Reaction To Poland Explained!

Reaction To Poland Explained!
This is my reaction to Poland Explained!
In this video I learn more about Polish history, Polish geography, Polish military, Polish culture and the Polish economy.
#poland #culture #reaction
Original Video - • Poland Explained!

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  • @maxmoore9955
    @maxmoore99556 ай бұрын

    Im British and Respect Poland.

  • @AS-010o0


    6 ай бұрын

    Thank u❤

  • @YTMikserXD


    5 ай бұрын

    Thank you bro 🇬🇧🇵🇱

  • @maxmoore9955


    5 ай бұрын

    @@YTMikserXD My home Town had Polish Paratroopers stationed close by during the 2nd World War. I've also worked with children of them .and in modern day Britain I've worked alongside Polish good workers and Friendly.

  • @cringetea7702


    4 ай бұрын

    Thank you ❤

  • @mariostepien4526
    @mariostepien45266 ай бұрын

    Niech żyje Rzeczpospolita Polska ♥️♥️♥️🔥🔥🔥✌️

  • @FreeKanal
    @FreeKanal6 ай бұрын

    Respect for you from Poland. You sacrifice your time and attention on learning about Poland. Thanks and love from Poland, Cracow :)

  • @adriannaszudrzynska9371


    6 ай бұрын

    Robi pieniądze na zakompleksionych naiwnych Polaczkach, wpadających w ekstazę przy każdym filmiku o Polsce na obcych kanałach. Nie dajcie się robić w trąbę, więcej godności.

  • @maciejkrol4820


    6 ай бұрын

    @@adriannaszudrzynska9371 w.g. mnie tłumaczy większej publiczności między innymi to jak Brytania (wcale nie wielka ) zdradziła Polskę w trakcie drugiej wojny i wiele razy to podkreślał w swoich filmach że wstydzi się decyzji swojego rządu z tamtych lat ... że zarabia na tym kasę ... cóż ... ktoś inny zarabia kasę na kanale robiącym opinie odnośnie odkurzaczy ... zarabiać to nic złego ... gość nie kłamie i wspiera Polskę, trudno mu zarzucić coś złego z punktu widzenia patrioty

  • @adriannaszudrzynska9371


    6 ай бұрын

    @@maciejkrol4820 Zrozum, widziałam już dziesiątki takich akcji w wykonaniu obcokrajowców. Polacy słyną niestety z tego, że są łasi na komplementy i różnej maści cwaniaczki to wykorzystują, żeby sobie zwiększyć stan konta w banku. Brytyjczyk gdzieś tam w Malezji od miesięcy regularnie codziennie (!) odpala o Polsce filmik, bo nagle zapałał miłością do naszego kraju? Boże, jacy wy jesteście naiwni...

  • @dorotabarbowska2184


    6 ай бұрын

    @@adriannaszudrzynska9371 W ekstazę nie ma co wpadać, racja, ale bez względu na początkowe motywacje i Mert sam się uczy przy okazji i my się uczymy, bo zarówno w tych filmikach jak i w komentarzach można często trafić na ciekawe informacje i linki dalszych ciekawostek.

  • @agaw225


    6 ай бұрын

    ​@@adriannaszudrzynska9371nie tylko o Polsce...jest jeszcze mert fin, mert swe, mert nor, mert ger i pewnie jeszcze kilka innych 🙃 Może jego pobudki są rzeczywiście czysto ekonomiczne, a może nie tylko...tak czy inaczej jest to ciekawy eksperyment socjologiczny, bo przez pryzmat polecanych filmików na tych jego kanałach i komentarzach pod nimi można poznać mentalność przeciętnego Fina, Szweda, Norwega, Niemca czy Polaka... a to, według mnie, jest fascynujące i bardzo przydatne 🙂

  • @paulinama8517
    @paulinama85176 ай бұрын

    The previous month I was in Slovakia for a few days. A week later I visited Germany, France, Spain and Portugal. Europe is beautiful and in each country I found something that delighted me. In the evening after returning to Poland I was driving through Warsaw and the first thing that came to my mind was WOW how clean and modern it is here :D

  • @annam.4519
    @annam.45196 ай бұрын

    W 4.09 min. powiedzieli, że Wisła jest najdłuższą rzeką w Polsce, którą dzieli z Białorusią i z Ukrainą. Ciekawi mnie w którym to miejscu skoro Wisła leży w centrum Polski? Po drugie, gdy mówili o południu Polski i górach, dlaczego nic nie wspomnieli o Sudetach? Przecież to są przepiękne , stare góry .

  • @stanislaw_m


    6 ай бұрын

    a skad ma wiedziec o Sudetach ? Przyjedzie do Polski, to sie Go oprowadzi tu i tam.

  • @supermnich3940


    6 ай бұрын

    Pomylili z Bugiem

  • @poland_stronk3044


    6 ай бұрын

    To moze być przepowiednia. Wkrótce może tak rzeczywiście być jak dojdzie do kolejnego rozbioru.

  • @wojtekpolak413


    6 ай бұрын

    Prawdopodobnie chodziło im o dorzecze (inaczej zlewnię) Wisły, które obejmuje obszar 194 424 km², z czego 13% (25 725 km²) leży w granicach Białorusi, Ukrainy i Słowacji (zlewnia Bugu, Narwi, Sanu i Popradu). Przy okazji taka "wiślana" ciekawostka: o raz pierwszy nazwa rzeki - Vistula (łac.) - pojawiła się dwa tysiące lat temu na rzymskiej mapie świata wystawionej na Forum Romanum. W owym czasie uważana była za granicę między Europą a Azją, czyli mieszkańcy Polski po wschodniej stronie Wisły uważani byliby przez dawnych Rzymian za Azjatów ;) I druga: do czasu rozbiorów Wisła była najbardziej użeglownioną rzeką Europy, wyprzedzając pod tym względem takie rzeki jak Ren, Dunaj, Rodan czy Sekwanę.

  • @marcinsmierzynski9383


    6 ай бұрын

    Pewnie za Wisłe wzieli całosać łącznie z jej dopływami i tak im wyszło.

  • @dorotabarbowska2184
    @dorotabarbowska21846 ай бұрын

    Most areas which now belong to Lithuania, Belarus and West Ukraine were a Part of Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth for centuries and a smaller part of them belonged to Poland also after 1918. As a result , the cultural heritage is very similar We share history, rulers and oppressors, a number of writers, poets and painters, many traditional dishes and similar folklore. One funny thing is that Polish poet- bard from the times of partitions (when Poland didn't exist on the maps) Adam Mickiewicz is considered a Ukrainian bard ,just writing in Polish in Ukraine , a Lithuanian bard ,just writing in Polish in Lithuania, and in Belarus, he is considered a Belorussian bard, who just wrote in Polish😆

  • @alh6255


    6 ай бұрын

    Some of them (these eastern areas) belonged to Poland since 10th-11th centuries up to 1947 (I mean Lvov and Lvov area, with 90 years long break in 12th century)

  • @internetowihusarze


    5 ай бұрын

    Look on map Poland before Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth- Poland was very small, that Lithuania was so big. Ukraine was part of Lithuania.

  • @alh6255


    5 ай бұрын

    @@internetowihusarze Before the real union of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Kingdom of Poland was established, the Grand Duchy of Lithuania was unable to defend itself against attacks by the Tsardom of Moscow (later Russia) and Turkey. In the 16th century, Poland spent huge amounts of money on financing troops that defended the Grand Duchy against Moscow and maintained the borders of the Grand Duchy in what is now Ukraine (I will add that modern western Ukraine was then simply part of the Kingdom of Poland, starting from the 11th century). In turn, the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (already heavily Polonized at that time) had the part of central Ukraine, including Kiev, conquered in the 15th century. In Poland, the king and a large part of the parliament rebelled against continuing to spend money and fight Lithuania's enemies without getting anything in return. At the same time, part of the Lithuanian and Belarusian aristocracy understood that without Poland, their principality would fall into the hands of the Principality of Moscow, and they would be under the rule of bloody tyrants, and their country would disappear. Therefore, there was a mutual desire to achieve a close union with Poland, as a force that would save the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. However, the Poles set a condition: the Kingdom would take over the duchy's gains in Ukraine (which, in fact, had been defended by the Poles for several dozen years, because the duchy's troops were unable to effectively defend it). Soon, Polish troops expanded their conquests much further in the areas of present-day Ukraine and Russia - displacing the Crimean Tatars and Turks from them and reaching the Black Sea and the areas of present-day Zaporozhye. These areas were, of course, incorporated directly into the Kingdom of Poland. The Poles set one more condition: after the real union, the nobility of the Grand Duchy was to have fewer privileges than the nobility of the Kingdom of Poland, and much fewer votes in parliament. In other words, it was marginalized and the real power in the entire Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth was taken over by Poles. The Grand Duchy, threatened with collapse, agreed to these conditions, and what's more, some Lithuanian aristocrats fought potential protesters in Lithuania. Interestingly, a large part of the Polish nobility and the king's advisors did not want this union at all, because they did not see any interest for Poland in involving it in eastern politics. History confirmed that they were right (the union with Lithuania eventually caused the Deluge and forced Poland to defend its borders on an unprecedented scale; the Polonized aristocracy from the Grand Duchy of Lithuania also turned out to be the most corrupt and insecure part of society). I will add that before the real union between Poland and the Grand Duchy took place, the duchy did not exercise actual power in most of its areas and used the help of Poles everywhere (administration and defense).

  • @paulinamazurkiewicz367
    @paulinamazurkiewicz3676 ай бұрын

    Oj chyba te miliony wyjechały wcześniej, teraz coraz więcej ludzi wraca do Polski. Obserwuję to w mojej pracy. To już nie te czasy, że można zwalać na rząd, myślę, że świadomość ludzi zmienia się. Polacy biorą odpowiedzialność za decyzje co do kierunku zawodowego i standardu jaki chcą mieć w życiu. Dzieciaki uczą się przedsiębiorczości już w szkole podstawowej, potem w liceum i na studiach. Co zaradniejszy Polak zarabia coraz więcej, wyjeżdża na wakacje i cieszy się tym co ma, bo poziom jego zadowolenia wzrasta. Rozumiem, że ktoś może narzekać. Naprawdę rozumiem, bo jestem Polką i znam tę mentalność. Dla mnie osobiście ważne jest to, żeby ludzie myśleli nie tylko o sobie, ale o przyszłości tego narodu. Jestem za tym, żeby oprócz bogacenia się, ludzie myśleli o tworzeniu zdrowych rodzin.

  • @prtelewizja


    6 ай бұрын

    Na gotowe przyjechali, bo ci co zostali to budowali gospodarkę...

  • @TheRezro


    6 ай бұрын

    @@prtelewizja Tacy jak ty ro robią za kartofle w Mińsku.

  • @markmal8479


    5 ай бұрын

    Do Pani apelu dodałbym 'kultywowanie tradycji patriotycznych i wychowywanie dzieci w duchu miłości do naszej ojczyzny'.

  • @boxingpractise


    Ай бұрын

    wraz z dziewczyna rowniez niedlugo wracamy do domu ze szkocji

  • @sebastianszrejter8519
    @sebastianszrejter85196 ай бұрын

    Most of poles would say our best border friends are Czechs and Slovaks, both west slavic ppl as we are also. Languages pretty much almost similar. :)

  • @markmal8479


    5 ай бұрын

    Most of poles >>> Most Poles (better: Most Polish people); ... Slavs >>> >>> and Slovaks /// Nie rwij się do pisania po angielsku, bo jesteś zbyt "cienki". Wstydu nam oszczędź.

  • @sebastianszrejter8519


    5 ай бұрын

    @@markmal8479 Językowe SS zawitało widzę. Przepraszam bardzo, że tyle wstydu nam wszystkim przyniosłem moją opinią.

  • @knightshroom2393


    4 ай бұрын

    Tylko że histerycznie Czesi zawsze biała flaga, a Słowacy waleczni tylko że mało ich :)

  • @zdzisawdziegiel2154


    4 ай бұрын

    A ty co się tak napinasz poligloto z bożej łaski? Cierpisz na kompleksy? 20 lat mieszkałem w Anglii i jakoś ani mi, ani moim angielskim znajomym nie przeszkadzały drobne językowe wpadki. I nigdy nie spotkałem się ze strony moich angielskich rozmówców z tak chamską reakcją jak twoja. Wiesz, to jest sprawa kultury osobistej -- pojedź w świat, pomieszkaj między ludźmi trochę, wejdź z nimi w interakcję to może jeszcze będzie dla ciebie jakaś nadzieja.@@markmal8479

  • @Goall90
    @Goall906 ай бұрын

    Oh brother, listening to all your great questions, I feel like I could talk to you for hours explaining the nuances of Poland, its problems and promises. I’m really glad you find Poland this fascinating, thanks to you I’m finding the love to my home country again.

  • @markmal8479


    5 ай бұрын

    As for your "finding", you're not alone. I'm with you on it.

  • @mpingo91
    @mpingo916 ай бұрын

    3:32 What you see is Morskie Oko / Eye of the See and several peaks surrounding this lake, which are among the highest in Poland. This little "fang" on the right is Mnich / Monk. Slightly to the left is the famous 500-meter wall of Kazalnica, where the most famous future Polish Himalayan climbers gained experience, conquering Mt. Everest, K2, "The Shining Wall of Gasherbrum IV". About 4 hours away from the lake is Rysy, the highest peak in Poland.

  • @markmal8479


    5 ай бұрын

    ... of the See >>> ... of the Sea

  • @paulson79pl
    @paulson79pl6 ай бұрын

    If you want to behold something truly amazing in Warsaw, visit Old City with Kings Castle. Keep in mind that all of the city has been razed to the ground by nazis and soviets. After the war Poles rebuilt it as it was before the war. Stunning example of this nation spirit.

  • @christophbendau1866


    6 ай бұрын

    Przez Niemców, rozumiesz, parszywi niemcy mordowali Polaków.

  • @chatomit


    4 ай бұрын

    Warszawa została zniszczona przez Niemców..

  • @francescouke650
    @francescouke6506 ай бұрын

    About education in Poland. I come from Lublin, a city in eastern Poland. we have as many as 5 universities here, studies in Poland are free, so most of my friends study. There are pros and cons to this. Indeed, the level of education and knowledge in Poland is high, especially when compared to the level of education in the countries of my friends abroad. However, the bad thing is that higher education ceases to mean much on the labor market. Poland and especially university cities are a factory of students, the problem is work for educated people because there are many of them. Many people with higher education apply for one position. In other countries where studies are paid, a university diploma means more, there are fewer people with a diploma and it is easier to find a job. So there are two sides of the coin.

  • @themati74mj


    6 ай бұрын

    Exactly. That's why I emigrated to the UK to work because despite my education and many completed courses, I couldn't find a job in my area. Moreover, in Poland, you earn little, pay huge taxes and there is no chance to rent an apartment and support yourself.

  • @paulinamazurkiewicz367


    6 ай бұрын

    Polska jest w nieustannym rozwoju, z najniższym bezrobociem, jak to było na filmie. Zarobki są mniejsze niż w Europie Zachodniej, ale rosną. Mert Pol come visit Lublin, a lovely place in Eastern Poland. 😊

  • @francescouke650


    6 ай бұрын

    @@paulinamazurkiewicz367 It's true, it's getting better. We invite you to Lublin. Beautiful old town, nature and "cebularz"

  • @anetak3320


    6 ай бұрын

    Lublin nie chce słyszeć nie chce widzieć nie chce pamiętac trauma do końca życia

  • @paulinamazurkiewicz367


    6 ай бұрын

    Chyba trauma nie zależy od miasta, tylko od konkretnych ludzi. Wierzę, że znajdziesz uleczenie swoich ran. Ja z daleka przyjechałam do Lublina. Dla mnie to wspaniałe miasto, z którego jestem dumna. Ludzie tutaj są niezwykle inteligentni i życzliwi, przynajmniej ja w zdecydowanej większości takich spotykam. Lublin ciągle pięknieje na naszych oczach, jak cała PL. Kocham to miasto.

  • @paulson79pl
    @paulson79pl6 ай бұрын

    Bro! If you like Polish nature, check Polish Lakeland, enjoy!

  • @trzynastka88
    @trzynastka886 ай бұрын

    I think we best like Czech and Slovakia:) and Lithuania.

  • @publicminx


    3 ай бұрын

    the biggest Polish diaspora in Europe is in Germany (2-3 mio.). This means most love Germany. Thats the real relationship. But with like every relationship things get over time less passionate and everyday pragmatic. Plus, if one partner dominates then this often creates certain anti attitudes which leads superfast to declare every harmless, cute little neighbor to your love affair and 'besties' - especially if they appear to share the same situation. But thats just a deficit! People in general fall often in love with the wrong people - and should work on that! ;)

  • @DominatorPuls
    @DominatorPuls6 ай бұрын

    I've been tuning into your channel for a fair while now, and you've really got me appreciating Poland even more. But let's zero in on one particularly splendid aspect - our Polish lasses. They're drop-dead gorgeous, always well-kempt, and often quite resourceful. Why not see for yourself? Hop on a plane to Poland, settle in, meet the folks. The charm of Polish women is guaranteed to knock your socks off, mate!

  • @AS-010o0
    @AS-010o06 ай бұрын

    I can’t wait for you to move to Poland and make a video blogs from Poland🤗 ❤

  • @adrianmroz646
    @adrianmroz6466 ай бұрын

    yet another great reaction , thank you , when you decide to visit Poland hust get in touch with one or many of your followers , we will show you in close how welcoming we can be , hope to see you soon

  • @mimi64231
    @mimi642316 ай бұрын

    Thank you for your video. I recommend you to visit Zakopane. All the best from Zakopane.

  • @CarriettaCarrieWhite
    @CarriettaCarrieWhite5 ай бұрын

    2:18 Czechia 😍 With my whole heart. I'm at least once a year in Czech Republic. I always repeat that if I had to move from Poland I would choose Czech Republic. Even during last visit I was joking to receptionist in hotel (after question if dinner was ok) that for me Czech cuisine is "like Polish but better". 4:10. There isn't any part of Wisła shared with Belarus or Ukraine. Border with Belarus is on Bug river. There are 2 springs White Vistula and Black Vistula (Vistula is English for Wisła) and they joins in Czerniańskie Lake where Vistula starts. 5:30 Warsaw Uprising Museum, Łazienki Park, Wilanów Palace, Royal Castle, Old Town. 6:35 Dangerous topic. 9:28 Well... 10:35 Yes, colours comes from coat of arms but we like to say white is for purity and red for our blood. 15:42 Fun fact: we joined NATO and the EU thanks to the rule of former communists...

  • @jarosawmitonski6280
    @jarosawmitonski62806 ай бұрын

    (Google translate) When contacting Poles, we must remember that we had a very turbulent history. From the Russian Homage and the Prussian Homage to political disappearance, return by defeating the USSR, then conquering by the USSR, then breaking away from the USSR. This is why many Poles have a minority complex towards Western Europe, which is why you can find so many Poles slandering their country, even though we really have nothing to be ashamed of and can even be proud of.

  • @miroslaw7105


    6 ай бұрын

    Fajny wpis, Jarosławie.

  • @TheRezro


    6 ай бұрын

    @@miroslaw7105 By "many Poles" he mean those living in Belarus. Potato King is straight paranoid over Poland. Belarusians are even more psychotic then Russians, in projection of own crimes.

  • @dyminski1245


    6 ай бұрын

    To chyba europa ma kompleks wszystkiego. Nikt nie ma takiej historii ja my. Pelnej wzlotow i upadkow.

  • @sieciobywatel


    6 ай бұрын

    Bollocks. We shit on our country just for laughs. Making fun of yourself is a valuable trait, if you make fun of others, you're just an a***ole.

  • @piotrmackowiak9636


    6 ай бұрын

    @@dyminski1245 widać, że chyba mało o niej wiesz

  • @homo_faber_et_artifex
    @homo_faber_et_artifex6 ай бұрын

    Pozdrawiam z Podlasia.🦬

  • @Nikca.but_Emu


    6 ай бұрын

    A ja z Poznania

  • @grazynaklimowicz7105


    6 ай бұрын

    Are you joking with Ukraine? Ukrainians Are different civilisation. They have in their tradition killing US. Wołyń pamiętamy. Hajdamacy, że Kozacy.

  • @grazynaklimowicz7105


    6 ай бұрын

    I Kozacy

  • @homo_faber_et_artifex


    6 ай бұрын

    @@grazynaklimowicz7105 Ukraińcy biją naszego odwiecznego wroga - moskali. Za Katyń i Buczę.

  • @ilonaoglecka9174
    @ilonaoglecka91746 ай бұрын

    Poznaj Zakopane, Solinę czy Kudowę Zdrój. Analogicznie to góry: Karpaty, Bieszczady, Sudety. Ale nie jest tak, że góry mamy jedynie pa południu Polski. Mamy piękne wyżynne tereny moreny dennej na Mazurach - pamiątka po zlodowaceniach. Najwyżyszy punkt Góra Dylewska 312 m - dobre miejsce do uprawiania sportów zimowych. Roztocze we wschodniej Polsce - miejsce magiczne. Góry Świętokrzyskie - w centrum kraju. Polska jest krajem zróżnicowanym krajobrazowo. Zle zasada jest taka - im bardziej na południe tym wyżej.

  • @dorotabarbowska2184


    6 ай бұрын

    Bieszczady są częścią Karpat ,a nie osobnym łańcuchem. Co do reszty zgoda.

  • @ilonaoglecka9174


    6 ай бұрын

    @@dorotabarbowska2184 Dzięki za sprostowanie.

  • @chatomit


    4 ай бұрын

    Zapomniałeś dodać Mazury..

  • @bubu6225
    @bubu62256 ай бұрын

    In the mountain regions I went to Zakopane MANY times Its a beautiful city next to the mountains pretty much. But the best place about the mountain regions HAS TO BE "The eye of the sea" the air, the sights ALL so frickin beautiful and I would go there a million times again. Check in Google images... but then again images don't show what real life does.

  • @roymakkaypl
    @roymakkaypl6 ай бұрын

    2006 working in Poland warehouse wage after tax: 123 GBP/ month, 1 month later working in uk this same job, 1100 gbp/ month, currently UK around 1700 GBP, Poland 840 GBP, but of course you need to add factors like, food price in UK lidl is 60 % more expensive, the nursery cost in Poland is 100 gbp/ month, every child get wage from 0 to 18 years, from gov 160 gbp/ per month.

  • @bolimniecewacewa8857
    @bolimniecewacewa88576 ай бұрын

    Obejrzyj sobie filmy z wyjazdu Polskej Straży Pożarnej do Szwecji . Pomagaliśmy tam gasić płonące lasy. Zobaczysz jak na nas reagowali.

  • @markmal8479


    5 ай бұрын

    Gdzie można zobaczyć film pokazującą ich wdzięczność dla Polaków? A może to była "wdzięczność", a nie taka prawdziwa?

  • @amadipl111111
    @amadipl1111116 ай бұрын

    One of the most beautiful railway stations in Poland- Przemyśl city with paintings on walls .

  • @jcwdenton
    @jcwdenton6 ай бұрын

    Thank you for promoting my homeland. Also my cousins sons are living in scotland :)

  • @markmal8479


    5 ай бұрын

    cousins >>> cousin's; scotland >>> Scotland

  • @agnieszka7231
    @agnieszka72316 ай бұрын

    Don't ask Poles about politics because you will have huge arguments ;) We are probably hard-working because somewhere unconsciously we think what our country would be like if it weren't for World War II and communism. We mainly export food, we are probably the largest exporter of apples in the world. Polish food is considered healthy. Then electromachines, the furniture industry and silver and copper. We are investing in armies because our neighbor is Russia, and we will probably have to help Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia in the event of a conflict. German analysts said that NATO has 6 years to prepare for war with Russia and we are NATO's eastern flank. If this war breaks out, it will be fought here, and we know from experience that nothing deters the Russians like force. They have to be afraid to be respected.

  • @stachupetara9364
    @stachupetara93646 ай бұрын

    Poland musi by super Power ramy i am Polish.. Poland...polish history is great...polish power

  • @TheRezro


    6 ай бұрын

    Literally no one in Poland say that unironically.

  • @tomaszprostak3860
    @tomaszprostak38606 ай бұрын

    Hi. I am watching your channel. Cool that you are interested in the topic of Poland. Do you know that Poland has very rich natural resources? There are almost all deposits here. From uranium, gold, coal, oil to shale gas and various minerals. Unfortunately, politics in our country is still corrupt. One government steals and the other takes. Some do everything the Germans want and others do nothing. And the European Union bans something all the time or imposes nonsensical penalties on Poland. A long topic. It looks as if they don't want to let Poland's economy and autonomy develop any further at all costs.

  • @bakters
    @bakters6 ай бұрын

    The Polish alcohol consumption is not excessively high. Below that of Germany, Czechs, Austria, France, Portugal, Slovenia and so forth. Only slightly higher than UK (though we can hold it better, on average). For some reason we have this picture of alcohol abuse. I think it used to be more accurate when we drank less in total, during communism. Anyway, watch yourself around the Polish party girls. They drank many foreigners under the table... ;-)

  • @JanB56
    @JanB566 ай бұрын

    Thanks! Nice to hear that

  • @AS-010o0
    @AS-010o06 ай бұрын

    Ok we say that we were betrayed in 1945, but there’s a Polish saying “nie ma tego złego co by na dobre nie wyszło” (theres no Bad thing, That cant be turn into good or you can also translate as: all bad will eventually turn into good) we at least had a country, not yet independent and sure we lost territory to the East but we were give territory to the West. Unfortunately, many of our soldiers of the war were killed and their families deported deep into Russia, but now many of those people offsprings are coming back to Poland 🙂

  • @Corum.z.Dunajca
    @Corum.z.Dunajca6 ай бұрын

    Poland have everything from sand dunes to mountains and lakes regions, even a region with lakes in mountains "Małopolska & Podkarpacie" regions

  • @yakeosicki8965
    @yakeosicki89656 ай бұрын

    When visiting Warsaw, you must start at the Warsaw Uprising Museum. When visiting Warsaw, you must start at the Warsaw Uprising Museum. Then the entire Royal Route, starting in Wilanów, Łazienkowski Park ending in the Old Town.

  • @AS-010o0
    @AS-010o06 ай бұрын

    Education in Poland on every level is very good and it’s very safe in schools and overall❤ So if you plan on having kids, it’s a good place to be😉 and since in Poland we have a bit of a population crisis, please come and have a family here 🤗😆

  • @IvanovichIvanov
    @IvanovichIvanov6 ай бұрын

    and in fact, all this because of polish women. it's them who look after everything and encourage their men to do what's the best for the motherland and children.

  • @szykaka
    @szykaka6 ай бұрын

    Top Man! dzięki za wideo ^^

  • @AS-010o0
    @AS-010o06 ай бұрын

    Yes we do have a favorite neighbor ☺️ we love our southern neighbors Czechs & Slovaks 🤗❤ Czechs to us sound funny, but in a cute way, like a child speaking first words and mispronouncing Polish lol 🥰 it sounds so similar to Polish & Slovaks are decent people and we couldn’t ask for better neighbors ❤.

  • @AS-010o0


    6 ай бұрын

    Also I have special admiration for our Ukrainian neighbors ever since war started, how brave, clever and strong they are 💪 there are some disagreements between us, but still I hope we can built a healthy relationship between us.

  • @Konfederata1987


    6 ай бұрын

    While expressions of affection for Slovakia are acknowledged, their historical collaboration with Hitler in 1939 should sober such sentiments. Notably, Hungary's enduring thousand-year friendship with Poland deserves more recognition, especially considering their steadfast refusal to engage in the armed conflict against Poland during World War II, even though they didn't share a direct border at the time. And to be blunt, contemplating a friendship with Ukraine, considering the haunting memory of the past and current realities, is not just a bad joke; it's an egregious betrayal of historical truth, made even more glaring by the absence of any apology, further compounded by the glorification of individuals who committed these atrocities. The unvarnished reality demands a resolute assessment, leaving no room for diplomatic niceties.

  • @krajt1999


    6 ай бұрын

    @@Konfederata1987 okay, and? Stop living in the past dude, nobody cares about 1939 Slovaks

  • @Konfederata1987


    5 ай бұрын

    @@krajt1999 History isn't a burden; it's our backbone. Dismissing the past isn't progress; it's ignorance. Our history defines us, molds our values, and echoes in our decisions. Ignoring it is a perilous gamble, a blind march toward repeating grave errors. Acknowledging our past isn't dwelling; it's learning. It's a stark reminder that shapes responsible actions and forges genuine connections. Brushing it aside is a shortcut to repeating the same mistakes.

  • @3CrownStudio
    @3CrownStudio5 ай бұрын

    White symbolized "the goodness and purity of the aspirations of the Polish nation", and red "the dignity and majesty of Polish rulers". In heraldry, white is a symbol of purity, loyalty, humility and nobility. Red means love, bravery, zeal and sacrifice. The colors of the Polish flag have this meaning.

  • @krzysztofnajman1969
    @krzysztofnajman19694 ай бұрын

    Very good lesson :-)

  • @Zduneqq
    @Zduneqq6 ай бұрын

    Our natural friends are Hungary and hungurian nation! We have even common proverb Pole, hungurian two naphews , to a sabre and glass(read fight and drink togerher)😂😂😂❤❤❤

  • @Moonlightcatgirl
    @Moonlightcatgirl4 ай бұрын

    I recomend you to go to the place named "Łazienki Królewskie" its a beautiful park near castle on the water if I remember corectly. And there are friendly squirells which can come to you sometimes.

  • @Moonlightcatgirl


    4 ай бұрын

    P.S. there are peacocs too

  • @sataszek
    @sataszek6 ай бұрын

    Congratulations on an interesting film. I live in the south of Poland and I prefer to spend my vacation with my family in the Polish mountains than abroad. I love the Tatras. I have many friends who moved to Great Britain and started families there. I also know many Poles who decided to return, because they do not like the changes that are happening in England. As for health care, friends who lived in Great Britain say that medical care in Poland is better than in England. The problem is not the quality of care but the queues to specialists and the bad health system. As for alcohol, I do not know where WHO got such data. Maybe they confused us with the Russians? In Poland, alcohol consumption is lower than, for example, in Germany. The information about alcohol consumption is untrue and greatly exaggerated. I encourage cultured people to come to Poland, because it is a beautiful country and the people are hospitable. However, we do not like it when someone abuses hospitality and behaves improperly. I greet all friends of Poland!

  • @lukaszswiderski7062
    @lukaszswiderski70626 ай бұрын

    I suspect that you were probably Polish in your previous life. 😉

  • @Magda_98
    @Magda_986 ай бұрын

    I wish one day you came to f.e Warsaw or Cracow and make a vlog video 😃 (but maybe not in winter 😅)

  • @mahu5766
    @mahu57666 ай бұрын

    My friend, our gov gave 500 zł monthly for second and every another child. Before elections gov propose about 800 zł per month. Sadly this doesn't work so well and our birth rate drop. Our wemen don't want to have kids. Instead of this they protest for abortion rights.

  • @kamilasawicka411


    6 ай бұрын

    Our gov gives us 500 zł monthly for every child we have but it's not a problem. When children are older they don't have public places in nurseries or kindergartens. We can send our kids to private paid facilities, but not everyone have money for that. Women can't go to work because of that and after few years they are not attractive on the market. In my opinion it's not like we protest for abortion rights. I have two children and I love them with all my heart, but if my life was endangered because I was pregnant I would like to have a choice. This type of decisions is never easy...

  • @nicolleword4365
    @nicolleword43656 ай бұрын

    Please don't get too attached to the Polish names the narrator says, because he didn't pronounce a single name correctly, and he said most of them so badly that if I hadn't watched the video where the names were displayed, I wouldn't have had any idea what he was talking about.

  • @mariuszorzechowski8554
    @mariuszorzechowski85546 ай бұрын

    As a pole living in UK for 10 years already I can say polish health care is bad but english NHS is far worse. Much work to do so in both countries

  • @wezymir
    @wezymir6 ай бұрын

    I would visit Zakopane, Kraków, Ustka (summer), Gdańsk (summer), Wroclaw :)

  • @arth0044N
    @arth0044N6 ай бұрын

    2:19 As myself I am Polish I think we love Czech Republic, Slovakia and Latvia, Lithuania Estonia, we accept Ukraine and Belarus, but we don't want to have much to do with Russia and Germany. Two countries who are like cancer coming over and over again.

  • @AS-010o0


    6 ай бұрын

    Latvia and Estonia are not our neighbors 🤦‍♀️

  • @arth0044N


    6 ай бұрын

    @AS-010o0 Are. NATO is our border and no one should be left alone.

  • @AS-010o0


    6 ай бұрын

    @@arth0044N we do not have a BORDER With them! That doesn’t mean we’ll leave them alone in Case of conflict!

  • @arth0044N


    6 ай бұрын

    @@AS-010o0 I will let you think you are smart. Go away.

  • @publicminx
    @publicminx3 ай бұрын

    the neighbor country Poland loves most is Germany -- which is why Germany has the biggest Polish Diaspora in Europe (2-3 Million). But like with every relationship if one partner seems to dominate and some more complicated past is involved, plus pragmatic everyday habits arose and appear more functional, people have problems to express their love and tend to chose harmless smaller neighbors affairs - and/or 'friends' which appear more similar ;)

  • @arturjj8761


    3 ай бұрын

    Ale żeś wymyślił... 🤣

  • @mav45678
    @mav456785 ай бұрын

    Both Warsaw and Cracow (current and former capitols) are on Vistula river.

  • @dyminski1245
    @dyminski12456 ай бұрын

    Trzy rzeki byly dla nas najwazniejsze. Laba , odra, wisla. To nasze od tysiecy lat.

  • @ziutek1712


    6 ай бұрын

    Polska nigdy nie miała terytoriów nad Łabą (ewentualnie kawałek blisko źródła kiedyś w średniowieczu ale ręki za to nie dałbym sobie uciąć). Wiem że mogło Ci się pomylić z Słowianami połabskimi którzy rzeczywiście zamieszkiwali terytoria aż do Łaby (dzisiejsze landy Brandenburgia, Saksonia, Meklemburgia-Pomorze Przednie itd.) ale byli oni stopniowo podbijani przez Niemców. Edit: Dobra zapomniałem że za Bolesława Chrobrego przez jakieś 10 lat niemal całe Czechy były kontrolowane przez Polskę ale to było krótko i dawno temu

  • @0203kaczmar
    @0203kaczmar6 ай бұрын

    if we talking about favourite country we have border for me it will be 1st Czech and Slovakia, 3rd place for Lithuana, 4th germany i guess ( at least todays germany) Ukraine and Belarus 5th and 6th, and at least favourite of course Russia, at least for this days

  • @bakters


    6 ай бұрын

    Belarusians in Poland say that we love them, but they are not prepared for it, due to antipolish state propaganda they are still being fed. But apparently we do like Belarusians fine.

  • @0203kaczmar


    6 ай бұрын

    @@bakters i like belarusians, just not Łukaszenka, and they propably dont like him aether, hes just ashole dictator

  • @mateuszdrabik8400
    @mateuszdrabik84006 ай бұрын

    Polak Węgier dwa bratanki i do szabli i do szklanki! We're best bros with Hungary :)

  • @AS-010o0


    6 ай бұрын

    Yes! I love Hungary too! They are a true friends in need to Poland ❤

  • @aaresss
    @aaresss6 ай бұрын

    There is a lot of cities along WIsła river that are worth visiting. The most obvious are Warsaw - the capital, Kraków - the old capital, Sandomierz - one of the oldest towns in Europe and Toruń - place where Copernicus was born.

  • @katarzyna4667


    6 ай бұрын

    And Kazimierz Dolny

  • @user-hk3iz8po1w
    @user-hk3iz8po1w4 ай бұрын

    There is also second meaning of colours of polish flag.The color white stands for spiritual and moral values ​​such as purity and immaculateness. The color red is a symbol of fire and blood, it means courage and bravery. The same for emblem.

  • @MrStanRod
    @MrStanRod6 ай бұрын

    No words…❤❤❤

  • @tomaszdrgas8811
    @tomaszdrgas88116 ай бұрын

    You give lots of in my heart.. many english speaking videos do.. from my friends I just hear many complains.. it is politically very strongly polarised and fighting with each other about some minor issues.. I never thought of polish health service as being good.. it is one of the isuues issues requiring most urgent health but nobody even mentioned this problem during elections. Only accusations of colaborating with russians, abortion, religion, world view issues.. something politics shouldn't care much about. I laughed when you asked which of the neighbouring countries we like, . It is wrong question to a Pole. But you quickly corrected yourself.. which countries you don't like? Education.. hm .. I actually left poland 15 years ago.. so then I was learning English in school for 6 years.. I could not say one sentence straight when I went to England for voluntary work. I will go soon back to Poland from korea.. that would be interesting to make video about it. All the differences between now and 15 years ago as well as between your internet hyper optimism and reality I will face finding job, flat, sending kidz to school

  • @yohannesaradom8656
    @yohannesaradom86565 ай бұрын

    Once Poland moved out of the communist system today it is a different country. The last 30 years the development is si miracle and has become a very important country in the European Union 🇪🇺 and it is a member of NATO. Poland is unstoppable because of its people - independent and highly educated labor force made easy to achieve its goals. The dispora Polish people play a big part the economy development and still will play a role in the future. Their foreign policy is an excellent one and they deal very well with each country mutually. The country is an excellent for foreign investors and because of this a big corporations are heading towards Poland. A lot can can be said about Poland and the best to do is visit the country you won't be disappointed. A great nation; rich in history. The future of power in Europe.

  • @viperator188
    @viperator1884 ай бұрын

    Thanks Man! Find me if you ever decide to visit.

  • @JanB56
    @JanB566 ай бұрын

    check out the band ACid Drinkers : "Polish blood" :)

  • @boxingpractise
    @boxingpractiseАй бұрын

    U should visit Gdansk! Over a Thousand year old city.

  • @mirosawagotto9480
    @mirosawagotto94806 ай бұрын

    Serdecznie pozdrawiam z Mazur

  • @grazynabernatowicz1156
    @grazynabernatowicz11562 ай бұрын

    During COVID-19 pandemia ill Poles were tested if they were ill for COVID or not. After this one of huge Warsaw's hospitals asked people of their agreement for genetics tests. Majority of people agreed to use their genetic material for testing. Doctors chose only one person from family and tried that people were a representation of all regions of Poland. Physicians tested the whole genome of people. It's occured that Polish citizens are tend to have fair hair and they are more sensitive to several diseases. They also compared the whole genomes of Polish representatives with genomes of others nationalities that have their genomes tested. In the end it ccured that from European nationalities Poles are the most geneneticly similar to British population and compared to the whole world - to European population in the Utah State in the US. A huge surprise. Why that? I don't know. But it's true.

  • @publicminx
    @publicminx3 ай бұрын

    btw, Scottish sounds a bit like if a traditional Bavarian speaks English. in fact if one compares dialects in UK than one can find many similarities to German dialects. Thats not only due to the relation of the two languages but also because how different regions over the time tend to evolved (often due to shorten languages and habits) dialects. Likely one could also find similar structures and vocalitions between different dialects between Germany and Poland as well - if one calculate the different languages out and keeps the focus on the vocal, consonant. building etc. ...

  • @SuperMaciula
    @SuperMaciula6 ай бұрын

    7:40 no more money but better management

  • @MrGreg771
    @MrGreg7714 ай бұрын

    The English have mastered the art of removing hot potatoes from the fire with other people's hands.That's why they praise Poland to the skies

  • @Northerner-NotADoctor
    @Northerner-NotADoctor6 ай бұрын

    Recommendation for a tourist visiting Warsaw. After spending 8 hours in museums go and find The Central Rail Station (Dworzec Centralny) and buy a ticket to either Kraków, Wrocław or Gdańsk - those are places for tourists.

  • @ukaszukaszowski6619
    @ukaszukaszowski66196 ай бұрын

    You know that Poles like to be appreciated abroad and they make a lot of traffic on your channel

  • @damianz6248


    6 ай бұрын

    he's good at social engineering

  • @TheRezro
    @TheRezro6 ай бұрын

    Tourist vise I suggest Warsaw, Cracow, Gdansk and Wroclaw.

  • @mushu2137
    @mushu21372 ай бұрын

    UK: Poland, what are you preparing for? PL: To win.

  • @nime1901
    @nime19013 ай бұрын

    About the high death rate - the health service itself is not that bad. But if you have an old population, of course you will have a high death rate.

  • @2forgildan
    @2forgildan6 ай бұрын

    Having Polish heritage, I've noticed a persistent pattern of emigration over the centuries, especially when Poland was occupied from the late 18th century following the partitions and when it became free of Soviet control around 1989. In 1939, Poland had a population of 36 million. In 2023, it's touching 39 million, hardly a population boom (and that's with 2 million Ukrainians entering since Russia declared war on Ukraine.) Like any emigrants, the Poles were/are seeking greener pastures. Did you know that the second most spoken language in England is Polish? Got that from a BBC documentary.

  • @piotr5338


    5 ай бұрын

    Fala emigracji w 18 a szczególnie w 19 aż do 2 wojny w 20 wieku dotknęła całą Europe .Skandynawia, słowiańskie ziemie , Szkoci, Irlandczycy , Włosi , Hiszpanie , Portugalczycy to nacje , które zasiliły obie Ameryki w dziesiątki milionów ludzi .Zakończyło się to pod koniec lat 20 - tych z wybuchem kryzysu .

  • @wiolettajankowska1183
    @wiolettajankowska11835 ай бұрын

    10:31 The meaning of the Polish flag is different white symbolizes honor red symbolizes sacrifice blue symbolizes loyal allies 😉 (Polish joke 😁)

  • @maciejkrol4820
    @maciejkrol48206 ай бұрын

    and finnaly ... hell-yeah ... Poles do not beg for freedom ... we fight for it ...

  • @unHombreMayor
    @unHombreMayor6 ай бұрын

    Let's hope it won't be worse with Poland after the elections 2023 ... The recent facts, unfortunately, show us a different scenario ...

  • @DKarGarage
    @DKarGarage6 ай бұрын

    I was born there , village called jablonka (apple tree) live in usa for 24years, been trying to convince my wife to move back

  • @HEN-Huzar
    @HEN-Huzar6 ай бұрын

    Half country - Patriotic Warriors🇵🇱 , half - opportunist cowards.

  • @piotrekp9684
    @piotrekp96846 ай бұрын


  • @krzysiekasdgrewr6010
    @krzysiekasdgrewr60106 ай бұрын

    Morze jest płytkie więc nie zapominajmy o Szwecji i Danii ;). Zdecydowanie najzabawniejsi są Czesi, najbliżsi mentalnie Białorusini.

  • @TheRezro


    6 ай бұрын

    Chyba wedle Ruskich? Poza faktem że na Białousi żyje wielu Polaków, to Kartoflandia jest parodią Moskwy. Jeśli mielibyśmy się z kimś porównywać to właśnie z Czechami. Którzy zawsze byli mocno rozwinięci, o browarach nawet nie mówiąc.

  • @Robert_z_Wwy
    @Robert_z_Wwy2 ай бұрын

    Zawsze miło, że obcokrajowiec widzi tyle dobrego w Polsce. Ja, będąc polakiem, nie zawsze widzę to tak pozytywnie. Nasz rząd (nieważne który) zwykle nie jest najlepszym wyborem. Kluczem do sukcesu, jest większość społeczeństwa, które obciążone dziedzicznie trudną historią, jest zaradna, szybko przystosowująca się do zmian, odważna w podejmowaniu trudnych decyzji, wytrwała w walce z przeciwnościami. Niestety obciążenie historią skutkuje też wadami - nieufność (gość jest mile widziany, emigrant jest zagrożeniem), pesymizm (ciągłe narzekanie na wszystko), egoizm (na szczęście tylko w drobnych codziennych sprawach), kompleks niższości (aż trudno uwierzyć, że Brytyjczyk jest zafascynowany naszym krajem). Pozdrawiam 🙂

  • @TomekDuda-ql1zx
    @TomekDuda-ql1zx6 ай бұрын

    Oprócz inwestycji zagranicznych Polska ma duży odsetek osób z wyższym wykształceniem, małe koszty wynagrodzeń pracowników ( w porównaniu z kosztami w na przykład Niemczech) , szybko rozwijamy infrastrukturę drogową , w Centralny Port Komunikacyjny zaczęto inwestować ( duże lotnisko połączone z siecią szybkich pociągów) , Polacy są też bardziej pracowici niż ludzie w zachodniej Europie ( sporo osób znam które pracują 45-60 godzin tygodniowo) , kreatywności i przedsiębiorczości nauczyły nas czasy okupacji Niemcy , Austro-Wegry Rosja - 123 lata, potem Niemcy , od 1945 do 1989 praktycznie okupował Polskę Związek Socjalistycznych Republik Radzieckich ... Polska potęga wojskową nie jest chociaż mamy sporo atutów gdyby jakiś kraj Polskę napadł. Pozdrawiam z Polski 🇵🇱

  • @Afra-vn4zt
    @Afra-vn4zt6 ай бұрын

    Warsaw's best attractions: Well-known: -Old Town (Śródmieście district): beautiful castle with its square, located in cozy medieval centre of the city. Rebuilt after WW2, when Germans completely wiped it out. -Nowy Świat and sub streets (Śródmieście district): atmosphereful streets with lots of bars, cafés, food, and clubs. Highly recommended at the evening and weekend if possible. -Vistula Bank (Śródmieście district): statue of Warsaw's mermaid and long concrete stairs where you can admire the river and other bank of river and drink beer legally. Great similar spot - Poniatowski's beach (Praga Południe district). The other one to drink beer and maybe some barbecue. Those are highly recommended to visit in summer and also at evening. -Palace of Culture and Science (Śródmieście district): souvenir from soviet times. Now place for theater and great sight tower. -Łazienki park (Śródmieście district): literally bathrooms park. Name might be misleading, as it's place built by king August Poniatowski - the last polish king, as the place to grow polish high culture. Absolutely stunning place. -Warsaw's uprising museum (Wola district): one of the most modern museums in the country. It tells heroic and moving story about uprising, our city orchestrated against occupation in times of WW2. Absolutely must visit on your visiting list. Less known (not that obvious): -Wilanowski's Palace of king Jan 3rd Sobieski (Wilanów District): majesty Palace that once belonged to one of our greatest kings. It takes some effort to get there, but it's totally worth it. Highly recommended to come at the time of night lights exhibitions. -Business centre (Śródmieście and Wola districts): Just some skyscrapers, but pretty interesting compared to surrounding soviet-style area. Recommended to take a walk in some free time. -Polin, polish Jews museum (Śródmieście district): another museum worth visiting. It presents polish Jews struggles among the times of history. -Jana Pawła avenue (Śródmieście and Wola districts): Warsaw's halls of sin (don't get scared). It gives a feeling of a districts copy-pasted from Cyberpunk game. You can enjoy a cheap Kebab or Hindu food, from container placed gastronomy, enjoy neons and or get into one of these cheesy stores. -Old FSO cars factory (Praga Północ district): post soviet Era car factory, now falling into ruins (don't worry, it's safe). You can enjoy Stalker like atmosphere there and go to the climateful shooting range if you want -Bemowo prefabr hoods (North part of Bemowo District): another place for a walk in free time, you can easily access with 20, 23 and 24 tram from the center. Historical apartments from Gierek's Era of building boom. Recommended if you are into soviet style building -Kijowska street (Praga Północ district): some old buildings that haven't been destroyed during the uprising. Great place to feel old character of pre-war Warsaw -Francuska street (Praga Południe district): another gastronomy place. You can enjoy high quality food from around the world. It's worth visit to get known with the Warsaw's rich community. They present newest Europe's trends in fashion, lifestyle and cousine and Francuska street is the home for large part of that community. -Moczydło Park (Wola district): worth to visit at Sunday morning, when there's a flee market at its corner. This is stunning park that looks like copy-pasted from a Fairy Tale. You can enjoy idyllic life of families and children playing around there, tamed water birds getting along with humans and elderly people fishing casually.

  • @gemgreg
    @gemgreg6 ай бұрын

    you have to visit us bro :)

  • @Corum.z.Dunajca
    @Corum.z.Dunajca6 ай бұрын

    We work hard, but when we master our job we try to improwe it. From a bakery's to adwanced robotics. When you work hard and you're on master skills you use them to make that work more efficient and satisfying

  • @kacperkulok7815
    @kacperkulok78155 ай бұрын

    In my opinion, the best Polish city to visit is the former capital, Kraków, which boasts beautiful architecture and many monuments.❤

  • @mav45678
    @mav456785 ай бұрын

    I'm Polish and I've lived in the UK for a year. My impression is that the UK economy is much more advanced. We in Poland are mostly a good offshoring centre for various global corporation, such as Google and Facebook mentioned in the article. We don't have (at least not yet) many large companies on our own, that could compete with the global giants. Whereas the UK has actual global companies of global impact, such as RollsRoyce (the jet engines), HSBC. Not to mention a smattering of smaller, high-tech companies, doing advanced, specialized things - we don't have much of that in Poland. Also, the constant growth of the economy in the past 30 years is mostly coming from starting at a low baseline and applying sensible policies along the way (for example, in 1990 Ukraine was economically at the same level as Poland, but unfortunately their political system has been a failure and they didn't have much growth over the past 3 decaes). We're just catching up, which by nature means more growth than in the UK, where the economy is very advanced, so the low-hanging fruits of increasing efficiency were already picked long time ago.

  • @Vhsbdg
    @Vhsbdg6 ай бұрын

    Thank You agaaaaain

  • @sp1cychilli985
    @sp1cychilli9855 ай бұрын

    Bruh,i would love to teach you a proper Polish pronunciation of certain letters like Ą,Ę,Ł,CZ,RZ,Ź,Ż and Ć, which isn't really that hard . It's so funny when English speaking people try to spell it in their own way . Cheers for the content u make ,it actually made me not feel mostly embarrassed for being Pole once in my life for a good reason

  • @WyzszaSzkolaJazdy
    @WyzszaSzkolaJazdy6 ай бұрын

    How is Vistula shared with Belarus and Ukraine?

  • @DORA-ph7cv


    6 ай бұрын

    This is just one the the bulls*** in this video 😁🤣

  • @mikoajkonto9570
    @mikoajkonto95703 ай бұрын

    In Poland, we speak. If you don't want to have a war, you have to prepare for it. You still need to know what the Relief of Vienna is. And that the Poles were the only ones to conquer Moscow. Stefan Żółkiewskiego. And from that date of burning and plundering Moscow and defeating Russia. Chapter Day is a celebration of independence in Russia. Oh and you Find Polish thermopylae. The Hussars won the battle thanks to their uniqueness and the ratio of forces was 1 Pole per 100 enemies, check this.

  • @alh6255
    @alh62556 ай бұрын

    It is not true that Poland is all flat (except for the high mountains in the very south). Half of the country is covered with hills and medium-height and low mountains (e.g. the Świetyokrzyskie Mountains - one of the oldest mountains in Europe, once as high as the Alps, today a unique treasure of geological knowledge about the history of the Earth) and moraine hills in the north, including the areas on the Baltic Sea (remains of the era glacial). The center of the country is actually flat (including around Warsaw, but 100 km east of Warsaw there are light moraine hills)

  • @mav45678
    @mav456785 ай бұрын

    The previous government tried to improve fertility rate - for the first time, they introduced almost unconditional benefits for parents. That didn't make much of a change though. We'll see what the new government does and if it has any effect. At the time, it seems our best hope for sustaining population numbers is to take in migrants from foreign countries.

  • @StanTheMan59
    @StanTheMan596 ай бұрын

    Vistula is like spine of poland. We don't share it with Belarus or Ukrain.

  • @kamilidziak9229
    @kamilidziak92296 ай бұрын

    want to visit Warsaw you saying ? I would recomend to visit Krakow instead XD

  • @grzesiektg
    @grzesiektg5 ай бұрын

    The best thing to do in Warsaw is buying a train ticket to Cracow ;)

  • @cringetea7702
    @cringetea77024 ай бұрын

    The red in poland flag also represent the blood that was shed

  • @Delta_hater
    @Delta_hater4 ай бұрын

    Can health services in Poland be worse? If you want to go to medical specialist, you have to wait some years or you can go to the same doctor in private clinic, pay him and wait a month. And remember that you pay 9% of your salary for public health care.