Quick video about wrong button in Quick Menu.


The new menu in VRChat, called version 1.5, looks great. But there are still some comments on the design and navigation.
For example the Quick Menu, the first you see when open it, has above Logout button. VRChat devs choose it as "most used" button, but did they really ask all of us for THAT button? I don't believe many users always logout in VRChat at the end. The reason is told in video.
The Quit button should be there. It's more often used than logout button.
The Settings part is not more direct accessible in new menu. It's weird to see only Security is direct accessible. The Settings tab in new menu has only function for interface (the GUI part) but nothing for general. No button there too for VRChat Settings.
The rest of room is for big Debug numbers, and for me it's not needed to make it BIG. The room below is good enough for it. The part of Debug area should used for other functions and real Settings panel.
I understand this is new design and can still changed. So i ask you, please change it to make it better accessible and more useful.
Thank you.

