Star Wars: Visions Volume 2 Tier List with Thor & Naboo


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Пікірлер: 56

  • @PixelKatana
    @PixelKatana Жыл бұрын

    My top 3: 1. Screecher's Reach 2. Journey to the Dark Head 3. Spy Dancer

  • @inspectorwhoreacts
    @inspectorwhoreacts Жыл бұрын

    An interesting season with lots of great episodes. Top 3 are screecher reach, journey to dark head, the spy dancer. But I won't lie Ninth Jedi is still my fave overall.

  • @macwelch8599
    @macwelch8599 Жыл бұрын

    The Near-Human species introduced in “The Spy Dancer” is one of my favorite Star Wars species , along with Lan Ar-Shoo from Season One

  • @8rgk


    Жыл бұрын

    Heterochromia (eyes of a different color) is cringe though, that's the "my character is special" trope of beginner artists.

  • @macwelch8599


    Жыл бұрын

    @@8rgk I like it

  • @mdmalvaro8854
    @mdmalvaro8854 Жыл бұрын

    You guys should do a complete tear list between both volumes. By the way my tier list is: S:Screecher's Reach and Spy dancer A: Journey to the Dark Head and Sith B: Aau's Song, In the stars and I am your mother C: The Pit D: The Bandits of Golak

  • @MikaelaSelene
    @MikaelaSelene Жыл бұрын

    Here is my list: S: Journey to the Dark Head, Screecher's Reach A: Sith B: The Spy Dancer, In the Stars C: The Bandits of Golak, Aau's Song D: I Am Your Mother, The Pit The episodes in each category are listed in the order I ranked them within that category. I realize I'm going against the grain a bit with The Spy Dancer. I think because I guessed the big twist (mostly by luck tbh) the ending didn't quite hit the same for me. I wanted to give it an A, but I couldn't honestly say I enjoyed it to the same level as my A tier choice. So I'm gonna call it a B+.

  • @ezrapark9992
    @ezrapark9992 Жыл бұрын

    Screecher: S Into the Stars, Dark Head, Spy Dancer, Aau: A Sith, I Am Your Mother: B Bandits of Golak: C Pit: D

  • @rogerpalsgrove9678
    @rogerpalsgrove9678 Жыл бұрын

    S: Screecher's Reach and Journey to Dark Head A: Sith and Spy Dancer B: In the Stars and The Bandits of Golak C: Aau's Song and I Am Your Mother D: The Pit

  • @zacharyfett2491
    @zacharyfett2491 Жыл бұрын

    At least Visions vol 2 felt like Star Wars. Edit: The Pit made no sense.

  • @LumVaughan
    @LumVaughan Жыл бұрын

    My top three: 1. Spy Dancer 2. Screecher's Reach 3. The Bandits of Golak

  • @thefrozenone417
    @thefrozenone417 Жыл бұрын

    My top 3: 1: Spy Dancer (S) 2. Journey to the Dark Head (S) 3. Screecher’s Reach (A) Spy Dancer felt like Star Wars to me because it felt like Andor. It was another glimpse of early rebellion activity, it was great.

  • @Shazameatums
    @Shazameatums Жыл бұрын

    I re-watched vol 1 after watching 2 and still think that overall, vol 1 as a whole was better. In no particular order, my favs for vol 2 were screechers reach, aaus song, journey to dark head, I am your mother, bandits of golak

  • @zacharyclark3693
    @zacharyclark3693 Жыл бұрын

    I'm liking this Tier list thing. You should do a combined tier list for Visions Seasons 1-2. That would be fun, right?

