stay Positive: Focus on Jesus’ favor rather than the bad news or negative circumstances around you. Let His promises give you hope and assurance.
3. Believe for Success: Trust that with Jesus’ favor, wisdom, and strength, you can achieve success in your endeavors. This success is not just in worldly terms, but in fulfilling God’s purpose for your life.
Lord Jesus,
Thank You for Your presence with me today. Help me to be more conscious of Your unmerited favor toward me than of the bad news that people are concerned about. Today, I commit all my plans to You, knowing that Your unmerited favor, wisdom, and strength are always with me to prosper me and give me good success.
Guide my thoughts and actions, and help me to walk in Your ways. Let Your love and grace shine through me, so that I may be a blessing to others. Thank You for Your faithfulness and for the assurance that with You, I can face any challenge and overcome any obstacle.
In Your precious name, I pray. Amen.
Starting your day with Jesus in this manner helps to build a strong spiritual foundation, ensuring that no matter what the day brings, you are equipped with His peace, wisdom, and strength.

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