PVP DRAMA - Ashes of Creation Carebears Vs Griefers


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PVP in MMOs has always been a contraversial topic and Ashes of Creation has always pitched itself as a PVP MMORPG.In today's video we'll be discussing the recently announced Dev Discussion that has caused a massive split in the community.
Join the Patreon for absolutely no extra benefits because i'm lazy: / copiuminhaler
There was an intro planned... but a nearly 20 minute video plus some IRL issues slayed me... so i guess i'll use the planned intro for the followup vid to this next month!
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Business Inquiries: NarcYTbusiness@gmail.com
#ashesofcreation #MMORPG #COPIUM

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  • @tonydalimata
    @tonydalimata Жыл бұрын

    My 2 cents is that I have no problem with the pvp system set up the way Intrepid says it will be . My beef with the gathering and loot drop on death mechanic is that if I'm going to put the time and effort into finding a rare item that has a 0.01% drop rate , I don't want that same item to drop from me at a 25% drop rate if I die . I would like some player agency to better hold onto what I decide is valuable.

  • @lv_1003


    Жыл бұрын

    I think it would be cool if you were able to lock a slot bag as (safe) with in gold money and whatever u put into there wont be able to drop or maybe an item that locks in a slot as consumable on death.

  • @encouraginglyauthentic43


    Жыл бұрын

    These types if games need player driven economies, and usage based stat progression, so certain people have their own jobs.

  • @Hoto74


    Жыл бұрын

    And I think it should happen. If you don't want that, don't gathering alone. You also don't transport material with a carriage alone.

  • @battlerushiromiya205


    Жыл бұрын

    @@Hoto74 bullsht, it doesnt matter if you dont gather alone as a guild/zerg could just as easily wash you out. Your not gonna have a large group of people gathering together because they would just be cannibalising each other’s mats thats why open world pvp for people who play more passively is a major turn off.

  • @Alexander23C
    @Alexander23C Жыл бұрын

    It could be really cool to have highly valuable materials on each continent that would require to boat from one continent to the other, so that you would have guilds that specialize in taking out those caravans, and guild who provide protection etc. It could be really cool to have things like that!

  • @eastcoastmostwanted710


    Жыл бұрын

    I would say when thats a fact be the first to start one

  • @lionelwhiskerknot


    Жыл бұрын

    Eve Online was good and safe space was mostly safe unless you had a rare ship then everyone would suicide themselves just to get your ship on their kill record. You can do well but if wanted the rare stuff had to go to low sec which in that case was good to have buddies so in a way it promoted a bit of social play.

  • @JetWarrior
    @JetWarrior Жыл бұрын

    I have a couple of ideas on how to mitigate this, and they're both based on EVE Online. EVE has good griefing mitigation, IMO: you CAN gank someone anywhere, but if you do you end up with a bounty which might prevent you from entering certain parts of the universe. And the safest parts of New Eden are known as "HighSec," or high security, because the moment you shoot upon someone who hasn't agreed to PVP, NPC police will rain hellfire upon you in an unlimited wave until you've been annihilated. But the HighSec areas are in the middle, and as you get further out, you start losing security. As you start losing security, response time is slower. In LowSec, there are sentry guns that will only destroy a perp if they're in the vicinity of gate or station, and pirates can often get away. And in NullSec, there is no law. NullSec is actually the largest portion of the universe, but you have to make your way out there, so you know what you're getting into--but the draw is that the rarest ores and gasses are out in Low/Null Sec. So one idea would be to replicate a system like this, but have it centered around nodes. Larger nodes are higher security; guards patrol the perimeter of the city and walk along the paths. Closer to the city, more guards. so you gather around the big cities to stay safe, and it incentivizes cities to try and grow to make it safer. Or...have certain nodes safer than others. Like Nodes whose ZOI border the coast are safer than the landlocked nodes. So those landlocked nodes have materials that are harder to get, but are not otherwise safe. It would also help incentivize building larger towns inland. Just some ideas.

  • @darschpugs4690


    Жыл бұрын

    Eve's anti greifing has done nothing to stop the suicide bomber ganks in hi-sec on newbs. There are even guides on how to do it and make a decent profit on killing the newbs.

  • @valhallagalex


    Жыл бұрын

    @@darschpugs4690 But as soon as the newbs join a guild they get given free ships and taught how to avoid it.

  • @joew8438


    Жыл бұрын

    Many of the pay-to-win PVP games, like EVE and mobile, have anti griefing mechanisms that usually revolve around making attacking cause more harm to the attacker than the defender, so they ultimately cost significant money for the attacker. When the decision to attack costs you money, hopefully most players choose not to be griefers. However, I'm not sure how that works in a character based MMO game.

  • @bradandrews777


    Жыл бұрын

    I have thought about playing Eve, but the PvP aspect has kept me out of it.

  • @joew8438


    Жыл бұрын

    @@bradandrews777 I'm not a fan of Eve. It strongly reminds me of games like Evony, Lordsmobile, or even Raid Shadow Legends in that it's a pay to win PVP builder with minimal game play mechanics outside resource accumulation. These games have some of the most abusive pay to win mechanics in the industry. Personally I question why anyone considers Eve an MMO. If Eve is an MMO, then Raid Shadow Legends is an MMO.