  • @Kusanagikaiser999
    @Kusanagikaiser999 Жыл бұрын

    Thor putting Screecher´s Reach in S tier, my man. Me I enjoy it this volume...but sadly not as much as vol1, despite I kinda liked the animation of this volume more than 1.....but still what was good was great but despite I like exactly the same ones you guys liked the most, I have issues with some for maybe nitpicking reasons.....okay: 1-Sith (A-Tier): I actually liked this one a LOT despite the lack of deep story, the visuals are some of my favorites, the character design, the fights and the weapons or the little Droid, you can see the ARTIST expressing themselves here and put ideas...I kinda wish the movies had, and I like the characters despite there no much about then, this is why I put this one a bit higher. 2-Screecher's Reach (S+ Tier): Not only is the best in this volume, is to me the BEST OVER ALL volume 1 and 2, I love this so much, BTW the fact Thor keep saying "simplistic art" kinda offended me, if you know Cartoon Saloon, there is NOTHING SIMPLISTIC about their art style, almost everything have meaning for these guys and they put a lot of creativity behind this, to the point the inspiration wasn't obvious to me, despite it should, a BANSHEE, how I didn't see it the first time is beyond me, but proof these guys will do a good story first over put cultural significant as many did in this and the previous volume. The characters where great despite the little time we spend with them you understood them, and when things go dark, you really feel someone will die (despite no one did...welp besides the old Sith lady), and that ending, now that is subverting expectations done RIGHT.....this is not just S, this is S+ 3-In the Stars (B tier): It was cute, and I love the art style and the designs, but, the lore feel a bit expository and didn't really enjoy it the way they defeat the empire colonizers... this is my nitpick with another of the shorts, this one at least I will give that was 2 Force sensitive girls, but still.........the Empire really looks weak every time just 2 people can beat an entire squadron, still I liked the relation between the sisters, and the resolution was beautiful as well the amazing art style. 4-I Am Your Mother (B tier): I LIKE THIS ONE, sorry. but I was ready to dislike it, I not as much of a fan of Aardman as many are, but I find this one simple, to the point and cute, I like the story and what is wrong about CAR CHASES? Naboo pls XD. Overall is not incredible but is cute. 5-Journey to the Dark Head (S Tier): Yes pretty much my only gripe is that felt like was a PILOT more than a short, but is STUDIO MIR, I will buy that PILOT, the animation, style, the characters, love them all and yes I will like to see more. 6-The Spy Dancer (A+ tier): This is gorgeous, love the studio who did this La Cachette, love what they did in Death Love and Robots, so easy win, the story is amazing, the animation spectacular, the designs why not S tier?......this is the one I refer with my nitpicks before.....if this stick to just the spy work and maybe when things go sour, just flee showing that the empire is a FORCE to be fear, I will love this one 100% but because of the climax action scene with 2 dancers, taking on an entire ROOM of Storm Troopers (many without helmets so "the I can't see" excuse can't pass this time) and they get out untouched.....I call major BS there and sadly I can't turn my brain off even with the beautiful art in display....I love everything else, included the story of the mother and her imperial son, good stuff, but is just that, see 2 girls (again) bested an entire room of storm Troopers even when the mission go sour, and get out with not a single injury or a major loss, just keep make me wondering how the EMPIRE was not taking down more faster......I feel bad saying this of one of my favorites shorts, but I had to say it, it felt like...someone in Lucas Film, wanted to show, girl bosses, beating a bunch of dudes easily. 7-The Bandits of Golak (C tier): I fall sleep watching this one, sorry. 8-The Pit (D Tier): Like the message.....but everything else, felt like anything but STAR WARS. 9-Aau's Song (B- tier): Gorgeous art style, great use of stop motion and very likable characters, but again just CUTE, there is nothing really wrong about that, but neither that much great.

  • @naotohex
    @naotohex Жыл бұрын

    I think I would put each episode S: Screecher's Reach. Journey to the Dark Head, Aau's Song A: B: In the Stars, C: Sith, The Spy Dancer, The Bandits of Golak D: I am your Mother, The Pit Got no A tier episodes for me. The top 3 were really enjoyable to me.

