Sinusitis Overview and Treatment - Dr. Shawn Allen - Fellowship-trained Sinus Surgeon

This overview of sinusitis is intended to improve your understanding of the sinuses, how they function, what causes sinusitis, and how it can best be treated by a knowledgable sinus surgeon.
Acute sinus infections impact nearly everyone at some point, and chronic sinusitis is estimated to impact 12% or more of adults in the United States. Many impacted patients notice the drain on their quality of life, but their symptoms aren't always classic for sinus disease and can go undiagnosed for years. Studies have shown that surgery is more effective than medications alone, and earlier intervention is much more likely to succeed than significantly delayed intervention. This video might help those concerned about their health decide if evaluation by a sinus expert is needed, and learn more about treatment options that might be recommended for lasting relief.
Medical Disclaimer:
Although I am a medical doctor by profession and a fellowship-trained sinus surgeon, I may not yet be YOUR doctor. All content and information in my videos or that I post online should be viewed as educational and informative without constituting personal medical advice. Should you wish to establish care and receive treatment recommendations based upon your specific needs, then please schedule a visit at, call my office at (713) 791-0700, or visit another qualified healthcare provider in your area.
Virtual consultations are available as well for those patients that cannot attend in-person evaluation in Houston or The Woodlands, Texas.
Thanks for watching, and I hope that going forwards my content proves educational and helpful to those seeking answers for their nose, sinus, and sleep apnea-related problems.
Shawn Allen, MD
+1 (713) 791-0700
My Houston Surgeons - Houston and The Woodlands, Texas
