Star Wars: The Force Awakens - Official Movie Review (SPOILER-FREE)

This review has NO SPOILERS!
At last! Thirty years after defeating the Galactic Empire, Han Solo (Harrison Ford) and his allies face a new threat from the evil Kylo Ren (Adam Driver) and his army of Stormtroopers.
Ben Mankiewicz, Alonso Duralde, Christy Lemire, and Matt Atchity review Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens!

Пікірлер: 375

  • @Stand_By_For_Mind_Control
    @Stand_By_For_Mind_Control8 жыл бұрын

    "This movie felt more grown-up than any of the other 6" All I really need to hear.

  • @DaveNoodles


    8 жыл бұрын

    +HitchensImmortal You might be disappointed. It's still mainly a fun space adventure. It's not Kubrick that's for sure.

  • @Stand_By_For_Mind_Control


    8 жыл бұрын

    +DaveNoodles Nothing is Kubrick. Not really setting my expectations very high... just would rather see this one set more tonally for the adult fans and not the 8 year old kids.

  • @DaveNoodles


    8 жыл бұрын

    ***** Yeah, you might be disappointed. Not that it's specifically for 8 year olds, but it is aimed straight at the kid inside you (if he's there) and it's not shy about it. Plenty of robot gags, lots and lots of jokes, dog fights, crazy creatures and all that stuff. It moves at a brisk pace, no time for too much talking or thinking or such shenanigans. I have already seen a lot of complaints from people expecting something closer to Blade Runner and it's most certainly not that type of film. It's not Star Wars for the adult fans... it's just Star Wars It's popcorn. Of the highest order no doubt, it's visually beautiful, but popcorn nonetheless. I think kids will love it. Who knows, maybe you will too. Or not. I loved the shit out of it. And now I'll sleep and dream of a galaxy far, far away...

  • @Stand_By_For_Mind_Control


    8 жыл бұрын

    +DaveNoodles Just saw it, 100% exactly what I wanted.

  • @DavidLopez-qq8vy


    8 жыл бұрын

    +HitchensImmortal so you wanted a remake of Star Wars? even Death Star 3.0..

  • @joe_v_runs
    @joe_v_runs8 жыл бұрын

    I'm amazed to see Ben enjoy 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' the most out of the critics here AND enjoy it more than any of the previous Star Wars movies. J.J. Abrams, you are a genius!

  • @joe_v_runs


    6 жыл бұрын

    This comment has not aged well... after seeing the movie for myself, I think Ben is crazy!

  • @cyclops1000
    @cyclops10008 жыл бұрын

    Here is a list of 33 issues I have on the film (in no particular order). I'm a filmmaker and a huge fan of the original trilogy. The original script was written by Arndt but they didn't like it and Disney refused to change its release date so JJ had to rewrite it in only 8 weeks so of course the writing is a little off in places! It was a fun film, but hard for me to really get into because of the poor character development, sloppy craft, lack of soul, contrivances, and logic issues. It's just a movie but it's fun to see where it went wrong. 1) Why is there a treasure map to Luke Skywalker???? It makes no sense and feels childish. Who made the map? Did someone give it to both sides like a contest? Is Luke waiting with a prize??? What does it matter if a tiny piece is missing, I mean if I was in Los Angeles and had to get to New York, if you took like Washington DC off the map, I'd still find my way! 2) It feels like Luke has been standing on a hill staring off into space for the last 10 years just waiting to lower his hood and look like a bad ass. “You solved my treasure map quest. Good for you! Do you know how long I’ve been standing here waiting for someone to freaking figure it out?!??!!” 3) I realize BB8 having the map to Luke was meant to be a copy I mean er homage to A New Hope's death star plans but come on, the death star plans were crucial and held the fate of the galaxy in the balance, whereas bb8 has a tiny piece of a treasure map to find a hermit. 4) The opening crawl is 90% about finding Luke Skywalker which actually does not set up the plot of the movie which has nothing to do with finding Luke until the last 5 minutes. 5) The entire film rehashes old scenes from Ep4 and then cuts and pastes them together with questionable logic. Let’s see a new original story. See, what the film needed to do was capture the tone and world of Star Wars and tell the next chapter, not cut and paste old scenes into a modern version. It’s like the film is worshiping Ep4 and plagiarizing it, as opposed to capturing it’s spirit and soul. 6) Threepio is not shiny or very gold in this version. Either because they didn’t want to have to deal with reflections or because it’s expensive to make shiny action figures affordable (this is true). Also, did they give him a red arm just so they could sell red armed action figures? Because collectors already have the threepio figure so by adding a red arm they need to buy him again. Also it’s very bizarre that threepio would say “maybe you don’t recognize me with my red arm”, I realize it was an attempt at humor but it be like your friend saying “maybe you don’t recognize me in my new sweater”. 7) There was no mysticism surrounding the force. It was just some ability some people have access to. Oh, I have the force? Cool, let me use the "Jedi Mind Trick TM" 8) We’re doing the death star thing for the third time??? How lazy is that? Even the characters seem amazed by the bad writing. It’s just the death star but BIGGER! And Han makes a comment that “Hey, lets just blow it up, I’ve done this before”. Talk about lowering the stakes for the final sequence by making a joke out of it. So the entire resistance of the Republic is like a handful of x-wings and a rusty old Millennium Falcon? 9) How does Han Solo just conveniently out of nowhere stumble upon the Millennium Falcon again in the middle of outer space??? It’s so ridiculously contrived. 10) What happened to Rey and Finn’s use the poison gas strategy when Han came on? 11) Why was Rey able to take the B88 unit without a fight from that guy who captured him in the desert? How does she even know he was captured or what the story was, there. What gave her the right? And what was that ridiculous thing he was riding? It was an excuse to show a practical non CGI effect by JJ. That thing was awkward as heck and moved like slower then a snail. 12) The characters in the film act as though they saw the original trilogy. You're Han Solo! This is the Millennium Falcon! It's a map to find Luke Skywalker! These characters are just one of billions of life forms that inhabit the galaxy, but because they were important to us the audience in the original trilogy it's assumed some how everyone's heard of them. Han in A New Hope says "you've never heard of the Millennium Falcon" and Ben responds "should we?" meaning of course they haven't heard of it, Han is just trying to sell his services but in this new movie it's like everyone is a fan boy! 13) After they return to the resistance Rey and Leia hug over Han's death. She hugs the freaking girl she just met for like 5 minutes and not Chewbacca who was by Han's side every minute for the last 50 years! But I guess Leia must have read the script and found out that Rey is the new protagonist. 14) Chewie and Han were not too excited to see Threepio again! After all they’ve been through together. Threepio’s characterization was a huge disappointment. He was just annoying and the original trilogy gave him character this film makes him a caricature of himself. 15) Finn has never had freedom in his life and was raised in a cult yet there is no evidence of this in his characterization other than wanting to "run" or something. I mean, here's a human being who has probably never had a meal of his choosing, seen a beautiful sunset, made choices of his own, kissed a girl etc. This universal human experience we could have seen was utterly ignored. 16) Han and Leia immediately forgive and love each other. Then why the hell have they been separated all this time? On that note they apparently both went "back to what we knew". Seriously? So after Han goes through a major character arc during the original trilogy, we throw that all in the garbage and make him back where he started? Talk about having no new ideas as to where to take his character. He's an asshole all over again who doesn't want to help. Well, I guess that's safe territory, good work guys. 17) Why is Han Solo acting like he's never seen Chewie's weapon in his life???? Chewie has been using that weapon for almost 40 freaking years!!!! 18) Rey states that Han was like a father to him. What? Because she spent five minutes with him??? How's that for contrived. 19) Why the heck does Kylo Ren use a mask? He has no breathing issues! Because his grandfather did? If I wanted to be like my grandfather I wouldn't go get his cane and walker! 20) How the heck did that yoda character get Anakin/Luke's lightsaber? It looked pristine. Wouldn't it have broken from the fall? Someone on cloud city found it (with a severed hand) in the sub basement and said "oh cool!!! Luke's lightsaber! I can sell this on ebay!!!!" NO! It would just be some old broken weapon. So illogical. 21) How can a lightsaber call to someone? It's just a weapon. What made the original movies so good is that everything was just organic to the world, now it has a reverence to the light saber so it's making it sentient. 22) How big is this First Order versus the resistance? The stakes are never clearly stated. It's just said that evil gives rise to bad groups, which is kind of an infantile explanation. And were they short on extras? It feels like the resistance is made up of about 30 people. They actually seem smaller than the original rebellion. Is the First Order in power? Is the Republic in power? If the Republic is in power why are they called the resistance? Shouldn't in fact the First Order be the resistance then?! What has the first order been doing? Controlling planets? None of it is clear. 23) How is Rey able to use Jedi mind tricks, moving objects with her mind, and defeating Kylo Ren untrained?! “Oh, I have the force? Cool, let me try Jedi Mind Trick TM like I saw in the original trilogy!!!” 24) In the final battle Kylo says that he can train her in the force and she’s like “the force? Oh, we’re supposed to be using that, cool let me try, wow you’re not very good at this! GIRL POWER!!!!”. He was trained by Luke and a Sith Lord for years. She kicks his ass, it’s ridiculous. Destroys the film’s credibility.