  • @supremespoon1757
    @supremespoon1757 Жыл бұрын

    For me it's: S: Screecher's Reach, Journey to the Dark Head, Spy Dancer A: In the Stars B: Sith, I Am Your Mother, Aau's Song C: Bandits of Golak D: The Pit Overall I didn't hate any of them by any means. I though this season was more consistently solid than season 1 but the high points of season 1 are better than season 2 for me.

  • @jamesrauch9103
    @jamesrauch9103 Жыл бұрын

    For the third time.. "In the Stars" was not stop motion... It was CG rendered to look like stop motion...

  • @judyeure5974
    @judyeure5974 Жыл бұрын

    I agree more with Naboo but what's new? I did like Sith more than either of you did though.

  • @nox_cadit
    @nox_cadit Жыл бұрын

    My favorite ones and S tier were the Spy dancer and Journey to the Dark Head. While A tier was Screecher's Reach. The rest were C tier for me.

  • @jjstarrprod
    @jjstarrprod Жыл бұрын

    Good list. I agree with a lot of it, though not necessarily at the exact same rankings : 1/Screechers Reach I mean, it's Cartoon Saloon, the mightiest studio of the list, and they did a fantastic job, both in terms of storytelling and artistic direction, veering Star Wars into horror movie territory, and actually sticking with it (from audiovisual horror with the banshee to psychological horror when we realize where the protag is going, and her last look back full of sadness and doubt). It was also the one where I really cared about ALL the characters involved, which had an incredible ensemble cast chemistry, so that on top of the rest that I already mentioned makes this episode an absolute masterpiece ! Oh, and have I mentioned the hauntinga music ? Cartoon Saloon just never misses ! 2/ The Spy Dancer I've been following Studio la Cachette's work ever since their student's days, from that incredible short Le Royaume (you can check it out on youtube) that they did at their school Les Gobelins, 13 years ago. And already back then, I could tell they were special ! So seeing them making it big into Star Wars brings a tear in my eye. Storywise, it was also one of the rares of the season that actually had a plot twist, and was brilliantly executed, not only artistically and spectacularly, but also emotionally. Vive la Cachette ! 3/ it's kind of a tie between Journey to the Dark Head and Sith. Both have visually extremely compelling universes, and I would say Journey certainly has the better story (it is Studio Mir, after all, of all the studios on the list, they're by far the most experienced with serialized stories), but Sith's visuals and action dynamism are just mesmerizing, almost looking like a Star Wars in Spanish Spiderverse style (and btw, Alberto Mielgo, the first art director of the first Spiderverse, before he was let go of the team, is a spanish painter), bringing Star Wars into fresh territories and I could totally see both of them getting their own series (or a movie with Sith's art style) 4/ again, a tie (fighter), this time between Auu's song and In the Stars. Both were extremely charming, very family centric, the sisters stories had more oomph to it, given the whole genocidal backstory, and the action and style was really solid (even if I didn't like the little sister's antics, but the final climax was really emotional), although I did enjoy more the visual cute fluffiness of Auu's song, as well as the art direction when she starts connecting with the Kyber crystals when she sings, which is something I've never seen in Star Wars before, but for some reasons, felt instantly Star Wars, which is quite a feat to pull. Oh, and that shot of the Jedi diving into the cliff, hanging on the rocks with her lightsaber got to be one of the most impressive shots of the entire season. And even if it was stopmotion and with wooly puppets, it just had an instant Ghibli vibe to it that just made it extremely endearing to me. U It's hard to quantify, this tie (Stars and Song) and the previous one (Sith and Dark head) are kinda in constant flux in my mind, sometime toppling each other. These 4 episodes are kinda the quantic episodes for me, sometimes phasing into each other to rearrange themselves on top of each other. Just writing about it, makes me wanna put Auu's song in 3/, followed by Journey, then in the Stars, then Sith. 5/ less in flux, and more solidly in 5/ to me would be I'm your Mother, that I enjoyed very much (it's Studio Aardman after all, another one of the mightiest of this list), and contrary to Naboo, I did enjoy the fact that it was nothing more than a light hearted spoof, filled with fun easter eggs all over the place (that Mando