Royal Palace of Eight Heavens

History of Hasht Behesht Palace in Isfahan
Isfahan is indebted to the Safavid era and its kings. Shah Abbas, the first king of the Safavid dynasty, chose Isfahan as the capital. One of his decisions to make Isfahan a city worthy of his empire was to build a long street called Chahar Bagh and to create gardens in it. None of these gardens have remained except the Forty Seton Garden and Hasht Behesht Garden. The word Hasht Behesht in Persian means the entrance to heaven. Hasht Behesht Palace was built in 1669 and was called "the most beautiful palace in the world" for a long time. In 1343, this garden was presented to the Ministry of Culture and Arts of Iran. It is interesting to know that some historians believe that the reason for the construction of this mansion was the creation of a harem for the residence of King Sugli, and hence they named this palace as Hasht Behesht.
During the Qajar period, this garden was given to the first lady named Iftikhar al-Doulah with the condition of not changing the architecture of the building, but later after her death, this garden was inherited by the heirs and underwent many changes. Finally, in 1343, that garden came under the supervision of the Ministry of Culture and Arts and became a park. At the same time, the Department of Archeology asked Iranian and Italian architects and architects for help to revive the beautiful decorations buried under the Qajar period plasterwork.
Also, this palace was so glorious that its name appears in the book of travelers and the poems of many poets such as Mirza Mohammad Tahir Nasrabadi. What you see today from Hasht Behesht Palace in Isfahan is a building that undergoes changes during different eras. However, it is one of the most beautiful palaces in Iran.
Architecture of Hasht Behesht Palace, Isfahan
In the middle of the bulbul garden, which itself was a part of Isfahan's panoramic garden, a two-story tall mansion has been built. This mansion was built at a distance of 2 meters from the ground on Tabrizi marble stones with a height of 30 meters to give its guests a better view of the garden. You can enter the porches of the mansion through the two stairs on both sides of the building. There are porches with tall wooden columns that are decorated with eye-catching plasterwork. The central part of the palace was built in four phases and its porch faces north. The ceiling is covered with magnificent stucco, which is called Moghrans in Farsi. The rooms on the first floor are decorated with paintings in the four corners of the building. On the second floor of the mansion, several porches, rooms, arches and windows have added to its beauty. This floor is divided into corridors and cells, each of which has special decorations. Some of these rooms have water fountains and wall heaters. The walls are also covered with many mirrors.
If you raise your head, you will be amazed by the mosaic work and the moqrans on the porch ceiling. Ceilings that are decorated with special artistry with mirrors and glasswork, as well as paintings and goldwork. It is not bad to take a closer look at the paintings of the mansion. In this mansion, there are two panels depicting Fath Ali Shah on the throne with his children.
This building has unity and integrity and beautiful decorations in the same diversity and abundance of space. Unfortunately, today there is no trace of wooden fences, crystal frames, crystal glass holders, and delicate colored glass, because many changes have occurred in the post-Safavi era, especially in the Qajar period. The magnificent tiling of Hasht Behesht Palace includes various paintings of birds, reptiles and hunters. This mansion has four different facades, which are all unique despite their similarities.