  • @Wolfman7870


    8 жыл бұрын

    +cyclops1000 Dude, all the likes. Great breakdown of what was wrong with this film. I thought all of these things and a few more while I was watching this film and it just took me out of the experience. . If the First Order knew where the rebel base was the whole time in order to target it in the final act of the film, why was that the first thing thing destroyed? . Why did the Starkiller base destroy those first set of planets. I mean like, strategically, what was the point of destroying an entire system of planets other than to say, "Look what we can do." I know The First Order much like the Empire is just cartoonishly evil, they blow up planets but was there like a good reason that I missed? . Is BB8 the only BB8 droid in the universe? . Luke Skywalker had one student go rogue on him so he secluded himself on space New Zealand and allowed the First Order to form and build a planet capable of destroying solar systems? Shouldn't everybody hate Luke Skywalker for just up and disappearing like that? . After Po and Finn escaped the Star Destroyer orbiting Jukka, why did it take so long for the First Order to send a team to the planet surface? Finn crashed landed and walked for miles to the only habitable outpost in many direction and met Rey and BB8 before they showed up. . Why did Rey just attack Finn like that after BB8 told her that he's wearing Po's jacket? How about you ask a few questions first before you start hitting people. . How and why did Po Dammeron get off escape the crash and get back to the resistance without BB8 and the map if it was so important? . Han Solo just happens to take Rey to the one place in the universe where Luke Skywalker's lightsaber is? It's so contrived. . R2D2 just wakes up at the end just so he could provide the key to finding Luke Skywalker so the audience could get their feels. It's a droid, I don't care if he's depressed or whatever, wake him up. I get that this is a reintroduction of Star Wars to a new generation and all but alot of the people involved should really know better than this.I chalked alot of it up to the whole things are vague now so that more can be revealed in the future, but after reading JJ Abrams's justification as to why R2D2 woke up when it did, basically saying that it woke up because BB8 asked him to and it took a while, I knew that alot of it was just bad writing.

  • @waterh20


    4 жыл бұрын

    cyclops1000 You must’ve not watched the movie. 90% of your questions are answered in the movie.

  • @santoshuante7314
    @santoshuante73148 жыл бұрын

    I like that Ben took John as his date. So cute.

  • @BrotherAlpha
    @BrotherAlpha8 жыл бұрын

    *I'M GOING TO POST A SPOILER AND YOU CAN'T STOP ME!* The big boat sinks in the end.

  • @muffinman5741


    8 жыл бұрын

    wrong movie

  • @BrotherAlpha


    8 жыл бұрын

    Jim Knopf That's the joke.

  • @Janootz


    8 жыл бұрын

    +BrotherAlpha It's his sled!

  • @thehumblegent


    8 жыл бұрын

    I'M GOING TO POST A SPOILER AND YOU CAN'T STOP ME! #2 Luke's a hermaphrodite.

  • @ohdogwow2


    8 жыл бұрын

    +BrotherAlpha He almost actually shot his eye out!!!