helmet cracked me up, and the posh mother-daughter haircuts that were basically Darth Vader's helmet shaped, with their mini Death Star, that was just hilarious!), while twisting it with that typical Aardman humor. And btw the things that Naboo mention about it being average and not pushing the envelope... Well, as an animator myself, I know fully well that if animation is already a freakking hardcore art that takes forever to make, basically the S-tier of all the arts... and stopmotion is absolutely the S-tier of the S-tier ! Their animators are viewed as gods among us by other animators who work in 2D or CG, so I'm absolutely not taking for granted everything that happened in this short, chase scenes are particularly hard to pull off in stopmo, and Aardman have consistently directed some of the most memorable stopmo chase scenes ever (just check what they did with the train chase scene in the Wallace and Gromit : the Wrong Trousers) so, mad respect to them ! And I certainly enjoyed the cheerfulness and levity after the introductory 3, which were all very Sith or Empire/genocide centric, to kind of balance the whole mood. Kind of a good palate cleanser before attacking the clone.. I mean, the Dark head. That being said, sure, its lightheartedness and overall devoidness of anything resonant to Star Wars at its core does hamper its potential in the volume, when faced with so many strong contenders, who brought so much more to the table. 6/ Bandits of Golak It was well put, but stylistically speaking, it was one of those I felt the least attracted to (you mentioned it looked like Clone Wars, and that's the exact reason I never got to see the series : I'm just really not attracted to that visual style), both in terms of facial acting (very overacted) and characters movements (which felt a bit stiff, at times). Not that it didn't have moments I didn't enjoy, the fight between the old Indian auntie Jedi vs the inquisitor was formidable, nullifying all the complaints I had previously... But as you also mentioned, it was just a tad bit too short, and I felt that none of the main protagonists had anything to do to influence the outcome of it (they're basically the walking mcguffins of their own episode). The little sister just annoyed me to no end from the beginning to the end of the episode, and that's not a good sign if you want me to like your episode. Now, I really did enjoy the whole Bollywood Star Wars atmosphere of this one 7/ and even less in flux and more rock (solid) bottom would be the Pit (which really is the rock bottom of the season). Which is kinda surprising, given it's the one that was partnering with Lucasfilm, so you'd think it has a massive leg-up... But no, I'm guessing, like you guys, it might have exactly been what caused its downfall (pun intended). Stylistically, it was the most generic, fake anime, almost amateurish looking of the bunch, and even if D'art Stajio has participated into Castlevania, let's not pretend that Castlevania didn't have some ass episodes, animated on 4's. And here, animationwise, it felt exactly like that : a bad episode of Castlevania. That wouldn't have been that bad if the story was good, and at the beginning, it sort of was. The whole "work till you die" prisonners labour camps that we've seen in Andor, but on an even more gruesome and gigantic scale. That was certainly a great starting block with a lot of potential... But the way it resolves itself, despites the shocking demise of the (would-be) protagonist of the story just felt cheated. People already avoid homeless beggars in the streets, so there's no way the citizens of a fairly posh city would all gather round and send help to an entire community of miners/prisonners/slaves/immigrants. I get that it's a short, and the story wants to show us a message of hope, that humanity can be better than what it is, but starting from such a realistic starting point and resolving it with fantasy-level of hope is quite a storytelling whiplash, and I just can't believe in any of it, which renders the story insincere and cheap to me. Which is a shame, coz I understand where the director was coming from (black slavery) and I get his message, but in this case, it just felt forced and didn't work. Andd there you have it, my own ranking of Visions vol.2 Can't wait to see if there's gonna be a vol.3. At this point, it'd be a shame if there wasn't, it's currently one of the 2 only exciting things Star Wars, with Andor season 2. I'm guessing this is the way (to go), hiring talented and passionated external studios who still view working on Star Wars as a once-in-a-lifetime privilege.

