Saturnastra Karina - Lesson 6 Part 3 On Hoarding


Karina’s brother Marduke is the new King of Veragerung. With a new monarchy comes new responsibilities. During this time of transition, Karina was given the important task of teaching the new laws to Marduke’s citizens.
Karina has no teaching experience, and she feels that this new teaching position is just busywork. It isn’t the first time that Marduke has given his siblings a pointless task, designed to keep them out of the way.
In order to prove herself to her brother, Karina wants to become the best law teacher. Follow along with Karina’s misadventures, while she struggles to teach her students, while trying not to disappoint her older brother.
#letsread #satrunastra #marduke #audiobook
Lesson 6 Part 3 On Hoarding
“Not funny,” said Letholdus.
“To you, perhaps, but do you really need a piano?” asked Karina.
“Not really. I used to play piano when I was wee small, and I thought that maybe I wanted to pick it up again, and it is such a great deal, I could not pass it up. Can you believe this quality piano is only worth 120 gold coins?” asked Letholdus.
“There must be a catch,” said Karina.
“Maybe somebody was murdered on it, I don’t care. Worst case scenario, the exorcism is a lot cheaper than paying for this piano at wholesale price,” explained Letholdus.
Karina shaking her head sadly, helped Letholdus put the piano away. Eventually, she caught up to the rest of the students and they were able to return home. Slowly, one by one, Karina sent them back by whacking them on the head with the skull. Letholdus was the last fellow. He said to Karina, “Before we return, I wanted to ask you the real reason why that fellow got exiled?”
“Sure, why not,” said Karina, “For the last two decades or so, Marduke has been seeing that fellow arguing with people. Sure, he could have a normal conversation like a normal fellow, but that man has a way of making you feel like you are utterly insignificant. That in it of itself is no big deal, but last year, he was like super mean to one of the apprentices. The fellow almost killed himself because of what that man said. Since Gale’s little problem was starting to cause mental distress, his behavior was labeled public humiliation, which is considered a type of torture. Since torture is now illegal in Veragerung, he got himself exiled. The neighborhood is much quieter now, and all the people unfortunately to have dealt with him are quite happy, and at peace with his absence. If there is one thing that my brother values more than anything, is peace and quiet.”
“I see, but it is impossible to avoid any type of verbal confrontation forever,” retorted Letholdus.
“Sure, but it is possible to try to avoid it as much as possible.
“Because it illustrates just how serious we are about something. In our home, we do a double step. Here, it is the double stamp. It shows that we will not go back on our word,” said Karina.
After saying this, Karina smacked Letholdus on the head with the skull. They were soon back at the classroom. Babysel had rummaged through their bags, but nothing had been stolen. He was a bit of a bored gossiper. He surmised that several of the fellows had diaries. In the store, a lot of young fellows bought notebooks for diary purposes. Marduke had encouraged the fellows to write about their lives, and when the books were done, he would add their lives into the history books, if they did anything awe inspiring.
Some of the would-be soldiers had plenty of tall tales, inflating what they had supposedly done. Others had taken a bit more of a serious approach to that nonsense. As far as Marduke was concerned, there was not a fellow alive whose story did not deserve to be told. Since there were not enough Observers to cover the lives of all the sweet, kind people of Veragerung, Marduke had offered them this chance to submit information about themselves. The Judges with a strong Truth curse would act as editors, removing any information that was not remotely tied to reality. Still, even when a person lies, the lie tells plenty about the individual. If anything, lies are often some food for thought.
Karina returned home to find her brother playing with the baby. Zibanu, the headmaster of the army’s magic school, was also there was well. His face was like that of a gentle maiden, with long silver blonde hair, and honey colored eyes. His former delicate figure had become more masculine thanks to the new training regime. Beneath the Libra Tower, they had found a Sleeper Primordial Elf. These elves might be considered immortal. Whenever their bodies grew weak, they returned to the soil, and popped up every couple of millennials. During the early days of Saturnastra, when the planet was young, 1000 of them had been enlisted to spread the teachings of magic. Over centuries, they wandered about, and “died”. As such, it was impossible to know where all of them were buried.

