Russia is already in the atmosphere of its defeat. Address by the President 14.10.2022

This day is passing - October 14, our holiday. The holiday of all defenders of Ukraine, the Feast of the Patronage of the Most Holy Mother of God. Day of the Cossacks.
I want to thank now all our people who today congratulated each other, who congratulated our military, all our soldiers. I want to thank everyone who spent this day, like many others, in battle and on guard duty.
And I would like to thank everyone who today, quietly, silently, even in their hearts, but together with the whole country celebrated the Day of Defenders of Ukraine, being in the temporarily occupied territory or forcibly in the territory of Russia.
Ukraine remembers everyone. We will leave no one and nothing Ukrainian to the enemy. Let's liberate all ours. We will return everything that is rightfully ours.
Ukraine is moving forward!