  • @greyworld6242
    @greyworld6242 Жыл бұрын

    Screecher’s reach is S tier for me!

  • @patrickwalker6698
    @patrickwalker6698 Жыл бұрын

    My top, as in I'd like to see a limited series: Screecher's reach, Journey to the Dark Head, Bandits of Golak, The Spy Dancer. Everything else was okay or not my cup of tea.

  • @ryanb45
    @ryanb45 Жыл бұрын

    S) Screachers Reach A) The Bandits of Golak, Aaus Song, I am Your Mother B) In The Stars, The Spy Dancer C) Journey to the Dark Head, Sith D) The Pit

  • @puipuixproduction
    @puipuixproduction Жыл бұрын

    S: Screecher's, Spy, Aau's A: I'm in your mother B: Sith C: Stars, Dark head D: Pit, Gulak

  • @shadeblackwolf1508
    @shadeblackwolf1508 Жыл бұрын

    Au's song was a beautiful fuzzmotion to me

  • @Taxxxxxxes
    @Taxxxxxxes Жыл бұрын

    D: screechers reach S: the pit

  • @Loki_Yogi
    @Loki_Yogi Жыл бұрын

    The only surprise from this list was where Thor placed "Journey to the Dark Head ". It definitely belongs in S tier. I can kind of start to see his rationale of why he chose A tier but, I personally don't agree. 🙏

  • @stef3831
    @stef3831 Жыл бұрын

    I would go: 1. Screecher's reach 2. Journey to the dark head 3. In the stars 4. Spy dancer 5. Au's song 6. The bandits of Golak 7. Sith 8. The pit 9. I am your mother

  • @QuestionMan
    @QuestionMan Жыл бұрын

    Aardman's offering left me feeling about the same as after watching "Early Man." It was by-the-numbers, banal, and tired, lacking the cleverness and unconventional wit of-say- "Were-Rabbit", "Chicken Run," or even "Pirates." I was hoping for more or at least getting a chuckle or sincere "awwww."

  • @wilhud
    @wilhud Жыл бұрын

    S - Screecher's Reach, Sky Dancer | A - Journey to the Dark Head, Sith | B - In the Stars, The Bandits of Golak, Aau's Song | C - I am Your Mother | D - The Pit I gave Sith a higher ranking because I thought the use of Colors and Symbolism were really well done and something that made it stand out a lot from the others. I also really liked the textures and the mystical/force feel of Aau's song which took it up a little bit for me. The Pit I really did not like at all because it just made no sense to me why the Troopers would leave slave laborers in the hole. If nothing else, they could just keep using them for other projects. So the whole premise made no sense to me. Plus that guy free climbed an insane distance up a vertical wall. He would have been dead the second he leapt for a handhold.

  • @nightgirlgaming1985
    @nightgirlgaming1985 Жыл бұрын

    I really Journey to the Dark Head. I would love a continuation for that and the Ninth Jedi. They could both become series of their own.

  • @istari0
    @istari0 Жыл бұрын

    S: A: Screecher's Reach, Journey to the Dark Head B: The Spy Dancer, Sith C: The Bandits of Golak D: In the Stars, I Am Your Mother, The Pit, Aau's Song If there was an F tier, The Pit and Aau's Song would have been there. My primary observation is that season 2 was not nearly as good as season 1.

  • @spacebees86
    @spacebees86 Жыл бұрын

    Screecher's Reach was my favourite. Unpredictable and definitely the one I want to know more about what happens next. In The Stars just destroyed me. Any cartoon short that makes me cry gets high points. Spy Dancer gets there too. Journey To The Dark Head can and should be it's own series. One of my take aways from these is that taking children away to be raised in your mystic religion is kinda fucked up, no matter if its Sith or Jedi.