  • @jeremyn4397
    @jeremyn4397 Жыл бұрын

    For Halloween AoC could have a once a year purge day, where there is no penalty for murdering anyone, but you also don't get exp debt, or drop anything. Would make great content for that day..

  • @bitbraindev
    @bitbraindev Жыл бұрын

    I am curious if people could misuse the corruption system to purpusfully drop their bind on equip gear. Or what happens if someone has equipped gear that cannot be traded? Can that player still drop it? If so, people will abuse the system.

  • @Fast148


    Жыл бұрын

    I think Steven said that most gear will not be bound. (probably not even BoE?). Alternatively, if there would be bound gear, players could lose their gear on death and drop some tradeable component of now destroyed gear. (just a guess/suggestion)

  • @stevemiller6053
    @stevemiller6053 Жыл бұрын

    I think you underestimate the willingness and ability of griefers to screw with people regardless of consequences.

  • @vexillian
    @vexillian Жыл бұрын

    First off, thanks for bringing forum topics out of the forum and into the video format. I never explore the forums, even though I really should, so being able to know what's going on there is great. Secondly, I'm also huge on crafting systems in mmo's. I'd be an artisan main if I thought the game was generous towards that kind of gameplay. I'm not 100% convinced it is yet, but the corruption system is likely the best bet to keep gathering and crafting mains to get what they want out of an mmo experience.

  • @m_sedziwoj


    Жыл бұрын

    What would you think about no combat between citizens of same node and alliance node, but others are open to attack. And add that some resources are in more open to pvp places, and as ocean there would be more with free for all type of pvp, but you would know about it, and could prepare party for it, and maybe it would be nice to make gathering and pve as one part, so everybody could join party and have something to do, and when pvp starts it would be more fair.

  • @Ashgan9


    Жыл бұрын

    Most MMOs are not friendly to crafters because all gear is dropped and whatever you craft is pointless in comparison or in terms of potions the NPC shops handle all of your needs again making crafting pointless. If Ashes sticks to top end gear is crafted with a small drop chance but all gear requires repairs, meaning all crafting will always be in demand. As well as restricting how many different types of crafting you can engage in, not only per character but also by requiring crafting stations to which you will have limited access will create a bigger reliance on other players in this case crafters rather than be self sufficient.

  • @Acorein


    Жыл бұрын

    @@m_sedziwoj having node citizen based factions would bring the same problem that alliance vs hoard does in wow. Everyone would just join the biggest node to try and avoid pvp

  • @m_sedziwoj


    Жыл бұрын

    @@Acorein not exacly, because each node is different, and pvp would not be open, but you could attack, as it is propose today, I only limit attacks between citizens, which is stupid, so each node could disable it, and players would show what they want. I don't think it would be systematic problem, because you can have alliances between nodes which in wow would be lore breaking thing. So that someone is not from your node it mean he is neutral, not that he is aggressive, so only add natural safety from other citizens, nothing more nothing less.

  • @Onyx408


    Жыл бұрын

    The forums are weird it’s funny because guilds watch these videos and say they’ll black list people who grief but I really don’t think that’s going to stop anyone from doing what they enjoy.

  • @lionelwhiskerknot
    @lionelwhiskerknot Жыл бұрын

    Have no problem with open world PvP but I remember MMOs like Ultima Online where high level players would kill you and simply stand over your resurrection spot and kill you over and over and over again the second you were alive. They also camped areas leading into and out of towns. Quit the game shortly after buying it and although I heard there were changes to deal with the griefers later I just didn't care. I was too angry to ever touch the game again. Have no problems with high level people trying to go after farmers in the wilderness but camping spawn points where people come back to life or gateways to towns is BS.

  • @justinwhite2725


    Жыл бұрын

    The corruption system is going to make doing that not very worthwhile, based on what they've said so far.

  • @stefan1360


    Жыл бұрын

    @@justinwhite2725 lmao, people doing that in the first place don't do it for rewards, the griefing is the reward for them.

  • @gixgitaxxias9687


    Жыл бұрын

    @@justinwhite2725 there have been similar systems in other mmos it will not stop trolls most likely all that will do is create troll guilds who gang together when someone trys to collect bounty most pvprs do not care about pve rewards

  • @albertgm2467


    Жыл бұрын

    @@stefan1360 With this system the griefer will reach the point when the victim will be able to kill him and the griefer will lose those materials and his gear.