  • @danielbelcher8113
    @danielbelcher81138 жыл бұрын

    I'm glad you actually reviewed it properly. Some of these no spoiler reviews gloss over the film so much that the review is pointless. You did it right. Describing some of your best and worst bits but not totally giving away plot points.

  • @demi7913
    @demi79138 жыл бұрын

    Let me guess....Ben hasn't seen it

  • @BrotherAlpha


    8 жыл бұрын

    +same vans That was might first thought as well.

  • @serenityq26


    8 жыл бұрын

    +same vans or he just doesnt have the same opinion on the film as you...

  • @None38389


    8 жыл бұрын

    +serenityq26 Still have to watch the film to form a valid opinion though.

  • @raider968


    8 жыл бұрын

    +Tyrion Lannister Lost all respect for Ben after he threw a tantrum at Jimmy.

  • @artistryartistry7239


    8 жыл бұрын

    +raider968 Completely agree. That was unbelievable, and what's really fucked up is that Cenk didn't step in and tell him to calm down. Seriously, he's going to go nuts over defending cops? Never was a huge fan of Ben's but feel he's a complete dick at this point. Seriously, control yourself, you're not a fucking child. Or maybe he is.

  • @amjid300
    @amjid3008 жыл бұрын

    Best discussion I've seen so far.

  • @joecamps1119
    @joecamps11198 жыл бұрын

    Ben really came thru in this review, much like a movie like American Sniper, we had Ben engaging and not the Ben where he keeps telling us how much he doesnt care about a movie. Adored this review.

  • @davidkeenan5642


    8 жыл бұрын

    +Jay Campo It's known that Ben isn't a Star War fan, so it means something that he rated this movie so high. So glad that John Boyega & Daisy Ridley are receiving such high praise. John is known for Attack the Block, but Daisey has literally become an overnight star. And I do mean "star", she just shines, & she has fabulous fashion sense.

  • @seroccoprime2774


    8 жыл бұрын

    +David Keenan Ben had the highest rating. Like, holy fuck.

  • @davidkeenan5642


    8 жыл бұрын

    Anthony Serocco Yeh, he always gave the lowest rating. I checked his ratings, for the original trilogy they were (6.5 + 8.0 + 5.0), average 6.5. For the prequels they were (Zero + 3.4 + 6.1) average 3.17. Makes me want to watch this movie even more.

  • @seroccoprime2774


    8 жыл бұрын

    Ben saw the blu ray edition where Vader yells out nooooo, which killed the tension for that moment for him. Goddammit Lucas.

  • @rasnac
    @rasnac8 жыл бұрын

    DON'T BE FOOLED BY THE TITLE! THERE ARE LOTS OF !!!!SPOILERS!!!! IN THIS REVİEW!!! P.S. I'm writing in all captions only to make sure everyone sees the warning. ;)

  • @Janootz
    @Janootz8 жыл бұрын

    How this movie should end: Kylo Ren and Finn lock lightsabers in their climactic showdown. But rather than continue the battle, they pull back and extinguish their blades. "No," Kylo Ren says, "we have a mutual enemy." The two of them grab Rey and fly to Coruscant, and destroy a bust of Jar Jar Binks in a shot-for-shot remake of the printer scene from Office Space.

  • @KBryanWhite
    @KBryanWhite8 жыл бұрын

    so excited to see this flick!!!!!! It is such a relief that you guys are giving you your seal of approval! I was going to see it regardless! But I have been waiting for this movie for 32 years!!

  • @billed195
    @billed1958 жыл бұрын

    Best Drink in Existence. Its effects are similar to "having your brains smashed in by a slice of lemon wrapped round a large gold brick

  • @basquat76
    @basquat768 жыл бұрын

    She blossoms. I love when they blossom from nothing to a great warrior without any training.

  • @Robkinggozer


    8 жыл бұрын

    She was obviously already a skilled fighter with that stick of hers (early scene) and athletic/agile. Had a hard life as a scavenger. No jedi training but still she was trained at fighting. Granted, we didn't get her backstory (yet), but it's not like she was a barbie. Also, we have no idea how strong the Force is with her.

  • @basquat76


    8 жыл бұрын

    Rob Robberson Is that he options, barbie or warrior? I don't understand how you can say obviously a skilled fighter and then say we didn't get her backstory. Then you obviously don't know. Even Luke needed training. He spend 1 and half movie doing nothing but train.

  • @Robkinggozer


    8 жыл бұрын

    +basquat76 No those are not the only options, but I used Barbie as the total opposite of a great warrior (you said she went from 'nothing' to a great warrior). I mean that her backstory will explain more. I don't need it to know she was already something of a badass before she awakened to the Force though, because she kicked some storm trooper ass early on in the movie (remember Finn running towards her and then being like whoa..). I saw her doing some pretty cool acrobatics as a scavenger. I saw her showing courage. She wasn't nothing before she had that moment of realization that she could use the Force.

  • @basquat76


    8 жыл бұрын

    Rob Robberson Okay first of could you not spoil the movie dipshit. And secondly showing courage and jumping isn't the same as being a great warrior. It doesn't make you shoot straight. That takes practice. But whatever dude, just go away before you spoil anymore you little shit.

  • @Robkinggozer


    8 жыл бұрын

    +basquat76 Fuck you and the tricycle you rode in on. You spoiled shit with your first post, to which I simply replied. Anyone reading your post who hasn't seen the movie will look away in annoyance. Little bitch.

  • @ronaldross8886
    @ronaldross88868 жыл бұрын

    I can't believe the hype on this film. People are giving this perfect scores, you have to be kidding me?? Only Empire was perfect or the closest thing to it, and in no way is this film on the same level or near-perfect as Empire. I'm a huge, lifelong fan, and I can unbiasedly say its ok, and not a great film. First of all, John Boyega is just annoying and totally miscast in this film. I'm sorry, but his out of place comedic timing was cringe worthy, and he was just running and yelling the whole time, I was never emotionally invested in him as a character. Captain Phasma.....what a wasted character, nuff said. Carrie Fisher just seemed like she was thrown in here for nastolgiac purpose, nothing more. They gave her little to no dialogue, and what was there was just depressing. Kylo Ren never comes across as a menacing villian at all. Yes, i know its impossible to equal Vader or the Emperor, but he was just a small step above a whiny Hayden Christiansan, sorry folks, thats the truth. And we come to yet another Death Star as a secret weapon.......are you kidding me?? Is this the best you can come up with after 32 years? Harrison Ford and Daisy Ridley as Rey really carry the weight of this movie, as they have to. The film starts off very promising, but is dragged on way too slow in the middle, and then the final act is anti-climatic and "ok"......They could have edited the middle so much better. I dont hate the movie, but its not the masterpiece by any stretch people are calling it. I appreciate that JJ Abrams has gone back to the look and feel of the original trilogy, but there are so many flaws in this film for me, sorry....

  • @anessone


    8 жыл бұрын

    JJ wanted the main crux if the movie for Rey to awaken and also to show that Kylo Ren is in the middle of awakening. He isnt as proffecient as Vader or the emperor they were both masters. It is finally a villain in development in star wars. (By that i mean starting the development in their first movie of the trilogy)

  • @Robkinggozer


    8 жыл бұрын

    If your second example is about a throwaway character like Phasma, you are definitely reaching. Who honestly cares about that character that is obviously just there to look cool for a moment?? I thought Finn was great, well acted, funny and he had an interesting arc. Kylo Ren started out very menacing and then he was revealed to be a whiny brat who hasn't even finished his training. I thought that was a great move in terms of storytelling. It's the opposite of what they did with Vader, who started out as just a mask and was developed as a character later. With Ben, the conflict within him is there from the start and there's no telling what he will be capable of in the future. He's pathetic, yet dangerous, disturbed yet vulnerable. He's more interesting a villain because of it.

  • @charliebrouun6510
    @charliebrouun65108 жыл бұрын

    da fuck? i had no idea that was leia's purpose -_- thanks Alonso lol. great review as always

  • @TheTonyEntertainment
    @TheTonyEntertainment8 жыл бұрын

    I can already see the honest trailer: Star Wars Episode VII: Finding Luke. But seriously that was it.

  • @blueeyesaf
    @blueeyesaf8 жыл бұрын

    I like their point near the end about the narrow scope of this, obviously I haven't seen it but if it's anything like the originals (which it seems to be, a little too much if we're being honest) then we'll only see military facilities and small backwater planets. And that seems weird to me, it's supposed to be a space western but they have to meet them half way with that idea because the reality is that all the interesting stuff happening on planets nobody's ever heard of and the central planets being untouched is ridiculous. One thing the prequels are good about is showing a variety of places, like the urban metropolis of Coruscant, I don't know about anyone else but I liked seeing a city as interpreted by Star Wars. Sure it was almost all CG but there's no reason why they can't do it again and use a bunch of practical effects. It doesn't have to be Coruscant but show us SOME city. The most populous planet we see in the original trilogy is what, Tatooine? How sad is that?

  • @raqrod1606
    @raqrod16068 жыл бұрын

    Ben actually liked. Mind blown

  • @Robkinggozer


    8 жыл бұрын

    Maybe because a main character shares his first name :p

  • @switchbuckle5th


    8 жыл бұрын

    +Raquel Costa how long until someone accuses Ben of only liking it because of feminism?

  • @xvs8675
    @xvs86758 жыл бұрын

    I don't know why...but I'm really happy Ben enjoyed the movie as much as he did, LOL. XD

  • @Dazbog373
    @Dazbog3738 жыл бұрын

    A lot of major critics are saying it bares comparison with the originals, which is good enough for me. The next two days won't go by fast enough.

  • @DaveNoodles


    8 жыл бұрын

    +DarKool81 It really does. No joke. It's beautifully designed, wonderful effects, great characters, pretty much everything you can hope for in a big cinematic fun popcorn film.

  • @TheBongReyes


    8 жыл бұрын

    Not sure how any Star Wars fan would be disappointed with TFA if JJ Abrams took what made the original trilogy was great. Your comment is on point!!!

  • @isaacsuttle4114
    @isaacsuttle41148 жыл бұрын

    All of my go-to film reviewers have scored this film an 8 or higher. Cannot wait to see it Saturday morning!

  • @JozieLeePro
    @JozieLeePro8 жыл бұрын

    You guys are right on top of it. Can't wait to see it.

  • @sreeck11
    @sreeck118 жыл бұрын

    So much better review than the others I have seen on youtube.

  • @philpottkentucky4802
    @philpottkentucky48028 жыл бұрын

    Amazing. A review of a Star Wars film where Ben doesn't start off saying how much he hates Star Wars.

  • @CannonballZ-rb7jo
    @CannonballZ-rb7jo8 жыл бұрын

    I don't think it's a flaw that everything is smaller. That's the point. In the 30 years since Jedi, the Rebel Alliance has shrunk to this small group called the Resistance, while the Empire has shrunk to a smaller group called the First Order. Much has been destroyed since Jedi, and we see much of the remaining damage. It is all intentional and makes sense. Glad Ben Mankiewicz liked the beginning with Max Von Sydow. Something tells me that Mankiewicz was being reminded of Bergman, which I am guessing is why he liked the beginning so much. Love Von Sydow, and glad he's still around.

  • @TheMagic0214
    @TheMagic02148 жыл бұрын

    I hate the Star Wars films with a passion, along the lines of Ben. I am still excited for this, and Ben's thoughts make me really excited. Also, every film should have Lupita Nyong'o.

  • @NerdFrequency
    @NerdFrequency8 жыл бұрын

    It's great to see Ben and Alonzo enjoyed this movie!!!

  • @jamesjeffreypaul
    @jamesjeffreypaul8 жыл бұрын

    Fun, incisive, informative group review.

  • @spidavenom4
    @spidavenom48 жыл бұрын

    I agree with Matt about the scale. The middle part of the movie did feel pretty small scaled. Including parts of the last lightsaber duel. But it's the 1st of the new trilogy. I feel like they're building the bar.

  • @ManUtdVen
    @ManUtdVen8 жыл бұрын

    We get the pan galactic gargle blasters, Matt, it's not that obscure

  • @ErgoDog
    @ErgoDog6 жыл бұрын

    Star Wars has always felt like a stage play. XD Thank u Ben!

