Rostov Kremlin (Yaroslavl Oblast)

Rostov Kremlin in the Yaroslavl region: You will see the snow-white walls and towers of the Kremlin and immerse yourself in the atmosphere of antiquity and grandeur. In the second part of the video, we will go into the ancient Assumption Cathedral and see how restoration work is carried out on icons and frescoes.
Our video walk through the Rostov Kremlin is a great way to see this amazing place with your own eyes, even if you are thousands of kilometers away.
00:05 Exterior view of the Kremlin walls
00:50 Courtyard
04:55 Metropolitan Garden
08:08 Cafe in an ancient building on the territory of the Kremlin
08:30 Cathedral Square
09:10 Inside the Assumption Cathedral and restoration of frescoes and icons
#Rostov the Great #Rostov Kremlin
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