  • @daroaminggnome


    Жыл бұрын

    @@gixgitaxxias9687 It affects risk/reward. The higher your corruption the lower the rewards you get the higher your risk is - to the point that'd you literally lose everything on you if you died while the people you kill are giving fuck all chump change. Honestly if a troll is OK with going through that then I'm OK with them trolling - villains should have a place in a social MMO, it should just be designed such the majority of players are encouraged not to be villains. In my experience the trolls we're talking about here only like easy no-risk targets - that's why level 40 rogues camp Duskwood or Redridge instead of fighting same-level players. The worst possible thing that can happen to the griefer in that situation is they have to take rez sickness and hearthstone back(and even then if a rogue has to take rez sickness they're a really really shitty rogue so most of the time the only cost is a hearthstone CD). If you increased the risk, the difficulty, and the punishment for doing such things you would naturally see far less players trying to do that shit. You'd still have some, sure, but I'm fine with that.

  • @setheauspleroma341
    @setheauspleroma341 Жыл бұрын

    Just when the copium withdrawals were kicking in Narc drops another banger. The Mad Lad strikes again

  • @gabrielhagetv
    @gabrielhagetv Жыл бұрын

    I miss MMOs where most of the XP came from defeated monsters. We logged into the game, left the city, entered a cave where we did a hunt, alone or with a group of friends, and when our characters leveled up we went back to the city to store/sell items, prepare for a new hunt or close the game. Simple as that... None of those boring quests of walking around the map for hours just to talk to the next NPC on your list of 5/10 completed quests. A MMORPG doesn't have to be complex, full of stories and missions to be good. Games nowadays offer you 10 XP for killing each wolf in the forest, but at the end of a mission you get 10,000 XP just walking from one city to another.... Unfortunately there are some current concepts that should be reviewed by game developers, as leveling through combat will always be much more important and rewarding than reading texts and walking around maps!



    Жыл бұрын

    Completely agree. Weirdly when I was a kid I thought quests were awesome after I saw them in WoW after having played MMOs with very few quests, like Lineage 2. However, I soon started to prefer the old "grind".

  • @robertfranchino2724
    @robertfranchino2724 Жыл бұрын

    You have kept me so excited for this game with all your videos, keep up the great work man!

  • @Narc
    @Narc Жыл бұрын

    Join the Patreon for absolutely no extra benefits because i'm lazy: www.patreon.com/CopiumInhaler There was an intro planned... but a nearly 20 minute video plus some IRL issues slayed me... so i guess i'll use the planned intro for the followup vid to this next month! In the mean time, come join the discord: discord.gg/muwNp8NhbB

  • @Christian_Bagger


    Жыл бұрын

    They’ve been communicated how pvp works from the get go. The vision is clear, can’t be a surprise…

  • @m_sedziwoj


    Жыл бұрын

    I playing BDO, and nothing is more toxic that random idiot attacking you while you gathering, you not in mode to fight, you not in gear to fight, you don't have buffs to fight, and you most cases not on main fighting character. Tell me, were there is risk reward? Because I see only risk. And dropping materials make it only worst, because when I would attack someone and have chance to drop, I would don't have items on me, so I don't have risk as attacking side. In BDO red players would use cheap gear, because losing enchantment on them was no problem. Only way I see to make it somewhat works is as in Eve Online, you go to safe location and gather 1x materials, go to zone where others can attack you, and you others and gather 2x material, and where free for all and you get 4x materials. But this have many exploits, so better not more, but rare materials, so guild would put escort around gathering because they want this new items.

  • @m_sedziwoj


    Жыл бұрын

    About caravans and why someone attack lonely gatherer, so why you even want this stupid system if you think it should not be use? Add that you can't attack people from same Node, and alliance Node and we get better world. Want kill random, go to another node and risk be targeted by it citizens.

  • @m_sedziwoj


    Жыл бұрын

    Oh, btw do you remember why many people play MMORPG for first time? Because it was to have adventure in different world with others and build something or do something great. You know, as in books we did read in past. So for me is not question is "is this mechanic good" is more "do you want to live in world as this", and that anybody on street can kill you, is not world you would like to live, not matter if you lose anything or not, or if he lose more later. Safe countries are not which have most criminals in jail, but which have lowest count of crimes.

  • @Ordo1980


    Жыл бұрын

    I hope this flagging system will help to kill griefers, annoying people, gold sellers etc. But there should be a jury system what could release me if the player killing was justified ^^

  • @termintot4645
    @termintot4645 Жыл бұрын

    The PvP system would be similar to what was (not sure now) in Lineage 2. In my opinion not the fairest system, as in L2 the way you would circumvent being Red was by bringing a group with you, which when healing you will make them Purple (fragged) and if anybody attacked them, they became Purple also and if you dont attack them then you dont stand a chance. This would be easy avoidable by making anyone assisting a Red player, Red yourself. Also the other part of being corrupt (Red) was that in order to get rid of it there were only 2 options, get killed until the karma points disappeared, this was resulting in loosing a lot of exp, even de-leveling and the other was by killing mobs, but would need to be mobs of your level, so PKing in low level would mean unable to get rid of karma without dying. Another aspect was not able to teleport or go into towns, so it would not be very easy to leave the place where you PK. However what players were doing was equipping low lvl armor and going into low level zones, and when someone actually wanted to PVP, the higher lvl player would decimate them because of the skill level and dmg of it. So a way of circumventing this would be to always show player level, and if not that, all stats to be on gear, so doesn't matter the skill, it would have similar power level as a low level player because of gear. Of course, many ways were invented to grief even with all of the above, one was to let yourself be low hp that if a player would engage in PvP, it would kill you in 1 hit which normally would only flag him, now he is Red so can be killed for a higher loss. Frankly I think L2 PVP system was fine and if implemented here with a few changes would be nice. All these farmers complaining about being killed while gathering, in L2 this was the most profitable thing. Granted only 1 class could gather and another craft, and they weren't very strong in terms of dmg, so they couldn't be OP and rich at the same time. But if in AOC you can gather/craft on any class, then you can be rich and OP because of it.

