Nao Mizuki One-Piece Blue Swimsuit Body Cold Forwarded-and-Backwarded Rinsing Showering Room Scene

Nao Mizuki (水城奈緒) wearing her blue bathing suit as she's one of the girls in the summers, the beaches, the pools and the games but her clothes, shirts and shorts, jumpsuits, jeans, pants, jackets, belts, shoes, skirts, coats, boots, dresses, gowns, vests, uniforms, sashes, beach skirts, beach towels, beach hats, beach jackets, scarfs, stockings, pajamas, towels, robes, cloaks, wetsuits, gloves, tracksuits, diving suits, ski suits and bikinis is all taking away and destroyed by the boys and the amateurs from the neighborhood as she's washing herself up with the rinses in the showering place of her living house's bathroom after she's finished her swimming exploration in the underwater bottom of the beach's ocean with her waterproof video recording cameras when she's win the prizes in the beach contest but her summer clothes is destroyed by the gorilla on the beach and the people are running away from the gorilla's tracks as the female lifeguards in the one-piece red swimsuits (except the shirts and shorts, jackets and pants was stealing away from the girls to feeding the lions and the tigers in the zoo with the mustard spreading the girls' stuffs by the hooligans) are going to call the emergency services for the helps as the male SWAT Teams alongside with more reinforcements and the zookeepers are arrived in time for capturing the gorilla as the zookeepers dressing the SWAT Teams up with the banana costumes to luring the gorilla away from the beach to the gigantic cage to trap the gorilla during the animal trapping missions as the zookeepers taking the gorilla back to the zoo for the animal care thank to the hooligans' plans for stealing the one of the gorillas in the zoo to release the gorilla in the beach to destroy her summer clothes with the muscles because of the hooligans painting her summer clothes with the banana paints before the gorilla's coming to her stuffs for me reasons as the hooligans arrived at the beach alongside with the big crate of real gorilla for distracting the people and she's going to her home in her swimsuit to the showering place of the bathroom for her cleaning times and the showers spraying to pop her house out to more rinsing her in her swimsuit away from her house to back to the beach in late night with the high-pressure cold waters as her house is started to collapse to falldown thank to the tanks of the high-pressure cold waters is belong to the boss and the workers for the business without the warning but she's homeless trainer because of the boss's order as she's going to the hotel to sneaking in with the laundry trolley and the workers taking the laundry trolley to the guestrooms of the top floor as she's emerge the laundry trolley and she's going to the guestroom for staying in place as she's going to the bedroom for the night for the competition game tomorrow as she's didn't need her clothes anymore for her choice to win the golden medals, diamond tiara and the priceless trophy after the competition game finished to become new queen of the female players, contestants, champions and competitors in the one-piece swimsuits of the World's Famous Games and she's working with the model company.
