STAR TREK Bruce Greenwood from Ararat, a film by Atom Egoyan available at Blockbuster video

Clarence Ussher Comes Alive
Secondly (and this simply reinforces the first point), "Ararat," though scrupulously fair to the Turkish delusional denialism 'position' and not at all religiously propagandistic, is based almost entirely on the account of the genocide written by an American evangelical missionary doctor! One Dr Clarence Ussher appears prominently in the film: his missionary clinic in the Armenian area of Van in Eastern Turkey provides extensive medical aid and Ussher attempts vainly to convince the fanatical Turkish military authorities not to exterminate the populace. In the credits at the end of the film, the statement is made that the film derives from a book by Dr Ussher.
Ussher's 339-page book, titled, An American Physician in Turkey, published by Houghton Mifflin in 1917, and never reprinted. The Moody copy lacked the frontispiece photographs of Dr Ussher and his wife, but I was able to obtain a reproduction of these from a copy of Ussher's book at the University of Illinois.
Dr Clarence Ussher was, fascinatingly, a descendent of the Bishop Ussher celebrated (or notorious) for his biblical chronology and the dating of the creation at 4004 B.C. Clarence, a believing Episcopalian and licenced medical practitioner of Canadian origin, went to Turkey under the Congregationalist American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. He had previously signed the Student Volunteer declaration, "I am willing and desirous, if God permits, to become a foreign missionary," and he went to Turkey out of a powerful evangelistic desire to bring the gospel to a land benighted by Islamic error. And there he was to recount, as an eyewitness, the horrors of the Turkish extermination of the Armenian Christian community.[1]
The events he recounts are not just moving; they are heartrending. For example, he describes the death of a young Armenian hero, Aram: "I had received word that he was coming, and met him at the operating-room door. He endeavored to reach for my hand, and smiling in my face he said: 'O Doctor, I am so glad I learned to know Jesus and am ready to go. But please, Doctor, let me die quickly.'"
In the final chapter of his book, appropriately titled, "Opportunity," Ussher writes: "They [Turkish Muslims] have had before their eyes unnumbered examples of fortitude and loyalty to Christ. Thousands of Armenians, after struggling footsore and starving along the road to exile for days, whipped along when exhausted, have been taken into Moslem villages and given their choice: 'Now accept Mohammed and you shall have a home and food and clothing and fields and implements and seed and a bonus from the Government-everything you need. Refuse and you shall have not a drop of water.' With hardly an exception these thousands have turned their backs on all thus offered and have gone into the desert to death, rather than deny Christ. So the hearts of the Turks are now open to Christian truth as never before in the history of Mohammedanism."
The "opportunity" of which Ussher spoke, was, of course, the privilege and responsibility of missionising that Muslim land. Let us today be especially vigilant not to allow irrational views of religious indifferentism blunt that evangelistic task, about which Ussher wrote so eloquently three-quarters of a century ago.
genocidio armenia armenian genocide arslan alouettes alondras taviani paolo vittorio Paz Vega Moritz Bleibtreu Rigillo LARK ARMENIAN

Пікірлер: 20

  • @nudder62
    @nudder6216 жыл бұрын

    Clarence Ussher was a medical doctor, a physician who had the Holy Spirit in him. The LARK FARM film stars ARSINEE KHANJIAN and it is a must see.

  • @TheAntranigPasha
    @TheAntranigPasha11 жыл бұрын

    My Grandfather is in this scene!!!!

  • @nudder62
    @nudder6214 жыл бұрын

    I just watched the whole scene-- 2 I think. Wow. I forgot how good the movie is. I think everyone expected an ARMENIAN GENOCIDE movie, and were disappointed by it. For example, even the Armenian man in it (Boghosian) called the Armenian self-defense at Van a "rebellion." The DENIAL FROM TURKEY is so pervasive, it seeps into the Armenian psyche.But, man, what a powerful movie. I wish it gets re-released. It has powerful scenes. I just saw DAVID ALPAY in a different film, probably made in CANADA.

  • @AstarjianBookFan
    @AstarjianBookFan16 жыл бұрын

    Ahh, yes. I agree. And frankly, the USSHER book itself is a gem. Reading it can Christianize an atheist. A great book!

