Salah Jattari vs. Imran Amadou


TFA Lokeren vs. Omar Gym
Get ready for a high-octane battle between Salah Jattari and Imran Amadou at "Fight Beyond Limits." This exhilarating bout features TFA Lokeren's Salah Jattari taking on Omar Gym's Imran Amadou in a thrilling clash of strength and strategy at -67kg.
Both fighters demonstrated remarkable skill and determination, delivering fireworks! The intense exchanges and tactical maneuvers showcased the best of what both competitors brought to the ring.
Watch now to experience the electrifying action from this unforgettable fight and see who emerged victorious in this epic showdown!
#Kickboxing #FightBeyondLimits #SalahJattari #ImranAmadou #TFALokeren #OmarGym #FightNight #CombatSports