  • @RikaMasayume


    Жыл бұрын

    i created a guild in l2 were we all created chars that you can nearly one shot to force other into red.

  • @BackPacMan10
    @BackPacMan10 Жыл бұрын

    so if you are in a guild war with another guild can you kill the opposite guild in the open world without gaining corruption?

  • @PetWanties


    Жыл бұрын

    yes, the way it works in BDO pretty much, hopefully without an annoying protection system that griefers can exploit.

  • @techpriest8895


    Жыл бұрын

    I think so. That's how it worked in Lineage 2 anyway.

  • @Koto137


    Жыл бұрын

    Yes, I assume guild/clan wars, will work just like in L2 So you can have 1 sided war, where only one clan declares, they can be attacked by other clan and killed without penalty(if afk and dont fight back lets say), but not the other way around. If both clans declare wars its free pvp without any corruption/pk status. This is how top clans compete for high lvl locations to farm/xp.

  • @aviv7613
    @aviv7613 Жыл бұрын

    This is exactly Lineage 2 PVP system, and it is awesome.

  • @arnaspanic


    Жыл бұрын

    The best pvp system ever shown in mmorpg

  • @briancho237


    Жыл бұрын

    I kinda miss the siege battles

  • @ggNotSuree
    @ggNotSuree Жыл бұрын

    So no losses when doing guild or node war pvp. Does that include not losing mats and xp?

  • @badatgames4127
    @badatgames4127 Жыл бұрын

    I feel the corruption system is going to prevent most from playing the psycho/bandit RP character, so I'm relatively happy with that. What I am slightly concerned about is how 'corporatized' the game is going to be, with just a few massive guilds running everything and you, the lowly player, having to bend the knee to some irl creep's power trip.

  • @Ordo1980


    Жыл бұрын

    I think they know about this and it is the goal. There will be 2-3 large organizations and maybe some middle sized ones, who own all the land basically. It is like countries. But you can have smaller guilds just for adventure or to join/help bigger ones. In an other MMO, Puzzle Pirates they had flags and crews (guilds). It was a better system for that same issue. YOu could have your own crew but crews were part of flags who owned the islands. I don't know how it will look like in Ashes. It would be cool to have my own smaller group while still participate in the bigger events.

  • @babstra55


    Жыл бұрын

    in every game I've seen similar mechanics it always turns out it's just an excuse to allow griefing to continue. there's always mechanics put in to circumvent any negative consequences for the griefers. because they don't want to stop griefing as all the whales are griefers, and then the game dies.

  • @jbrock76


    Жыл бұрын

    I prefer having designated PvP areas. A group instance for 0-10, 11-20, 21-30... then have one big area for anyone and everyone. You can put leveled quest runs in there or good materials or loot drops there to encourage people to at least check it out. But if I'm out in the wild doing my thing, leave me alone. If I wanna quest and farm, I should be able to do that without fear of getting ganked. If I wanna PvP, I should have a place to do that anytime I want.

  • @harshdhindsa2255
    @harshdhindsa2255 Жыл бұрын

    How id imagine it to go is like this 1- Find someone 2- Poke them 3- fight them if they fight back, just leave if they wont. (dont wanna be red). They should have bounty boards with maps that constantly show red players and their loot level~ so red players cant just hide. The only way id imagine this could be abused is if you just kept annoying someone without killing them, like for how long can you attack them while not actually gaining corruption? there should be a patience meter that could solve that easily.

  • @h8uscuzdeyanus725
    @h8uscuzdeyanus725 Жыл бұрын

    Hey Narc. Thanks for the content! I cannot wait to see the content you produce when this game drops! Thanks dude!

  • @Janman1988
    @Janman1988 Жыл бұрын

    like that this video really wraps up what the risk / reward really means, embrace both sides and it will lead to even more fun and content!

  • @veil1792
    @veil1792 Жыл бұрын

    *Between the Bounty Hunter system, and the crippling effects of Corruption, I don't think Griefing randoms, or gatherers will be a sustainable type of gameplay in Ashes. But also, people are opportunistic. So if someone knows for SURE that you're carrying a valuable material (say a Gold Dragon tooth) you WILL be attacked the entire way to your storage point.*

  • @captainharlock3998


    Жыл бұрын

    Oh man, do not underestimate the power of alts!

  • @shadow7037932


    Жыл бұрын

    You significantly underestimate the lengths people go to grief. Just look at how many ganking alts are created in EVE Online especially during Hulkageddon.

