sensitivity flow with 3 clips

In this video, I was quite frustrated as we were dealing with planes flying low overhead. Lesson learned; we will record indoors next time.
This video gives examples of how we / you could effectively use sensitivity flow drills to help you redirect the energy of your attacker and take advantage of that split second to regain better positioning.
Many arts out there use finger controls. I have learned over the course of life, that finger controls are very useful when your opponent is stronger, younger or takes you by surprise and you need to survive. This is just a demonstration that we explain in much better detail in person during our seminars. I combined the three takes of this video to show reality and frustration. They all differ a bit, which also shows the lack of choreography.
We wore our other t-shirts (Skeletal Arts), but I am choosing to add to the Copkido channel to show the flow of sensitivity and how to redirect an attack
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