Snowflake Shoppe 2023 | Cincinnati Children's

Cincinnati Children’s hosted a Snowflake Shoppe this holiday season. It’s a free toy shop for parents or caregivers of children who are spending the holidays as inpatients.
“The Snowflake Shoppe is an opportunity for our families who have been here for a while to bring some magic to the day to the season in whatever way works for them,” said Eileen Clark, MSM, CCLS, Senior Clinical Director of the Division of Child Life & Integrative Care. “All of the toys that you will see in the Snowflake Shoppe are from donations from our community directly to us and given to the kids.”
Whitney Maddix of Kentucky shopped for her son Winston.
“Unfortunately, I'm here because my sweet kiddo is in the hospital. He's actually in the PICU right now. He has pneumonia and his oxygen levels are a little wonky. So, we're there until we can get those back to normal. And then he'll go back down to the oncology floor because he also has cancer,” said Maddix. “Obviously, we're going to be here for Christmas. And this has just brought joy to my day knowing that this was here. I know it will bring Winston joy as well.”
