Saki Okuda One-Piece Navy-Lime Swimsuit Body Stepping Fun High School Indoor Swimming Pool Scene

Saki Okuda (奥田咲) wearing her dark navy bathing suit with the lime color as she's one of the girls in the summers, the beaches, the pools and the games but her clothes, shirts and shorts, jumpsuits, jeans, pants, ponchos, belts, shoes, skirts, coats, boots, dresses, gowns, vests, uniforms, sashes, beach skirts, beach towels, beach hats, beach jackets, scarfs, stockings, pajamas, towels, robes, cloaks, wetsuits, gloves, tracksuits, diving suits, ski suits and bikinis is all taking away and destroyed by the boys and the amateurs from the neighborhood as she's watching her students in swimming the pool of the high school after her students finished the dinners in the canteen when the students finished the maths in the classroom but her bag, phones and spare clothes in her locker was stealing away from her to feeding the lions and the tigers in the zoo with the mustard spreading her stuffs by the teachers and she's going to her home in her swimsuit after her students finished the swimming lessons in the pool when she's stepping the waters of the swimming floors but the teachers spraying her in her swimsuit away from her house to landing the beach's ocean with the hoses of the high-pressure cold waters and the teachers destroy her house with the hoses as the teachers are really the workers in disguises for whole times during her teaching works but she's homeless trainer because of the boss's order as she's going to the hotel to sneaking in with the laundry trolley and the workers taking the laundry trolley to the guestrooms of the top floor as she's emerge the laundry trolley and she's going to the guestroom for staying in place as she's going to the bedroom for the night for the competition game tomorrow as she's didn't need her clothes anymore for her choice to win the golden medals, diamond tiara and the priceless trophy after the competition game finished to become new queen of the female players, contestants, champions and competitors in the one-piece swimsuits of the World's Famous Games and she's working with the model company.