  • @rcordiner
    @rcordiner8 жыл бұрын

    My only tiny criticism would be the discussion in the resistance control room.

  • @robert.donnelly
    @robert.donnelly8 жыл бұрын

    Just back from midnight screening in London (no spoilers) - I liked it, but I can't say that I loved it (yet). There is so much in this film that I'm going to see it again this weekend.

  • @DanielBrown91
    @DanielBrown918 жыл бұрын

    Old Man Mankiewicz isn't paying attention to the screen: "How many new characters did we get introduced to? 2?" "5."

  • @Alpinenewt
    @Alpinenewt8 жыл бұрын

    Hitchhikers reference. Nice.

  • @marikotrue3488
    @marikotrue34888 жыл бұрын

    Saw the movie, but I did not catch the "double-meaning" in the opening line (13:29) of the movie. Going to see this movie multiple times. Thanks for the comprehensive, yet not-spoiling review!

  • @marikotrue3488


    8 жыл бұрын

    True beans. I was just so excited about this movie, that I did not carefully listen to the dialogue until about 10 minutes in. I think it took that long for my brain to catch up with my cardiovascular system. Hence the reason for many more views.

  • @melissakaye1294
    @melissakaye12948 жыл бұрын

    Does Ben Mankiewicz ever actually wash his hair? I doubt my _car_ has that much oil in it.

  • @felicianofrontado3134
    @felicianofrontado31348 жыл бұрын

    Incredible how Ben was fair and balanced with Star Wars.

  • @mamballs24
    @mamballs248 жыл бұрын

    Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster: Effects similar to having your brains smashed in by a slice of lemon wrapped round a large gold brick.

  • @michaelkhawa
    @michaelkhawa8 жыл бұрын

    Great review, guys. I just watched the movie and I agreed 100% with Matt's concerns regarding the film. While I enjoyed it immensely I felt like certain parts were rushed and the characters weren't given more space to breathe and be fleshed out. I feel like characterization was sacrificed for more action scenes. I definitely would have liked to see more of Rey and Finn's back story as well as more perspective into the lives of everyday people in this galaxy they're protecting.

  • @dadabubz2674
    @dadabubz26748 жыл бұрын

    Okay I trust these guys more than anybody else on the tube if they say it's good I can breath a sigh of relief.

  • @patpowers9210
    @patpowers92108 жыл бұрын

    What Matt is sensing is that Force Awakens is backing off from the difficulty and expense of presenting life in a real interstellar empire, with the tremendous wealth and infrastructure it would possess, would be like. Shooting scenes in backwaters is one way of doing that. To my mind, it detracts from the quality of Star Wars if it does that. it's the one place where Star Wars is superior to Star Trek, which never visually approached Star Wars' vision of the wealth and power of an intergalactic empire, even if Star Trek is a much more realistic interstellar empire..

  • @rocknrall
    @rocknrall8 жыл бұрын

    the elephant in the room is the badguys hold no candle vs vader and the emperor. 8/10

  • @AANH-tj5be
    @AANH-tj5be6 жыл бұрын

    The assumption seems to be that for all the things left unexplained that there will be explanations in the next or even subsequent films. I'm not so sure about that. I mean it stands to reason. But I think what really happened here was that yes we were given mystery and intrigue, particularly in Rey's case, but it was really handled quite clumsily. The filmmakers understood the storytelling tropes well enough to implement them, just weren't disciplined enough to leave enough of the proper bread crumbs to lead us to the potential answers to the questions they intentionally raised. That may be a little difficult for some people to understand but I think that's what's at the heart of so much of the negative reaction to the film. They understood all the storytelling and narrative tropes they wanted to invoke...they were just mishandled and poorly executed.

  • @atheistbiker
    @atheistbiker8 жыл бұрын

    Gargle-blaster, best drink in the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

  • @JAContes
    @JAContes8 жыл бұрын

    I have a feeling this will be the first J.J. Abrams movie that I will like. I had my doubts about this for the last year, but the trailers and reviews seem to be legitimate...

  • @cynistale
    @cynistale8 жыл бұрын

    About 60 seconds in and spoilers start, viewer beware. I don't know how in depth it gets as I shut it down as soon as any plot point was discussed.I suggest forwarding to 17:10 like Dustin Tam mentioned.

  • @s3rp
    @s3rp8 жыл бұрын

    Just got back home from watching it ( european ) and its very good. Really captures the spirit of the original and tons of fun.

  • @Danneeal
    @Danneeal8 жыл бұрын

    what happens to jacen solo (darth caeder)?

  • @sophiem6050
    @sophiem60508 жыл бұрын

    I understand why people don't like the prequels but you can't deny that Ewan McGregor fit and acted the role of a young Obi Wan really well. Also Revenge of The Sith was good. The Force Awakens is one of my favourites now :)

  • @dablue55
    @dablue558 жыл бұрын

    When can we watch the review that includes spoilers?

  • @GeekFurious
    @GeekFurious8 жыл бұрын

    Ben's is the only perspective I care about because he doesn't bring any baggage with him to the viewing.

  • @jtrenoweth
    @jtrenoweth8 жыл бұрын

    I wonder what Hitckhikers would say about either the movie or there Universe

  • @Phantoma3
    @Phantoma38 жыл бұрын

    Is there plenty of action scenes?

  • @velvetjuzzy
    @velvetjuzzy8 жыл бұрын

    spolers: did you guys notice that is was luke that took over rey body to fight kylo at th end thats why she kicked ass

  • @huamulan9279
    @huamulan92798 жыл бұрын

    17:03 😂😂😆 Took the words right outta my mouth, Atchity! (Actually, that's how I felt as soon as the movie ended.)

  • @drbrunch
    @drbrunch8 жыл бұрын

    I haven't had this much fun in a movie theater in SO long. Such a good movie.

  • @ExodusPessoa


    8 жыл бұрын

    +drbrunch I agree haven't had this feeling at the movie theater since childhood.

  • @drbrunch


    8 жыл бұрын

    +Exodus Pessoa Yes. I felt like a kid again.

