Riots Mordekaiser mistakes


Leagues MSI 2024 patch is here and what are they doing!
#leagueoflegends #lolesports #riotgames

Пікірлер: 42

  • @npat8209
    @npat8209Ай бұрын

    ok, so qss no longer work on morde ult. I don´t play morde, and I don´t play adc, i have some bias, but i will try to be the most objective possible. morde ult is a game changer, like you said in the video, morde ults the feed enemy, makes time for his team to win, there is little to no counterplay when morde clicks you and makes you banish for 7sec. qss is an item, probably the worst item in the game, 1300gold to nulify 2 ults (morde and malza). I think that this change could have been handled better if instead of saying "hey qss dont longer works on morde ult" they instead remove or rework qss. because lets face it, qss is a gimmick item that you see one in a houndred games, and if you buy it to counter morde, he can simply ult another feed teammate (in soloq more than one person is feed per team), and you just throw 1300g out the window. yes if morde ults you, you probably die, he statscheck you, why he does that? because he steals your stats. i think morde ult should be more like iso´s ult from valorant, where he calls a 1v1 but both players heal up to max hp, and they have a second to react before the duel. and in the video you said something about tenacity for morgana, yeah if you build tenacity morgana´s players wont feel good, like every champ that have longs cc. instead qss only works in 2 cases, 1)morde ults you, 2)malza ults you. so its not the same League is a complex game, a thousand variants happen every game, so no game is equal to another, in one game morde ults the adc, and that wins the teamfight for his team, in other he ults the adc, dies in 3 sec and nothing more happens. I like this change, i dont like the way it was handed pd. sorry if bad english, and if you want im down to keep talking about this :p

  • @Rewleague


    Ай бұрын

    was perfect English! and most unbiased comment! a lot of people just ignored qss is 1300g and trash that's a HUGE TAX to counter and I like the valorant ult example something needs to change and just removing qss isn't the answer

  • @Infillet3014
    @Infillet3014Ай бұрын

    as a mord it feels really bad when they have qss, the ultimate is what made me play mordekaiser, it being negated by qss feels baaaad

  • @Rokusu


    Ай бұрын

    you still forced them to invest a full item slot and price into a situational item, something that is horrible as adc's since they already need alot more to work with to be useful, morde is an extremely simple champion, so he shouldn't be rewarded too heavily when his skill ceiling is near non existant

  • @Infillet3014
    @Infillet3014Ай бұрын

    the ultimate getting negated by one item doesn't feel good ngl, I do see where people are coming from but i think riot can just reduce mords numbers if it becomes too op, plus spellshields can be bought

  • @Rewleague


    Ай бұрын

    reasonable, I do think they will reduce his numbers. Then I guess it depends if people are happy with slightly weaker stats but a much better ult

  • @RaptureSR
    @RaptureSRАй бұрын

    QSS is a problematic item, and it really always has been. The balance isn't the problem, it's the functional destruction of a handful of champion's gameplay mechanics. You lose basically the most important and impactful skill in your kit from the point the item is purchased onward. There is functionally no counterplay for the Morde at that point, and his ult is just gone/useless for the rest of the game. It feels like shit when you're playing him. If they get rid of these interactions, they can still balance the champs around the CC or mechanic being functionally unbreakable. If not being able to break his ult with QSS, I'd rather see Morde weakened a bit to compensate than having his ult be totally invalidated by a single mid-level item purchase. These changes don't have to exist in a vacuum.

  • @Rewleague


    Ай бұрын

    but qss on 5 champs is 6k, a 6k tax is insane a bit like ornn items. You directly don't feel the impact but your making it happen. I think the ult needs reworking maybe if you dodge 2 abilities in his ult you escape? A big issue is you can just take the hyper carry out a fight for 7 seconds which is so strong

  • @RaptureSR


    Ай бұрын

    @@Rewleague You don't buy QSS on 5 champs, you just buy it on the 1-2 champs Morde would want to ult every fight.

  • @jetstreamsam4735
    @jetstreamsam4735Ай бұрын

    *Inmobile juggernaut gets buffed Everyone: "Oh no he too op" Seriously tho, IT NOT THAT HARD TO BEAT MORD. Things like olaf, vayne, fiora and even darius exist, just force a 1v1 early before his first item and he's basically useless for the rest of the game except trynna ult one of ur fed teammates. And even by doing that, he's still getting clapped there and the fed mf just cleans the whole fight Too bad yall always feed mord and ur teams is always trolling cuz emerald- shit

  • @Rewleague


    Ай бұрын

    just pick hard counters could be said for any champ. Haven't acknowledged any of the points but its ok

  • @jetstreamsam4735


    Ай бұрын

    @@Rewleague i gotta keep in mind u have to know how to play the champ at least a little tho, u cant just first time fiora or vayne just to counter someone without knowing how to play against them (once picked vayne top vs darius and lost anyway btw

  • @manuelciancarella7152
    @manuelciancarella7152Ай бұрын

    1) idk if its your adc brain bias or just spreading misinformation but morde is a 50.64 wr not 52.8 2) Mordekaiser's damage is insanely lobsided 80% oh his damage is in his Q and most champions such as ADC's have at least a dash if not a massive movement speed buff a flash or all 3 3) Walls you can jump over a wall and Mordekaiser cannot do anything about it

  • @Rewleague


    Ай бұрын

    100% could be bias, when im playing top i dont fear mordekaiser its just the champs i play struggle vs him. He builds rylais and Q is quite easy to hit. Xayah jinx aphelios twitch jhin etc dont have a dash and movement negated by rylais. 52.8 emerald+ where its relevant How many champs can go over walls? Talon kayn etc not many Think youve spread more misinformation than me

  • @Rewleague


    Ай бұрын

    Ah youre a morde player so interesting you’ve accused me of bias

  • @idkwudIdone


    Ай бұрын

    ​@@Rewleague1. Those adc all have 1-2s cc 2. Champs that dont have dash are less than those that have + most pp bring flash 3. HOURGLASS

  • @idkwudIdone


    Ай бұрын

    B4 u say anything about bias i play pantheon and jhin and i dont even buy qss into mord cuz sidestep his Q kinda ez

  • @idkwudIdone


    Ай бұрын

    I dont think mord R count as cc so that why rito remove that interaction