  • @pineapplepapercrafts
    @pineapplepapercrafts Жыл бұрын

    My top three if i had to. I dont want to haha The bandits of golak (it's the music and visuals for me ) but ya the sister is annoying haha Journey to the dark head Sith (the art and visuals alone of this was mindblowinf for me. I wanna know more about her too) This was hard haha. I really enjoyed most of them quite a bit. So for trying to list them was hard haha 😅

  • @merengueatang4
    @merengueatang4 Жыл бұрын

    Screechers Reach is an easy, easy S tier. Dark Head was pretty good, as was Spy Dancer. I also liked Aau's Song a surprising amount, and I was also very pleasantly surprised by I am your Mother. The rest are just "eh" at best. S: Screecher's Reach A: Spy Dancer, Dark Head, Aau's Song, I am your Mother B: Sith (almost a C tbh, don't care much for it) C: Into the Stars, Bandits of Golak D: Pit

  • @Bradical204
    @Bradical204 Жыл бұрын

    One of my complaints for this season of visions, unlike the first season, the episodes don't really do anything unique. Season one felt like each episode (or the majority at least) had something that was a unique idea to the world of star wars, some kind of twist that was an interesting take, a what if scenario. This season just has short stories with no interesting spin on them at all. I remember all of the episodes from season 1, even the ones i didn't care for. I watched this season a couple days ago and already forgot almost all of them.

  • @acua3


    10 ай бұрын

    You mean like making a band or having a saber duel in space on fighters breathing like they're on a planet? I'd prefer less unique and more star wars like

  • @ryhnoking
    @ryhnoking Жыл бұрын

    My Top 3 of the V2: 1. Journey to the Dark Head (S Teir) 2. Spydancer (S Teir) 3. Screeches Reeches (A Teir) Everything else I either skipped or bored by. I feel season 1 was more interesting overall. Even the ones I didn't like I found still entertaining to watch, but will not go out my way to watch repeats. While season 2 I straight up did not enjoy anything outside my top 3.

  • @AndreNitroX
    @AndreNitroX Жыл бұрын

    Only 3 episodes were actually worth watching the rest were all lack luster. Animation aside, this season was not even close in quality to the first volume

  • @robynfuller3988
    @robynfuller3988 Жыл бұрын

    I'm leaning a little more towards Thor's ranks this time. For me it was: S Tier: Screecher's Reach and Spy Dancer A tier: Journey to the Dark Head B: Sith and Aau's Song C: I Am Your Mother and In the Stars D: Bandits of Golak (although seeing the Indian influence was great, the girl was WAY too annoying) and The Pit (blech, if I want to be hit with a message *that* hard again, I'll just watch "She's not alone" bit from Endgame on loop a million times)

  • @jetblast190
    @jetblast190 Жыл бұрын

    Like most, I rank The Pit, D tier, at the bottom for this season, although from top to bottom I enjoyed the entire season. Screecher’s Reach, Journey to the Dark Hold, and Spy Dancer are my top 3, in no particular order. I liked the variety of animation styles and the stories and writing were top tier. These are three episodes that I most want to see expanded into additional stories or even their own full seasons which makes them S tier for me. While it seemed written for a younger audience, I really liked Aau’s Song, A tier. Sith is B tier, mostly for the animation style and the cool design of the Sith Lord. I thought Bandits of Golak fit well in the early Imperial era and I thought the train was really cool, B tier. In the Stars and I am Your Mother I put in the C tier. I liked them, but they failed to capture my attention and stoke my imagination the way the episodes that I rated higher did. My overall impression was positive and I thought it was good progression from season 1. As for which season I liked better? Call it even, I appreciated them for their own unique visions of SW.

  • @chevyblaze3773
    @chevyblaze3773 Жыл бұрын

    Y'all didn't bring up how EVERY story had a female protagonist.... Not really that diverse

  • @Blafina
    @Blafina Жыл бұрын

    Mine, in the same order: C B C D S A B C A

  • @jvjjjweitzel153
    @jvjjjweitzel153 Жыл бұрын

    "If you take the star wars out of star wars is it star wars?' Bruh...

