🍃🍃🍃 Relax Sleep Sound 🎶🎶🎶The sounds of the Autumn Forest🍃🍃🍃

#放鬆睡眠音樂 - 大自然號角
#Relax Sleep Sound - Hone of Nature
Relax Sleep Sound 🎶🎶🎶The sounds of the Autumn Forest🍃🍃🍃
Before listening to the sound, please learn the knowledge of earth science:
Trees fall in fall because temperatures drop and the hours of sunshine decrease. In autumn, trees sense the change in their environment and produce less leafy greens. Chlorophyll is the pigment in green leaves that absorbs sunlight and converts it into light. As temperatures drop and sunlight hours decrease, the trees stop photocoalescing, the nitrogen molecules continue to break down, and the tree's roots dry out again. This process is called shedding. After the leaves are gone, the leaves lose their green color and other pigments are exposed. It is a protective system provided by the lost tree that will help you survive the cold winter.
If you like the Autumn Forest, then you must like the sounds of the Autumn Forest created by me. This sound will help you relieve stress and improve your sleep quality. Now please close your eyes, listen carefully to the sounds of nature, and imagine yourself in the Autumn Forest

