Sacred Maya Retreat - Discover Traditional Maya Wisdom of the Zenith Sun

Don’t miss this unique opportunity to experience the energetic portal opened by the Zenith Sun in the land of the ancestral Maya!
We invite you to embark on a unique experience of spiritual transformation that will change your life and help you explore your Inner Universe in connection with portals and powerful energy centers of the Earth.
This is a 7-day retreat that will take place on the sacred land of the Itza Maya People in Peten, Guatemala. It will take place in resonance with the Zenith Passage of the Sun, which will occur during those days, in connection with the energies of the Sacred Cholq'ij Calendar. This event is of utmost importance for the Maya Cosmovision, being the most powerful and energetic event of the year.
Through the guidance of Traditional Mayan Wisdom Keepers, you will visit powerful ancestral cities and work with different rituals and traditional spiritual practices, such as Sacred Fire Ceremonies, Cacao Medicine Ceremonies, Ancestral Connection Rituals, Harmonizations and Sound Healings, Meditations, Power Walks, Mayan Water Ribirth Ceremony and much more. You will discover the powerful wisdom of the Cholq'ij (Sacred Mayan Calendar) and the energies that compose it, as well as learning about your own personal energy, which will allow you to unveil your path and your life purpose. And most importantly, you will have the unique opportunity to do a traditional empowerment Ritual with the Zenithal Sun, in the Sacred City of Tikal. This Ritual is one of the most important for the Mayas, since on this date, the Sun brings to the Earth, the highest amount of energy of the year. You can't miss it!
Andy and Denise, who will guide this journey, are both Ajq'ijab' (Maya Wisdom Keepers), and they will be with the group throughout the journey to accompany the processes each person is working with and to share what they have learned in their own personal paths, which they have been walking for over twenty years. We will also have the participation of Elders of the Mayan Tradition, and the last Guardian of the Itza Lineage.
​If you want to learn more about the power that the Passing of the Sun through the Zenith brings to our world, don't miss this unique retreat! Let us walk together in this powerful journey and allow the light and energy of the Sun as it passes through the Zenith to empower us.
You can find out more about our retreat a
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We are waiting for you!
Denise and Andy.
