Recap of the National Tournament at the University of Utah: DebateSensei NPDA S1:E19

Welcome back, debate enthusiasts! In this episode, we dive into a recap of the highly anticipated National Tournament held at the University of Utah. Join us as we break down the highlights and key moments from this prestigious event.
Nationals, the big one. With open registration and even a novice division, this tournament welcomed competitors from various backgrounds and skill levels. We discuss the unique dynamics of novice teams breaking into the open bracket and the impressive performances of teams like University of Utah, University of Pacific, St. Mary's, and Mercer University.
Overall number of entries. Despite a slightly lower turnout compared to previous years, with 41 entries in open debate, the competition remained fierce. We explore possible reasons behind the lower turnout and the efforts to address scheduling conflicts in the future.
Looking ahead to NPTE. As we wrap up the recap, we also peek into the future, discussing the upcoming National Parliamentary Tournament of Excellence (NPTE) scheduled for the end of April. Stay tuned for more updates and insights into the competitive debate circuit!
Join us as we unpack all the excitement and drama from the National Tournament at the University of Utah. Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe for more engaging debate content. Let the discourse continue!