  • @ekhoyt
    @ekhoyt8 жыл бұрын

    8:12 it's like drinking a slice of lemon wrapped around a large gold brick...

  • @MrYoumitube
    @MrYoumitube8 жыл бұрын

    I saw Star Wars for the first time in 1984 After watching "The Force Awaken" I really enjoyed the movie, it brings in a new generation of fans but also keeps old generation happy. My Ranking. 1. Empire Strikes Back (9.6) 2. Return of the Jedi (9.4) 3. Star Wars (9.2) 4. Force Awakens (9.0) 5. Prequels no higher then 7.

  • @chrisjohnson3431


    8 жыл бұрын

    +MrYoumitube Return of the jedi is rubbish.

  • @noble654321
    @noble6543218 жыл бұрын

    i have read the starwars books and comics i was hoping of something along the line of New Jedi Order i hope i can get to see that in next movie

  • @CarSVernon
    @CarSVernon8 жыл бұрын

    apartment living in the capital is covered in the novels.

  • @metabolicraged
    @metabolicraged8 жыл бұрын

    Characters in this are fantastic.... Just as well developed as anybody in the original. And... Not developed enough story? Too much mystery? Too much like A New Hope? Are you for real..... Star Wars fans need to get that original trilogy off of its impossible pedestal. Star Wars fans are impossible to satisfy. This was great.

  • @AANH-tj5be
    @AANH-tj5be6 жыл бұрын

    @ 6:45 Christy Lemire and Ben Mankiewics try and counter Matt Atchity's comment regarding Rey's blank slate and how she just keep pulling things out of a hat. How is that blossoming? What kind of development is that? We're given very, very vague, if not non-existent plot elements or details as to here even having any connection to any of this stuff at all. Other than the blatant, heavy-handed, ham fisted way the filmmakers wanted to make it obvious that she's a "kind of Luke Skywalker like character". In a way, what they chose to do works for Christy and Ben, because of all those Luke Skywalker tropes they ladle in on us, but that's the crutch they put on a leg that hadn't been injured yet. It's so unnecessary to dress Rey up in so many Luke tropes, when whoever she's related to or not related to she should be 100% her own character, without having to so heavily dress her up as being closely related to whomever or whatever else is going on in this first new installment. The filmmakers leapt across a narrative chasm far to quickly and with too much aggrandizement for their lead character. It's a franchise, people, meaning more than one, and of course many more than three or nine, which means...they have much, much more time than they realize to properly develop these characters over properly drawn out arcs for several movies to come. I have a bunch of theories on what they may have intended or wanted to do, but all their mistakes, to me, seem to point to choices in editing and a rush to make sure Rey really stood out as a great good guy and a great character.

  • @byakugan2173
    @byakugan21738 жыл бұрын

    Pan galactic gargle blaster. Great reference not really hard to get though. :D

  • @AANH-tj5be
    @AANH-tj5be6 жыл бұрын

    Okay, one more and I'll leave you guys along; @15:40, Matt says something again that I agree with and that is the casting of some of the first order characters does seem very cartoony or if not the casting then the choice of direction for the execution of their character voices. I mean that "Last day of the republic" speech given by Huxley, I think his name is - is just SO overblown and over the top it took me right out of the movie and I couldn't take him seriously at all. Him or Kylo Ren.

  • @nickstoli
    @nickstoli8 жыл бұрын

    I bet Matt expected the most from the movie and that's why he's the most disappointed.

  • @ihartevil
    @ihartevil8 жыл бұрын

    thx for this ha bisky review you should also review spaceballs when all of this is done just so you can have everything star wars uploaded

  • @anondalorian3719
    @anondalorian37198 жыл бұрын

    General Hux's speech was scary as fuck

  • @crithon
    @crithon8 жыл бұрын

    we need ben, he's a troll but he's actually making a point for the smallest complaint

  • @thedarkpower
    @thedarkpower8 жыл бұрын

    Pangalactic gargleblaster? Hitchikers ;)

  • @earlobama9961
    @earlobama99617 жыл бұрын

    I have a feeling they did this review before they had a chance to let the buttery popcorn buzz wear off. I watched this movie for the second time a little while ago after seeing it in the theatre, and thinking it wasn't so bad. I watched it at home by myself, and without the audience... it fucking sucks. Characters aren't explained and if they are they're so shallow it's painful. Really, You were raised and brainwashed from a young age to be a killing machine for the Empire but as soon as one of your buddies die you're a hero? Give ma F-ing break. This movie would have made a better 1/2 hour cartoon.

  • @amphitheatre
    @amphitheatre8 жыл бұрын

    6/10 probably for me. they sure didn't fuck up and it never felt prequel-y. still, the oh, 2 dozen(?) callbacks to the orig trig felt like a spur in my boot.

  • @locomux
    @locomux8 жыл бұрын

    Captain Phasma was massivaly underused :( But the movie in general is great!

  • @katevand
    @katevand4 жыл бұрын

    5:00 the mystery is they had no idea.

  • @anondalorian3719
    @anondalorian37198 жыл бұрын

    I did have a blast, but in my rankings it's: 1 A New Hope 2 Revenge of the Sith 3 The Empire Strikes Back 4 Return of the Jedi 5 Attack of the Clones 6 The Force Awakens 7 The Phantom Menace

  • @keefriff99
    @keefriff998 жыл бұрын

    There's a difference between Rey "blossoming" and behaving like a fully-trained Jedi. I loved the film, but I found it ridiculous that she'd have any sort of chance against Kylo. Again, she might be extremely Force-sensitive, but that sensitivity still needs to be honed and harnessed through disciplined training. You just don't start kicking ass right off the bat as soon as you get a taste for it.

  • @Curtis006
    @Curtis0068 жыл бұрын

    I would advise people who really don't want to know plot-points to just skip to 2:00 in

  • @LuqaS15
    @LuqaS158 жыл бұрын

    2d vs 3d. Any recommendations? I didn't care for it (to say the least) in all three 3d movies I saw.

