Shelly Cashman Word 2019 | Module 1: End of Module Project 1

Shelly Cashman Word 2019 | Module 1: End of Module Project 1 #shellycashman #module1 #eomproject1
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1. You work in the Financial Aid Department of Avery University and are creating a flyer to advertise upcoming financial aid workshops. Begin by making the following changes to the document theme and the theme colors to match other documents from the Financial Aid Department: a. Change the document theme to Office. b. Change the document theme colors to Red.
Change the document theme.
The document should be formatted using the Office theme.
Change the document theme colors.
2. Change the margins to Narrow to fit more content on the page.
Change the margins.
3. Make the picture of the students more eye-catching and suitable for the layout as follows: a. Resize the picture to a height of 2.5". b. Apply the Center Shadow Rectangle picture style. c. Apply the Glow: 5 point; Brown, Accent color 6 Glow picture effect.
Resize a picture.
Apply a picture style.
Apply a picture effect.
4. Draw attention to the flyer's headline paragraph "financial aid workshops" as follows: a. Change the Paragraph Spacing Before to 12 point. b. Change the Paragraph Spacing After to 6 point. c. Change the case to UPPERCASE. d. Change the font size to 28 point.
Change the spacing before a paragraph.
Change the spacing after a paragraph.
Change the font case.
Change the font size.
5. Copy the text "Avery University" from the heading paragraph beginning "Financial Aid Department" at the top of the page, and then paste it in the blank paragraph after the "FINANCIAL AID WORKSHOPS" headline.
Copy and paste text.
6. Bold the date "Monday, November 8" in the paragraph that begins "Monday, November 8…" to use the same formatting as with other dates in the document.
Bold text.
7. Create a bulleted list beginning with the paragraph "Monday, November 8…at 7:00 pm" and ending with the paragraph "Individual meetings…to 4:00 pm" to make the date paragraphs easier to read.
Format paragraphs as a list.
8. Add the words requesting the to the paragraph beginning "The workshops present…" so that it reads "The workshops present guidelines for requesting the following types of financial aid:".
Enter text.
9. Italicize the text "often with interest" in the paragraph beginning "Loans…."
Italicize text.
10. Delete the unnecessary sentence "Jobs are usually available on campus." in the paragraph beginning "Work study…".
Delete text.
11. Emphasize the workshop list from the paragraph beginning "Grants…" to the paragraph beginning "Work study…" as follows: a. Change the font of the text in the workshop list to Trebuchet MS. b. Change the font color of the text in the workshop list to Dark Red, Accent 1, Darker 25% (5th column, 5th row in the Theme Colors palette).
Change the font.
Change the font color.
12. Draw attention to the web address in the paragraph beginning "Complete financial aid guidelines…" as follows to make that information easy to find: a. Remove the hyperlink from the web address "". b. Apply the text effect Orange, Accent 2 (6th column, 1st row in the Outline section of the Text Effects and Typography gallery) to the web address "".
Remove a hyperlink.
Apply a text effect.
13. Format the paragraph beginning "Complete financial aid guidelines…" as follows to make it stand out: a. Center the paragraph. b. Apply the paragraph shading Dark Red, Accent 1, Lighter 80% (5th column, 2nd row in the Theme Colors palette) to the entire paragraph.
Align a paragraph.
Apply paragraph shading.
14. Insert a picture as follows to balance the layout of the page: a. In the blank line at the bottom of the page, insert the file Support_WD19_1a_Graduation.png. b. Resize the picture to a height of 1".
Insert a picture from a file.
Resize a picture.
15. Finish the flyer by adding a page border as follows: a. Select a dotted page border (the second border in the Style list). b. Change the border color to Brown, Accent 5 (9th column, 1st row in the Theme Colors palette). c. Change the width of the border to 1½ point.
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