[Ready Or Not 1.0] CARRIERS OF THE VINE (Cherryessa Farm Women's Cult) {Cleared in


The lore behind this main Ready Or Not story mission raid is dark in that it's a compound that is a cult, a women's misandrist anti men cult that is essentially femcel extremists that are comprised of women, victims of sexual assault. They are being brainwashed using MKULTRA like program techniques as the leader is ex CSIA agent named Elaine Raskin... she's intelligent and very manipulative of the entire operation. Her CSIA file is sealed...
The compound cult site seems to indicate signs of male torture and even genital castrations, restriction devices and even malnourishment of the cult, and especially it's victims. This place is messy and Elaine ran a freak show out here; taking advantage of the vulnerable minds of victimized sexual assault women victims into the cult as recruits to then torture men in the compound for revenge, mutilation and murder...
We the Los Suenos SWAT are being sent in to shut down the fiasco & the cult, as officers are down and pinned in a active fire fight with the suspects at the cult compound, so we have no time to lose; it's time to bring order to chaos and arrest who we can especially the leaders.