  • @DominicGreene72


    Жыл бұрын

    @@shadow7037932 that's my concern with this as well. don't know that it will be widespread, but there is a not-insignificant number of players who just live to grief and where they do go, it's going to be absolutely miserable for people who don't have a means to fight them off

  • @ephemeraIity


    Жыл бұрын

    Maybe the corruption could be account wide

  • @SouthernGuy5423


    Жыл бұрын

    That's incredibly optimistic of you. In my experience, the people who are responsible for the behavior all the 'Carebears' hate do it 100% to troll, grief, and make people's lives miserable. Thus, consequences matter very little or at all. When the point of your actions is just to spread misery, you don't much care what happens to you as long as you achieve your goal...

  • @angel373bcn
    @angel373bcn Жыл бұрын

    Lineage 2 had the best pvp system ever, with the best resources, bosses and farming spots being contested by other players. That made for the best player driven narratives, conflicts, wars, alliances, betrayal, etc... I hope they stay as close to the Lineage 2 pvp formula as possible.

  • @DeshHere
    @DeshHere Жыл бұрын

    An important video for the current dev discussion

  • @arnaudmaindron6141
    @arnaudmaindron6141 Жыл бұрын

    Hi, I was at first a bit worried about the lack off pvp due to the corruption system (as an albion online player), but you said it right, there will be a lot of interesting and rewarding pvp activities and the only pvp part covered by the corruption system is grieffing and it's a good thing. Thanks for covering this topic. Having tested mortal online 2, full loot pvp murder fiesta 20 feets away from towns and zerg ganking with 0% chances to escape was a bit too much for me. Albion Ganking was fun, but only when this was challenging, with the chances of the gankers to kill the gatherer 50%, and were decided by who played the best.

  • @cmike123
    @cmike123 Жыл бұрын

    You can call me care bear or whatever, but I've played enough MMOs to know that some people really only have fun if they are ruining someone else's day. So we'll see how well they handle griefing.

  • @krschu00


    Жыл бұрын

    @KKON Don't think you understood his comment. I'm not gonna let griefers dictate what game I play. Especially when AoC looks really cool. Hopefully Corruption works well so these losers can grow up and enjoy games like sane people and not like psychopaths.

  • @tejano2828


    Жыл бұрын


  • @TheOtherGuy1420


    Жыл бұрын

    @KKON but roleplaying is literally in the genre.... how can part of a game ruin the game for you? if you don't like roleplaying games, easy, just don't play them. Play the mmo sea of thieves, or pubg or fortnite or hunt showdown or for honor.... do you not see your hypocrisy? LOL

  • @TheOtherGuy1420


    Жыл бұрын

    @KKON No, that made it fun FOR YOU, that's the differentiation and the hypocrisy of your blabbering. People love games for different reasons. Who knew not everyone thought the same way...Strange. Go play crowfall if you want a pvp mmo.

  • @krschu00


    Жыл бұрын

    @KKON This is a straw man argument. I legit never said anything against it being a PvP mmo. I'm excited about world pvp. You seem to be in favor of greifers though. No need to use the appeal to the extremes. Wanting good PvP mmo doesn't mean you want nothing to be done about griefers...........

  • @wags_crypto4105
    @wags_crypto4105 Жыл бұрын

    Be careful what you ask for...the ganking will be long, hard and deep

  • @Orxbane


    Жыл бұрын

    It'll be a shit show.

  • @Sir_Lagg_A_Lot


    Жыл бұрын

    Open world pvp is made for the people who fail at queued pvp, and want to beat up new players. Open world pvpers often run it terror from a fair fight.

  • @jamaly77


    Жыл бұрын

    ​@@Sir_Lagg_A_Lot MMOs for fun. RTS or other esports title that offer a fair playing field for PvP. Gear-based PvP in MMOs is so sad imo.

  • @DenethorDurrandir
    @DenethorDurrandir Жыл бұрын

    I liked how gathering and pvp coexisted in Archeage, safe gathering in your own garden maintained thru taxes, somewhat unsafe gathering in the open world and highly contested gathering and transporting of special resources (mineral water, archeum logs etc), I hope ashes uses something like that and not a half assed system like New World did

  • @LoDaFTA
    @LoDaFTA Жыл бұрын

    They should go even beyond and make part of the materials dropped when you die degrade and disappear. Would work great to control inflation.

  • @latestgreatest5116
    @latestgreatest5116 Жыл бұрын

    Back when world pvp was a thing in WoW, I used to play on pvp servers only, not because I wanted to attack or be attacked by other players, but because I wanted the option to be there, it added a bit of flavor and tension to every encounter, made the gameplay so much more interesting. And when a bunch of people used to gather on each side and chaos ensued, boy, was that fun! Sure, a pvp realm had his downsides (took more time to complete tasks for the obvious reasons), but overall, I enjoyed the thrill, it offered me something that a pve realm never could. Oh, and at times, players of the opposite faction would even help with an elite encounter, because at the end of the day, both sides needed each other to make the game fun ;)

  • @BlyssOblyvion


    Жыл бұрын

    all hail the terror that was STV!

