Secret to happiness: How to help others & find fulfillment in life // Sadhguru

You want to help other people and go through life with more awareness? You want to be a coach yourself and move forward in an inspiring way to open new doors for yourself and for others? Then let yourself be inspired by the Indian Guru Sadhguru, bestselling author and yogi! In this interview, he talks about human intelligence, life experiences, and how you can find more profundity. Be sure to watch!
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In the interview Sadhguru talks about profundity and reveals, "I don't have a separation between my life and my work, I only have life. You also don't have anything other than your life. The only thing you have is life, the rest is just imagination." He explains how you can find profundity and open new doors - because life always opens new doors and shows you which steps you should take.
In addition, Sadhguru answers the following questions in the interview:
-Who are we when we are more than our bodies?
-How can we save our nature and human future?
-What are the three things we need to be active in?
-What is the best advice to give to people who in turn help people develop their own potential?
He explains, "The only two kinds of suffering known to man are physical suffering and spiritual suffering. Only when there is no fear of suffering will you go into your life with full drive. Otherwise, every step is only half a step."
In the interview Sadhguru also explains, "Attention can open any door if it is intense enough and can be sustained. There is no door in the universe that can not be opened. The best thing is that human can be an inspiring human being. Being an inspiring person means that ten people around you strive to be like you. The others must see you as an idol."
Want to find fulfillment in life and learn more about the Guru's profound thoughts? Want to inspire others while learning how yoga can help? Then you can't miss the video with Sadhguru. We hope you enjoy it!
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