Shelly Cashman Word 2019 | Module 1: End of Module Project 2

Shelly Cashman Word 2019 | Module 1: End of Module Project 2 #shellycashman #module1 #eomproject2
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1. As a member of the Training Department at Dyna Energy, you are creating a flyer about in-house training sessions on time management. Change the margins to Narrow.
Change the margins.
2. Add a ½-point Blue, Accent 1 page border using the double line style (the seventh border in the Style list).
Add a border.
Change the border width.
Change the border color.
Change the border style.
3. Shade the paragraph below the headline with Turquoise, Accent 3, Darker 25%, and then change the font color to White, Background 1.
Apply paragraph shading.
Change the font color.
The paragraph "In-House Training for Dyna Energy Employees" should be formatted using the White, Background 1 font color.
4. Apply the Perspective Left 3-D Rotation to the time management picture on the right.
Apply a picture effect.
5. Bold the date "Thursday, February 11" in the paragraph below the pictures.
Bold text.
6. Italicize the paragraph containing the text "Silver Spring training room" and then change the spacing after the paragraph to 18 point.
Italicize text.
Change the paragraph spacing.
7. Delete the text "develop practical skills to" in the paragraph "These training sessions…practical skills:".
Delete text.
8. In the same paragraph, accept the suggested spelling change to delete the repeated word.
Accept a spelling change.
9. Number the nine paragraphs before the signature line, beginning with the paragraph "Manage time." and ending with the paragraph "Learn to reward yourself for finishing work."
Format paragraphs as a list.
10. Copy the text "important tasks" from the paragraph before the numbered list, and then paste it before the period in list item 1b ("Set priorities to complete.")
Copy and paste text.
11. Change the font of the signature line to Calibri Light. Change the font size to 16 point, and then center the paragraph.
Change the font.
Change the font size.
Align a paragraph.
12. Edit the document properties to add the text Dyna Energy flyer as the Title property.
Edit the document properties.
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