  • @sealboy1211


    Жыл бұрын

    I spent too much time roaming hillsbrad foothills back in the day just waiting for something to pop off between the settlements.

  • @BlyssOblyvion


    Жыл бұрын

    @@sealboy1211 the zone right next to it was where those took place on our server. Was arathi Highlands, I think?

  • @rubycon2207
    @rubycon2207 Жыл бұрын

    Ashes again creating magnificent social gameplay and stories without even existing

  • @elsewhereprince3969
    @elsewhereprince3969 Жыл бұрын

    This is one reason why I want to learn about how stealth works. It would be nice to be able to nope-out whenever trouble appears.

  • @WaitWhyTho
    @WaitWhyTho Жыл бұрын

    THE CHAD EDIT 💀 Good video man!

  • @danny3120
    @danny3120 Жыл бұрын

    Armor needs to make a massive difference to characters damage and damage taken, or we will get naked griefers wielding nothing but a weapon.

  • @babstra55


    Жыл бұрын

    I wonder if any game has ever tried to make it possible to get deliberately too tanky to be killed to deal with griefing? obviously it should also make your dps pathetic at the same time, but maybe it could work if it were possible to just turtle up with the right gear.

  • @TheCatslock


    Жыл бұрын

    @@babstra55 to be an unkillable mobile gathered with almost zero walk speed and over encumbered status on the poor mount XD Could be a cool strategy.

  • @babstra55


    Жыл бұрын

    @@TheCatslock XD

  • @VitchAndVorty


    Жыл бұрын

    @@TheCatslock Ok. Be like Maple from BoFuRi.

  • @kaivenst
    @kaivenst Жыл бұрын

    Couldnt agree more - I also am looking more forward to the non-combat aspects of the game, and generally never participant in PvP in any MMO. I'm one of those filthy FFXIV casuals you mentioned - although I played FF11 a lot back in the day, and I have the rare opinion that losing experience when dying is a great part of a MMO, again risk-reward. FFXIV is a bit too casual for me but still a fun game. I am however really looking forward to the risk-reward aspect of the game. Gathering is boring unless there's an element of risk involved, and I love the idea that the game really discourages random slaughtering of gathers... but doesn't eliminate it entirely. Basically it probably won't happen, but there's always the chance that it will and that keeps it very exciting. I'll be upset if they nerf it at all - I think the best solution for those who really oppose being griefed is to make sure there are items they can buy or craft that allow them a certain amount of time of gathering invisible to other players. That would be a pretty high value item and more reason to get a crafting artisan.

  • @graikonungr7502


    Жыл бұрын

    I agree on the FFXI exp debt mechanic, except for de-leveling. Losing abilities is too harsh IMO.

  • @zeroremorse24x7
    @zeroremorse24x7 Жыл бұрын

    This is a great video, realllllly enjoyed it! 😀

  • @TeKDrY25
    @TeKDrY25 Жыл бұрын

    Question. Will I be forced to go gathering at the start of the game to make money ?

  • @MyGamester
    @MyGamester Жыл бұрын

    Bro I called this sht out in the new world forums and people said stuff like “I don’t remember people having a problem with the pvp” “you’re crazy” happens every time a game has pvp. This sht is sooo funny to me like most of these people won’t even stick around. - I had to go back and edit this comment. I made it at the start of the video and at 11:50 when you said “it just isn’t for you” omg The smile that came to my face. Some people just can’t cope with some games not being for them “no I like it” but did u stay and grind classic wow to end game when it dropped? Did u grind NW to 60 when it dropped? Have you played a actual mmo in the last 5 years not destiny 2, not rust, not EFT a actual mmo and grind to end game? If you answered no all 3 of these. Mmos just ain’t for u. I can’t see comments like “what defines a mmo destiny 2 has a lot of people playing isn’t it a massive online multiplayer game” and to that I say STFU don’t be a smart ass u know exactly wtf I’m talking about lil pssy btch sht might work on your parents not here boii u know EXACTLY wtf I’m talking about when I say REAL MMO gtfo oh here if u talking survivals, destiney 2 BS. Fckin snow flakes.

  • @Hiyooma
    @Hiyooma Жыл бұрын

    I think it's possible for both pvpers and pvers to both co exist happily depending on the way the game is structured I'm excited to see what direction AoC takes.