  • @xxl96
    @xxl9610 жыл бұрын

    An amazinfg scene

  • @Gagikangelo
    @Gagikangelo16 жыл бұрын

    This is what turks are denying...these people who witnessed the Armenian Genocide in turkey, have written all about it, and most importantly, most of them are not Armenian...This movie was not shown to the large public, because of turks demanded from NATO countries to restrict the wide public show, because they are afraid of the truth and anger of other nations...Atom Egoyan made a great movie, and thanks for posting this video...

  • @hennypenny247
    @hennypenny24716 жыл бұрын

    I didn't connect the "denial" themes, just thought it was putting a story within a story for reasons unknown. Guess that's why I prefer nonfiction; I don't like the ambiguities of historical fiction. By realistic I mean revealing the "horse nailer" villain, and showing the desperation of the villagers, depending on kids to smuggle messages out to Americans, and also showing how prosperous and well-settled the Armenians had been.

  • @nudder62
    @nudder6215 жыл бұрын

    ***** ha ha Witty comment, LOL (Of course, this was a scene from the movie ARARAT which creatively did show how "in character" that actor was, IRONICALLY being interrupted by a child/grandchild of an Armenian survivor of that policy of race extermination/those very killings!) Eloquent indeed, Thanks Irish JV

  • @TheAntranigPasha
    @TheAntranigPasha11 жыл бұрын

    Hes the guy with the fez at 0:48!

  • @nudder62
    @nudder6216 жыл бұрын

    The defense of Van (called "rebellion" in the movie, sadly) was a last-ditch attempt at avoiding annihilation. The movie falsified it, showing Armenians in the mountainside (a fiction from a Sarky Mouradian film Sons of Sassoun (see on you tube) starring Manuel, which Egoyan 100% for sure saw. VAN men were in dug up trenches around the city, NOT joking in mountains, so the scene was false. Plus, the movie was not about the Genocide. People WANTED it to be, so they hated the film.

  • @nudder62
    @nudder6216 жыл бұрын

    for IRONY (I meant)

  • @hennypenny247
    @hennypenny24716 жыл бұрын

    I've listened to that one. I just didn't like all the needless intrigue between stepsister/mother, the gay son, etc. The best part of the movie was the scene in Van being so realistic.

  • @nudder62
    @nudder6216 жыл бұрын

    The film is much better on VIDEO watched alone, up to 5 times to finally get the meanings. For iony, look up ARMENIAN GENOCIDE JERUSALEM and listen to none other than CHRISTOPHER PLUMMER narrate a 1980's National Geographic video called JERUSALEM with an ARMENIAN GENOCIDE segments! Yes, that is a way to love the film.

  • @nudder62
    @nudder6215 жыл бұрын

    Let me introduce you to a new book: The Armenian Golgotha. It is from the 1920's and written in Armenian, but translated just this year to English. It is one of many first-hand account of the Armenian genocide, a crime much worse than Hitler's since it led to the death of a 4 thousand year old nation, whereas Hitler's led to the birth of a nation, Israel, and millions in reparations and endless news reports. Turkey--in contrast--denies and denies, and BLAMES the VICTIMS. Turkey is a beast liar!.

  • @hennypenny247
    @hennypenny24716 жыл бұрын

    The movie painted a good picture of the awful story, but the plot was so convoluted, having a plot within a plot within a plot . . . I saw it and didn't enjoy the whole experience, would have preferred a documentary.

  • @nudder62
    @nudder6216 жыл бұрын

    Egoyan NEVER said it was a GENOCIDE film: it was a film about the aftermaths of DENIAL, denial of gayness, denial of genocide, denial of adultery, denial of shameful things.

  • @nudder62
    @nudder6216 жыл бұрын

    Egoyan NEVER said it was a GENOCIDE DOCUMETARY film: it was a film about the aftermaths of DENIAL, denial of gayness, denial of genocide, denial of adultery, denial of shameful things. You WANTED a different film. Your 'expectations' were not met. Try the film again.

  • @nudder62
    @nudder6216 жыл бұрын

    Turkey is guilty of GENOCIDE

  • @nudder62
    @nudder6216 жыл бұрын

    Turkey is guilty of GENOCIDE
