Short (10 minute) Meditation - Who am I? (by Pathlight Meditations)

Most often, we define ourselves by ‘what’ we are. ‘I am this’ or ‘I am that’. But that ‘shape’ changes as we flow through life. When we finally retire or seriously slow down, we may have achieved a lot or little. However, there is still the question, ‘who am I? ‘Who have I been on my journey?’As we spend time in mindfulness, meditation, or just periods of quietness, we slowly become aware of, or sense another part of us, that has been quietly there in the background. We may sense this most often when, from time to time, we seem to be observing ourselves as slightly separate. If we push the boundaries, we may see that this presence is ‘us’ in a deeper ‘beingness’ that is who we really are. It may be that we will have a knowing that part of us is beyond this timespace. It is because of this experience, even if ever so slight, that many people take their mindfulness meditation as an important part of their ‘self’ discovery. (Meditation by David Prescott, artwork by Jan Prescott).
About These Recordings:
These offerings are unconditional with the hope that people find something that helps them. All recordings are made with a ‘live audience’ in streaming sessions. They begin with reflections intended to offer a fresh perspective on aspects of life. These are then followed by a guided meditation. We invite you share as you like!
About Pathlight Meditations:
These recording are made by Pathlight Meditations, which began to teach meditation-mindfulness in the 1980s after many years exploring whole person development. At that stage, there were few culturally neutral forms of meditation openly available, so they created something practical to fulfill this need in their local community in Perth, Western Australia. They included traditional elements of Intention, Posture, Breathing and Mantra based on experience in India and with different Eastern practices, adapted to be more compatible with diverse personal belief systems.