  • @Icemourne_


    Жыл бұрын

    It is possible for PVP and PVE players to co-exist but not for griefers and PVE players

  • @Hiyooma


    Жыл бұрын

    @@Icemourne_ sure there is, griefers are in every multiplayer just need to punish them ArcheAge Had a good punishment system you grief, you sit in jail for x time sometime hours LUL

  • @faowin9112
    @faowin9112 Жыл бұрын

    I think there's lots of opportunities to mix merchant gameplay with PvP gameplay. One personal example that comes to mind is when I was playing ArcheAge. I was with two homies and we were just sailing the seas looking for some fights. We come across a guy with a bunch of trade packs (individual processed good packages that you can only carry one at a time on your back and you turn in to a NPC for gold) who was loading up about 10 or so onto a cart he had. We roll up on him and push him into the graveyard (safe zone). We tried to kill him and take his packs before he could get to the safe zone but we were at a standoff of who would stick around longer. Both sides said the usual "lol loser" quips at each other, but whenever another group rolled up looking to do the same thing of pirating, we brokered a deal with the guy. He give us each a trade pack and he keeps the rest and we act as bodyguards. We wiped the floor with the third party and all turned in our packs and all left happy. Everyone was cool and not out of line hostile (I mean we were essentially the bad guys and pseudo-RP'd as such but didn't actually mean it). Ended up adding everyone on my friends list and continued talking after that engagement. I know not every scenario is like this or happens, but you can get some good memorable moments to occur in PvP mixed mercantile players.

  • @sidewayspagan9221
    @sidewayspagan9221 Жыл бұрын

    Love your vids man, keep it up.

  • @alex132788
    @alex132788 Жыл бұрын

    My concern with Ashes world pvp, isn't a single griefer, but a band of them. Sandbox games are regularly ruined by zergs. Also, it occurs to me that the corruption system may not play out as intended. It seems possible that the vast majority of players will fight back, at least initially when ganked, in order to drop less loot. If this happens corruption might be extremely rare, and not because few people are getting ganked, but because those getting ganked are trying to preserve the resources they just spent however long gathering.

  • @wiliestrogue2924


    Жыл бұрын

    The Zerg will destroy this game.

  • @negan4089


    Жыл бұрын

    @@wiliestrogue2924 you say zergs but don’t you mean guilds? There are people in this game that enjoy pvp and only want to do that the same as there are people that only like pve

  • @wiliestrogue2924


    Жыл бұрын

    @@negan4089 I'm referring to MASSIVE guilds that just Zerg Sperg the entire map. I was main healer in that type of guild in WAR. We literally destroyed 3 servers and moved onto a 4th before the game died and the guild moved onto other things. (Guild still exists.) This needs to be addressed before release or this game WILL die. It's not a joke. This is a VERY serious problem for this type of game.

  • @negan4089


    Жыл бұрын

    @@wiliestrogue2924 there is a limit to how many people can join a guild my guess is 100 people. Look at bdo it’s the closest game I have ever seen to ashes pvp wise with node wars and sieges almost exactly the same. There will always be the strongest guild but the strongest will still fall if 5 smaller guilds ally against them

  • @wiliestrogue2924


    Жыл бұрын

    @@negan4089 In WAR we had THREE guilds...all running at once. Everyone on Teamspeak. The guild leader and a couple guild leaders were the only ones allowed to give orders. It was awesome, incredible to behold...and completely broken. We helped other guilds form alliances to try and give us some competition. It didn't matter...nobody could come close. The guild had a meeting with the WAR Devs to try and help fix the issues with PvP and End Game content. If I recall correctly...the devs didn't implement one suggestion. WAR died.

  • @Otazihs
    @Otazihs Жыл бұрын

    The problem with node wars is it always ends up with 2-3 massive guilds controlling most of them. So if you are not part one of these guilds, tough luck, you don't get to take part on that aspect of the game.

  • @xeno9754


    Жыл бұрын

    You dont need to be in a guild to be a citizen of a node. To be part of a node you need to be a citizen. For example if a node is attacked, all citizens are automatically defenders. They can chose not to take part in the defense but they can not join the attack. I except this system to be used for node wars as well. So if the node you are citizen in is at war, you are automatically part of the war. Sure large guilds will be the once who organize coordinated raids but zerging should not occur. Reason being no AoE cap as far as i know. Meaning a big zerg is just a big target. But small guilds can still hit and run. Or even flanking the big enemy guild while the big guild on your side fights them. Hell a group of 5 people can do a lot of damage. Also There is a member limit for a guild and an alliance limit as well. So Large guilds have limited number of members. Second: You can ever only be a citizen on a single node. Per account. So a large guild can only ever be part of a single node. Most likely one of the level 6 metropolis nodes. If they split up, they cant help each other in node war. I play MMORPGs for over 20 years and when Steven talked about Beaten Dogs, i fell like one of them. I didn't even backed the game until 1 month ago. The Devs have put a lot of thought into Ashes. So much in fact that i am starting to believe. Believe that finally something good is coming. I am weary of one shattered hope after another but this one last time i allow myself to hope. One last time i will support an MMORPG like this. For Ashes has proven over the years, that they deserve this chance.

  • @DrewPicklesTheDark


    Жыл бұрын

    So basically like IRL when 2-3 countries will control a resource?

