Red Dragon Archfiend Burning through Master Duel - Season 29


I got to Diamond 3 pretty quick this month, by the 10th I was in the middle of 3. Might be able to get to Master this month but depends on the events and my Main account. Made a few tweaks and have posted the deck list below and in the video. Let me know if you have any suggestions, always open to remarks and criticism.
I will try to post the line when I have time to write them down but till then watch ‪@DarkArmedDuelist‬ he has some great demonstrations of the combo lines but I think ‪@LightDragon-DuelEnjoyer9990‬ has the best demonstrations of how to play it in Master Duel. I learned a ton watching him especially the main combo to go into supernova. I have a few differences between the decks but mostly the same as what everyone plays. I picked up a new line but need to practice it. Then will try to post them all.
#ygo #deck #list #top #rank #how #to #play #masterduel #profile #yugioh #masterduel #visser5 #reddragonarchfiend
Feel free to follow me in the game
Visser5 ID: 356-300-392 or my alt at
Visser6 ID: 498-354-289
Deck list:
1x Effect Veiler
2x Synkron Resonator
3x Maxx C
1x Crimson Resonator
2x Vision Resonator
2x Ash blossom
3x Soul Resonator
1x Skull Meister
1x Wandering King Wildwind
1x Obsessive Uvualooop
3x Bone Archfiend
2x Earthbound Prisoner Stone Sweeper
1x Bystial Magnamhut
1x Bystial Saronir
1x Bystial Druiswurm
1x Bystial Lubellion
1x Nibiru, The Primal Being
1x Harpie's Feather Duster
1x Foolish Burial
3x Resonator Call
1x Triple Tactics Talent
1x Branded Regained
3x Crimson Gaia
1x Called by the Grave
1x Crossout Desginator
1x Infinite Impermanence
1x Red Reign
1x Fiendish Golem
1x Red Zone
Extra Deck
2x Red Rising Dragon
1x Ancient Pixie Dragon (Change to Kuibelt the blade dragon when added to Master duel)
2x Red Dragon Archfiend
1x Scarlight Red Dragon Archfiend
1x Scarred Dragon Archfiend
1x Hot Red Dragon Archfiend Abyss
1x Hot Red Dragon Archfiend Bane
1x Baronne De Fleur
1x Bystial Dis Pater
1x Chaos Angel
1x Hot Red Dragon Archfiend King Calamity
1x Red Supernova Dragon
1x Salamangreat Almiraj

Пікірлер: 3

  • @xyzamjadxyzamjad8093
    @xyzamjadxyzamjad8093Ай бұрын

    The most beautiful clip

  • @TheVisser05


    Ай бұрын

    Thank you! I had a bunch of new great games in my latest which is getting to Master rank 5. We will see what I can get next month. Had to work up from platinum this month.

  • @paulonius007
    @paulonius007Ай бұрын

    The level not changing has to be a bug with the imperm, it's treating the level change like it is its own affect rather than a different card, is my guess at least