  • @robel3786


    8 жыл бұрын

    +White Antelope I watched it in both and I'd recommend to just watch it in the biggest screen you possibly can, if you can get access to IMAX 3D then sure, but if not, then find the biggest screen in 2D and go for it. JJ said when they were building the whole thing from ground-up they didn't focus on 3D, but on the story mainly and doing so in 2D. I believe it was later converted to 3D, I don't remember if thats the case, but I don't have access to IMAX 3D so it didn't look good in 3D for me. ENJOY buddy and don't look at youtube comments or social media until you watch the movie, people are spoiling ALL OVER THE PLACE.

  • @thelixir715


    8 жыл бұрын


  • @anondalorian3719
    @anondalorian37198 жыл бұрын

    One thing was weird is that they all get along right away (the new trio I mean) in the original Star Wars Han, Luke, and Leia don't get along right away, like real adults do. Eventually they become the best of friends in the galaxy, but right away they don't get along. The movie was really rushed everything went by really fast

  • @Cowntsikin
    @Cowntsikin8 жыл бұрын

    they said spoiler-free and then they spoiled the plot less than 2 minutes into the video. good job, guys.

  • @LiberaLib
    @LiberaLib8 жыл бұрын

    Sweet! I've been looking for spoilers and I know I can count on WTF to deliver :D

  • @LiberaLib


    8 жыл бұрын

    Why would I care about spoilers if I was going to kill myself anyway? Most illogical.

  • @Dazbog373


    8 жыл бұрын

    +LiberaLib Okay spock. At least clean the wax out of your pointy ears. They did say they'd try their best but that there may be spoilers.

  • @viktorcaleis


    8 жыл бұрын

    +LiberaLib I watched the movie today. Before watching the movie, I haven't seen any trailer, only the teaser with the title. Why are you even here and watching a review of a movie that you should watch anyway ? even if it's good or bad, you should've been courious about it as a cinefile. If you're not one, I'll ask again, What are you doing here ?

  • @LiberaLib


    8 жыл бұрын

    ok. y'all are dicks. I get it already.

  • @RominaJones


    8 жыл бұрын

    +LiberaLib Ha, ha, I actually don't mind spoilers but will say after watching countless reviews on Star Wars I had no idea the story until Alonso spoke. They gave more info in the first minute than anything I have seen, read or watched thus far from things called "spoiler-free."

  • @goldfish9878
    @goldfish98788 жыл бұрын

    Got the reference, yess..

  • @RandomU5erName
    @RandomU5erName8 жыл бұрын

    seeing it on IMAX on Friday :D

  • @Laughing_Chinaman
    @Laughing_Chinaman8 жыл бұрын

    without spoiling anything, finn is a comic foil for rey, rey is a mary sue and the big bad bad guy isn't scary and brienne of tarth was completely pointless seriously she did nothing and could have easily been replaced by a standard storm trooper i couldn't even tell you if she lives through the movie she is that pointless 6/10. slight spoilers below if the villain was actually built up like Vader i.e ends both movies at a high so that when he falls in the 3rd its actually an accomplishment, but instead he gets his ass kicked by someone how only just woke up to the force a few hours before and it was their first time even holding a light saber.... what the fuck, especially because just before the fight he should have been had a huge power jump because it finally cast off all remains of the light side. but no mary sue is a mary sue and even teaches Han mother fucking Solo how to fly the Millennium Falcon.... fuckers dont know how to write a strong woman without making her a mary sue and ends up killing the movie because showing off her as strong is more important that creating a villain that is an actual threat, they even make him comic relief at one point! could you imagine Vader being the butt of a joke?? FUCK NO

  • @hughtubecube


    8 жыл бұрын

    If Rey is a Mary Sue, then by definition you must accept that Luke and Anakin were 'Mary Sues' in their respective trilogy starters.

  • @Laughing_Chinaman


    8 жыл бұрын

    hughtubecube Luke wasn't he had to be trained by Ben, remember the scene where the balls were flying around shooting at him and he was failing to deflect them. also Han saves him at the start of Empire, he fails to lift the X-wing out of the swamp and Vader beats the snot out of him. Anakin's pod racer failed multiple times and he fixed it mid race thats not the same as Rey pulling off moves in the Falcon the very first time she flew it, the very fact she knows how to fly it is mary sue, Anakin built his pod therefore he knew how it worked, the space battle he had to try out pitching and rolling because it was his first time and then in the space station he stalled and was sitting there for ages trying to get his ship to start up again. everything just falls in Rey's lap and she never fails or struggles at what she is doing. just compare Finn in the gunner seat to Rey effortlessly manuring the Falcon while he is spinning around. Finn even showed his lack of experience when gunning in the TIE fighter

  • @hughtubecube


    8 жыл бұрын

    PitchBlackFox Remember, we can only look at each character's first appearance. In An New Hope Luke came from... what? twenty years of moisture farming? He *outsmarted the Empire* and *infiltrated a Death Star*, freeing their *most valued prisoner*, before he *blew it up* with the one skill people are complaining about in Rey: use of the force. A bratty moisture farmer. And please, he was trained by Ben? I don't think *one minute* of being shot at by a floating ball counts as being 'trained', do you? People say it's *too convenient* that Rey could use the force against Kylo Ren, it's *just as convenient* that Luke could use the force perfectly when it mattered in the trench run. Yeah, right, nothing 'Mary Sue-like' there... Moving on to Anakin, you destroy your own argument: *"Anakin built his pod"*. He built a pod racer *on his own*? A pod which *won a race*? After being at least a *whole lap* behind everyone else? With parts dangling off it *the whole time?* Yeah, he isn't a Mary Sue at all... Let's not forget he also built a *perfectly functioning protocol droid* (C-3PO), fluent in, what is it? "Over *six million* forms of communication". And let's not forget that incident at the end of Ep. I, shall we? When he *accidentally* turns on the autopilot in that ship and *accidentally* destroys that doughnut-shaped space station? Yes, it was accidental, let's not forget the number of 'oops' he exclaimed in that sequence. Yeah, right, nothing 'Mary Sue-like' there... But no, Rey is the only one to have stuff fall in her lap... Sure... Let's look at that too. The common complaint is that she mastered the force too easily. Barring the *fact* that as of yet we still don't have all the information, how many times did she *fail* in that mind trick before it worked? Or how much *a weakened and wounded* Kylo Ren was handing her ass to her at the start of that fight? If you think Rey displays Mary Sue characteristics, then you *must* accept the same for Anakin and Luke. Those who pick at this particular 'hole' in the film are looking for a reason not to like the movie. No more, no less.

  • @Laughing_Chinaman


    8 жыл бұрын

    hughtubecube that was mostly Ben and Han, Luke wasn't leading the way, they were also pinned under fire and had to jump into a garbage shoot and be rescued by R2D2. how did he outsmart the empire? their ship was captured and Han came up with the idea to hide within the ship's guts, using the force to fire a torpedo isn't the same as using it to out fight someone, he merely waited for the time time to pull the trigger thanks to the force and cut dialogue says that Luke was a skilled pilot that's why he wanted to join the empire a year early. "I don't think one minute of being shot at by a floating ball counts as being 'trained', do you?" which is why Vader kicked his ass even after Ben and Yoda trained him, i'm not saying that training made him super powerful i'm saying showing that he needed training shows *he isn't already powerful in the force UNLIKE REY* " People say it's too convenient that Rey could use the force against Kylo Ren, it's just as convenient that Luke could use the force perfectly when it mattered in the trench run. Yeah, right, nothing 'Mary Sue-like' there..." again pulling a trigger and aiming isn't the same as fighting someone, and it already said in the movie he was a good shot that the vent is no larger than a womprat e.g he has b=made shots like that before. Moving on to Anakin, it also said in the movie he has never finished a race and he built C3PO so they have shown he is a good mechanic, how do you know he didn't buya starter kit or built it based on already existing droids, such as the silver one right at the start of the movie. "Over six million forms of communication" like you can't buy software packs, no where in the movie does it say Anakin programmed that into him only that he built it, an already existing model. built =/= invent. space station was accidental had he been trying to blow it up that would be mary sue "But no, Rey is the only one to have stuff fall in her lap... Sure.." i said Luke had to work for it, that he had failures, Anakin was a kid in a kids movie "how many times did she fail in that mind trick before it worked?" 2, wow such failure, ignoring that she also blocked off Kylo's mind assault and read his mind instead "Or how much a weakened and wounded Kylo Ren was handing her ass to her at the start of that fight?" compared to Finn a trained storm trooper, she was losing at the start of the fight and then her mary sue powers engaged and she beat him back effortlessly. Luke only became powerful in the 3rd movie, he had growth, he required training before being able to do anything besides making a shot he himself has done before. go rewatch a new hope, Luke is being dragged around by Ben and Han he isn't taking charge or leading the way and the only time he uses the force is to hit a vent no bigger than a womprat

  • @hughtubecube


    8 жыл бұрын

    PitchBlackFox The exact definition of a 'Mary Sue' is a character who serves as wish-fulfillment for the author of the piece. As if they themselves were the hero. Sort of like if someone named Lucas writes a character called 'Luke' (gosh, doesn't that sound similar!), who has crazy abilities (blowing up death stars at death-defying speed without any technological help to name but one), saves the day, engages in romance (that's the way they were going with Leia in that first film), and proves himself as a warrior. I agree that there are certainly elements of Rey which make her very near to a 'Mary Sue', but your denial that Luke and Anakin were not 'Gary Stu' characters (the male equivalent) is tragic. It's almost as if you're searching for a reason to discredit the new film. Since I've no interest in arguing with someone who quite clearly at this point won't change his opinion like any reasonable person when presented with new and valid evidence to the contrary, I'll bid you good-bye.

  • @65g4
    @65g48 жыл бұрын

    I thinks matts nit picking yeah the film wasn't perfect but it had a real plot going on and character development. I really enjoyed it and thought it was great

  • @benwanejones163
    @benwanejones1638 жыл бұрын

    4:58-5:03 Exactly. It's no fun to just see her swell up to Master Jedi. No journey. Breaks belief. All she gotta do is close her eyes ... try the mind spell three times ... not inconsequential shit. Out-force-grip a trained dude.

  • @DaveNoodles
    @DaveNoodles8 жыл бұрын

    I had a blast. A great time at the cinema. I'll probably go and see it again actually.

    @FIXEDBAYONETS8 жыл бұрын

    I would give Force Awakens a 7/10. 1. Empire Strikes Back 2. Return Of The Jedi 3. Attack Of The Clones 4. A New Hope 5. A Force Awakens 6. Revenge Of The Sith 7. Phantom Menace

  • @chinaskibloodline
    @chinaskibloodline8 жыл бұрын

    I'm going to see it at a Midnight showing, which is just over 3 hours away! I'm going implode if time doesn't stop fucking with me, bending and slowing and relativity-ing me!

  • @gonzaloolguin5980
    @gonzaloolguin59808 жыл бұрын

    as soon as I heard Alonso's voice I felt the spoiler risk. I'll watch this tomorrow night ;)

  • @slawdog8
    @slawdog88 жыл бұрын

    Matt keeping it real

  • @filmonewaldeabsebhat
    @filmonewaldeabsebhat8 жыл бұрын

    saw the movie maximum 6/10 (personally it was a 3/10)

  • @unchartedrocks1
    @unchartedrocks18 жыл бұрын

    What if Stanley Kubrick was giving a past Star Wars film to make? O_o insane!

  • @ronnieenriquez2399
    @ronnieenriquez23998 жыл бұрын

    Is yoda in it

  • @augustovargas8887
    @augustovargas88878 жыл бұрын

    I loved emotionally , objectively it is a remake of A New Hope, it is the same movie.

  • @erikbateson
    @erikbateson8 жыл бұрын

    1. The Empire Strikes Back 2. A New Hope 2. The Force Awakens 4. Return of the Jedi 5. Revenge of the Sith 6. The Phantom Menace 7. Attack of the Clones

  • @gravitytwins1921
    @gravitytwins19218 жыл бұрын

    I think that Rey was lukes daughter and had her memory wiped like Revan in Kotor

  • @steelhamster
    @steelhamster8 жыл бұрын

    HHGTTG reference ftw by Atchitty

  • @tigerbalm666
    @tigerbalm6668 жыл бұрын

    Jar Jar Binks is in a Cameo...