  • @renatoe9648
    @renatoe9648 Жыл бұрын

    1. Screechers reach (A) 2. Spy dancer (A) 3. Journey to the darkhead (A) 4. the sith (B) 5. In the stars (B) 6. Aaus song (C) 7. bandits of golak (C) 8. The pit (D) nothing in this one makes sense 9. Iam your mother (F...G) horrible no S-tier cause 9th jedi and village bride where so much better

  • @ShrekReacts
    @ShrekReacts Жыл бұрын

    Bandits of Golak was kinda cool but its reuse of clone wars assets and the traced Ahsoka vs Maul duel rubs me the wrong way.

  • @bluediamonddirector
    @bluediamonddirector Жыл бұрын

    1. C 2. S 3. C 4. A 5. A 6. S 7. C 8. D 9. B

  • @MaxRamos8
    @MaxRamos8 Жыл бұрын

    Funny, Journey to the Dark Head was my least favorite, too tropey and too much like anime

  • @Ian-ky5hf
    @Ian-ky5hf Жыл бұрын

    Why is bad to want to sell your self or have so many ideas it feels like it needs more than 15 mins?

  • @Slasher1294
    @Slasher1294 Жыл бұрын

    I find all of the weird cgi shorts were terrible theres a reason why japanese anime doesnt use 3d cgi

  • @Makise3
    @Makise3 Жыл бұрын

    From here on out I want Star Wars visions to be done only by Japan and South Korea with NO lucasfilm involvment whatsoever.

  • @Ian-ky5hf
    @Ian-ky5hf Жыл бұрын

    You should have given it a B easily.

  • @Sam_T2000
    @Sam_T2000 Жыл бұрын

    B A C W S S C F F

  • @FallenShadowNinja
    @FallenShadowNinja11 ай бұрын

    I doubt either of you will ever see this comment but I think you are guys are completely wrong about The Pit and your arguments against it are....annoying shallow. Maybe not the right term but I think you can resolve a lot of them out with a little thought. -Why didn't everyone follow the guy out? Ummmm, did you see the kind of leaps he was making there between handholds? He was clearly the most fit/athletic of the group. Do you seriously expect the of the rest, including children, to be able to make those jumps? Especially after this group has been doing who knows how many months of intense physical labor. Do you think the Empire cared enough to make sure they stayed in top physical condition? -Why didn't he just get a rope? It's a back-ass hole. He's going to be a long rope and hope it don't break. Going back to the previous point I don't think all the people down there would have been able to climb out on their own. Some would have needed ships to get them out of there. So either way he would have needed the help of the others in the city, which brings me to..... -Why didn't the people in the city never notice? Now, call me "woke" if you want but this part touches on a theme of the short that I have not really seen anyone talk about: How slave labor has built a lot of our civilization. We see it during the time lapse where the city is built and prospers on the labor of the people in the pit. Just look at history and how so many empires of the past that are still world powers today were built on the labor of slaves. But it's not something our society likes to talk about or acknowledge even today. We're getting closer than we were but it's still uncomfortable to acknowledge. That's what I see an analogy for with the people of the city being so hesitate to help the guy at first. And isn't until the Empire tosses him down a hole that the people rise up and help the people out. I liked how the short used these themes would weren't very in-your-face about it. It was subtle enough it seems like it would over a lot people's heads. It also fits in with the main uplifting message at the end of people coming together and helping each other out. I also liked how ruthless the Empire is depicted here. Just leaving the slaves to die in the pit is exactly what the Empire would do. I'm really disappointed you guys rated so slow. It does not deserve to be in D-tier. I really don't see why it's at the bottom of so many people's lists.

  • @QuestionMan
    @QuestionMan Жыл бұрын

    Not saying I disagree, but when it comes to "not feeling like Star Wars," many have made the same argument about Andor. . . . and yet . . .
