Standards for Mathematical Practices student friendly language

One of the changes promoted by the common core state standards in mathematics is the Standards for Mathematical Practices. These practices which are embedded in all math instruction from kindergarten through 12th grade will change the way we teach and assess math instruction and achievement. The SMP represent a real shift in pedagogy. Math content is still the same albeit the pacing and sequencing is different, but the emphasis is with the SMP and how we assess our students. This video will give teachers the strategies for the transition to Academic Language instruction and will promote the student understanding of the SMP. This Academic Language instruction will provide an effective, engaging, learning environment by creating a culture of student success and meeting the needs of all students. Academic Language and the understanding of SMP will provide effective instruction and will empower the students and guarantee student success improving student achievement. Administrators can also use this video to provide staff development to their teachers, helping them with CCSS mathematics instruction and understanding. This video emphasizes the "how to"; "nuts and bolts" of building academic language and SMP instruction for all students. This video will teach strategies to provide opportunities for student and teacher success. Mathematics learning cannot happen if students do not understand the language of school and the SMP. This is important for all students, especially English language learners. All stakeholders; administrators, teachers, and students will benefit from the tips and strategies illustrated in this video. These tips are based on twenty years of experience as a teacher and a principal, the majority of which were with students of color, poverty, and English language learners (ELL). The author/ creator of this video has been influenced by other experts in the field; Phil Daro, David Foster, the mathshell, math design collaborative and the SVMI all of which have great ideas to help teachers provide effective and engaging mathematics instruction. Primary grades teachers through high school teachers can find valuable information in this video and the accompanying web page. SBAC test scores and learning in general will improve with a deep understanding of academic language and the fluency of an academic mathematics culture. This math instruction will help to close the achievement gap in high stakes testing. Building math vocabulary, communicating expectations for a hands on pedagogy, and a culture of inclusive math instruction will provide the keys to reaching students to teach them effectively, improving student understanding, empowering them and raising student achievement. All students will have access and opportunity for extension - the SMP will encourage collaboration, communication, perseverance and deep thinking while modeling with mathematics for every first grade, second grade, third grade, fourth grade, fifth grade, sixth grade, seventh grade, eighth grade, ninth grade, tenth grade, eleventh grade and twelfth grade student.
