Regional Perspectives from Western European and Other States on the UN PoA and the Arms Trade Treaty

Ahead of the 4th Review Conference of the UN Programme of Action on Small Arms and Light Weapons (PoA) and the 10th Conference of State Parties to the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT), this discussion provided an opportunity to hear from experts about the latest research and trends on gender-responsive arms control.
The event, co-hosted with the Small Arms Survey, also served as a forum for sharing best practices from the Western European and Others Group, as well as ideas for action to sustain momentum and ensure that gender-related topics remain a priority in multilateral arms control discussions.
Importantly, the event provided a platform to discuss the effective integration of gender-responsive actions into national arms control policies, legal frameworks, programmes and national action plans.
This event formed part of UNIDIR’s 2024 Regional Briefing Series on Gender in the UN PoA and ATT.
Opening Remarks:
• Mark Downes, Director of Small Arms Survey
Expert Presentations:
• Hana Salama, Researcher, UNIDIR
• Callum Watson, Gender Coordinator, Small Arms Survey
Panel discussion, moderated by Dr. Renata Hessmann Dalaqua, Head of the Gender and Disarmament Programme, UNIDIR, with:
• Hine-Wai Loose, Interim Director, Control Arms
• Pilar Masegosa, Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Spain to the United Nations in Geneva
• David Müller, Legal Officer, Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs
Where and When: 4 June 2024, 15:00-16:45 CEST, online.
📘 Event listing:
🙎🏾‍♀️ Our Gender & Disarmament Programme:
🌐 The UN Institute for Disarmament Research:

