Romania Highlights - Curtea de Arges Monastery, a place of legend and faith

Book online the Real Dracula small group tour from Bucharest and visit Curtea de Arges Monastery:
Curtea de Arges Monastery is one of the most important Orthodox worship places in Romania, considered an truly architectural masterpiece.
The legend has it that the ruler of Wallachia hired the greatest masters to build this church. The only problem is that everything they used to build during day, it fell apart during night. But one night, Manole, one of the main architects, had a dream, showing him the way to finish the construction. They had to build in one of the walls the first person who was coming the next day to them. Unfortunately, his wife, Ana was the one who came that day to bring him food so Manole had to build her in the South wall.
At the end of the construction, the ruler of Wallachia was impressed by the beauty of the church. He then ordered his servants to take the stairs that leaded to the roof so that the masters could not come down and build a more beautiful church. Given the situation, Manole made some sieve wings to fly and he escaped from the roof, but he crushed. Legend has it that a spring appeared, representing Manole’s tears, on the place where he reached the ground. The spring actually exists next to the monastery.
Inside the church, there can be seen the graves of the Royal family of Romania: Kings Carol I and Ferdinand together with their wives, Queens Elisabeth and Mary. Outside the Orthodox Church, in the Chapels, one can see the graves of King Carol II, the third king of Romania and Queen Ana, the last queen of Romania.
Curtea de Arges Monastery is located in Curtea de Arges town and it can be reached by train or by car either from Bucharest or from Pitesti.
If you want to visit the monastery you can also book a small group day tour from Bucharest that includes a visit here.
Book online the Real Dracula small group tour from Bucharest and visit Curtea de Arges Monastery:
