Road to All Platinum Medals in Time Attack (Progress as of 6/13/2024)

This is the most runs I have done on a Ring Racers progress video so far. Will I keep this pace up for future videos? Dunno, but making a dent like this is very nice indeed.
My next progress video will be focused on ice levels. Unlike the underwater video, I do not think I will be pleasantly surprised. Sure, forcing myself to do something I would probably dislike is a bad idea, but I gotta get these levels dealt with eventually. I don't want my last progress video to be a complete slog.
Anyways, timestamps are below as per usual. I will also be including what cups I have finished at the very end of this description.
0:00 Silvercloud Island (Tikal)
This used to be my favorite vanilla map in Srb2k for the longest time (Volcanic Valley eventually took that title).
How does it fair in Ring Racers? I think it's great. The developers did this map justice.
1:48 Obsidian Oasis (Mighty)
This map is nice. It is a little annoying trying to land on that lily pad, but it has a good flow to it on Gear 3. Gear 2 however... I'm still getting used to.
3:33 Hill Top (Bark)
Can't really say if this version of Hill Top is better. I think I like both variations equally.
5:40 Carnival Night (Amy)
7:35 Virtual Highway (Egg Robo)
Not much you could do here, but I love the vibe of this place. The ice is a bit tiresome though, I will admit that.
9:31 Lake Margorite (Motobug)
Think I like this version less. I can't really explain why off the top of my head. The map is fine, just a little... meh.
11:34 Sub-Zero Peak (Amy)
I like this map a lot but that boost pad near the end has ended so many runs due to it being on an incline. You can jump over it if you aren't careful.
13:41 Mirage Saloon (Amy)
This map looks nice. I don't really like playing it much on time attack, but I do respect the detail.
15:48 Fae Falls (Wonder Boy)
Map looks stunning, but yet again, there ain't much to do here. I think that underwater video spoiled me lol.
17:47 Roasted Ruins (NiGHTS)
This is my new favorite map. I can actively mess around and weave like a manic will still moving at an optimal pace. It is so stupid, yet I love it lol.
19:32 Mega Collision Chaos (Pulseman)
Chill map. Nothing to write home about, I just like it.
Collision Chaos Good Future is ear candy btw.
21:27 Dragonspire Sewer 2 (Billy Hatcher)
Billy is back for more sewer diving. It's a fine map, but the music isn't. That song playing in the bg is going off.
I do like this one more than Dragonspire Sewer 1
23:03 Zoned City (Ray)
Never liked this map. The sliptide mechanic does soften my feelings towards it, but ehhhh.
24:50 Wavecrash Dimension 1 (AiAi)
Running outta things to say lol. Fine map, no issues here.
26:58 Barren Badlands (Tails)
Stair Physics.
Cups Completed:
Barrier Cup
Extra Cup
Lightning Cup
Super Cup
Swap Cup
Still so much left to do-
