​​Raising an Independent Child with Hearing Loss

Parents have the role of being responsible for providing their children with support to help them grow and thrive! Finding a balance is so important but it can be hard to stand on the sidelines while watching your child navigate the challenges of life. But, the reality is that kids who are deaf and hard of hearing need to be able to confidently communicate and express their hearing loss, devices, needs, and more.
This video talks about what self-advocacy is and how you can enjoy those wonderful proud-parent moments watching your child grow their self-advocacy skills! These skills start when children are young, and the earlier you build a foundation, the sooner they’ll be able to speak up for themselves.
Inside you’ll find some things you can start to do with toddlers and preschoolers to build self-advocacy skills like:
🦻 Name devices and parts.
🗣️ Talk about batteries and communicate when devices aren’t working.
⏱️ Practice putting devices on together.
🙋 Practice asking for help.
✏️ Teach them how to ask for more information when they aren’t sure.
To help you and your child on their self-advocacy journey, grab a copy of this #free worksheet - All About Me: bit.ly/3rT6Kqf. This worksheet will help you and your child share information about themself, their devices, and their needs. It can be used at school, camp, or even with sports and activities.
#hearingaids #hearingloss #cochlearimplants #listeningandspokenlanguage #LSL #listeningstrategies #hearinglossjourney #selfadvocacy #learning
Webinars for Families: bit.ly/3QZ3TnT
Getting Started: bit.ly/3HlU6VP
Tips to Prepare for Baby’s Hearing Evaluation: bit.ly/3WyHWxf
Types of Hearing Devices:
Family Support Community: bit.ly/3wuak8Z
Families Facebook Group: bit.ly/3ZT7TKO
Facebook: bit.ly/3XxRpWK
Pinterest: bit.ly/3ksAvdw
Hear from families who had BIG dreams for their child with hearing loss: bit.ly/3ZUI25d
0:00 Welcome!
0:59 What is Self Advocacy?
2:06 What does self advocacy look like?
2:43 Name Devices and Parts
3:17 Talk about batteries and communicate when devices aren't working
3:40 Practice putting devices on together
3:55 Practice asking for help
4:39 Teach them how to ask for more information
5:05 Remember: this takes time!
6:06 Free Resources!