  • @RoytheBoy0
    @RoytheBoy0 Жыл бұрын

    Can't wait to see wars break out because one guild across the map wants the resources of another guild across the map

  • @optics-saltlesscruelty6146
    @optics-saltlesscruelty6146 Жыл бұрын

    Thank you for putting out all the details on this situation!!!! I posted on AOC with my thoughts.... I think the corruption debuffs will be enough to keep true griefers at bay..... I do hope though that players who spend more of their game time lvling combat skills and "build efficiency" will hopefully be on par via "skill power" of those who focus one crafting and having better"gear power". If they can nail this balance and not make one type of lvling superior it will do wonders for the community. Hopefully have it all wash out at max lvl. Resulting in those with the best gear and most skill being the strongest players, ideally resulting in Pvpers with crafter homies building a solid community.... Pvpers being focused on winning wars and defending caravans during those types of events. But relying on the crafters and gatherers to do their thing in order to keep a node capabilities strong. Which will allow pvpers to have access to decent items also. I still am a firm believer that PVP skill "knowing how to play your build" should have an edge over "raw stats"... IE: 2% more health... should not make that much of a damn difference. I have seen this a lot in other games and its crap... Yes if you out gear someone by 15%/20% base stats, yes you should clap them with relative ease, if your decent at your build. But seeing DOG SHIT players with raid gear running around doing dumb shit and still dominating in a pvp setting due to raw overpowered gear earned in some rinse and repeat raid that they begged their moms guild to run them through.. yea thats HOT FUCKING Garbage!!!! Keep the bangers coming. I am excited to see how this particular mechanic plays out. I honestly think that the Good pvpers will not be griefing or ganking that often in a gathering setting.... Of course, there are Cunts out there who will but most of them are the people that actually suck at pvp and are butt hurt so they are looking for an easy kill to make them feel better about their shit existence IRL and online As a pvper IDGAF about people on the road if I wasn't actively engaged in some type of instanced pvp or cyrodil I was doing what I needed to do in the pve world to get better gear so I could be better at pvp...

  • @destnardanderion1150
    @destnardanderion1150 Жыл бұрын

    I loved the pvp system in L2, it's a pity that it's more boring in BDO. I often kicked players out of the spots that I need to farm. I was kid without friends. others kicked me out. And I found people with whom I play many games to this day. We changed mmo for mmo. And for people like us, this is not a problem. There will always be griefers in the game, whatever you do with such a system. Only a friend or the Guild will help. "No friends? find them!" only sounds good on paper) Steven won't take casuals under his wing. As in L2 and BDO, all top players don't give a shit about PK and casuals and who kills whom there. When there are a lot of people in the game, there are a lot of griefers. Fewer people less griefers. Top guilds do not take casual players. And the sociality that is there is this class division. Either you're a hardcore or a plebeian. This is a game FOR HARDCORE GUILDS and a little for others. Like L2 like Archeage. People have been preparing whole guilds to move to Ashes for a long time. Personally, I would simply not advise the casual to enter at all if he is afraid of the pvp system)

  • @Koto137


    Жыл бұрын

    Casuals are not a point of interest for hardcore players. HC players pvp for high lvl locations and causals will fall off from day2 posing no threats/competition for them. Causals usualy fight with other causals then. Different league :)

  • @blackcrow3718


    Жыл бұрын

    @@Koto137 depends bandit Will always attack a weaker target for easy profit. System needs to be build to guide and control pvp elements. Competition not the only reason people pvp.

  • @Koto137


    Жыл бұрын

    @@blackcrow3718 for that you have the bounty hunter system. Good luck bounty hunting top players. But PK as casual player... RIP

  • @fingermi7571


    Жыл бұрын

    Yes cause when you kill low level players you're just so HARDCORE right? Loser

  • @VitchAndVorty


    Жыл бұрын

    @@Koto137 Stop saying "CAUSAL"!

  • @Deisan
    @Deisan Жыл бұрын

    Not wrong. I play FFXIV for the story and pretty much the story alone, and GW2 for the actual MMO aspects. I just hope Ashes open pvp doesn't scare off so many casuals it becomes too niche to keep its big MMO aspects alive and working.

  • @wiliestrogue2924


    Жыл бұрын


  • @Deisan


    Жыл бұрын

    @@wiliestrogue2924 Bruh. Reading comprehension. Work on it. If I call others casuals to be scared off by AoCs proposed PvP, kiiinda suggests I'm not one of them.

  • @wiliestrogue2924


    Жыл бұрын

    @@Deisan Carebear

  • @briancho237


    Жыл бұрын

    @@Deisan He's actually going around spamming carebear. Ignore him.

  • @Arrow333
    @Arrow333 Жыл бұрын

    About 20 years ago, my first MMO was actually a "MMORPGFPS" called Neocron. Among others it featured more FPS like controls - something more akin to the modern action combat style - nodes in the open world that can be captured by your "clan" (guild) for some benefits and about 10-20 factions. Each pair of factions could be in a allied, neutral or enemy state. Factions, who were enemies to each other could always PVP without penalties, neutral factions could fight but with penalties and allies could not PVP with each other. The social interactions between players of these factions to form further alliances against common enemies and fight them in the end were basically the spice of life in this game. The karma system in Ashes of Creation kind of reminds me of those days, just that there will be no predefined factions and all of it is based on the "politics" between guilds. I am rarely interested in PvP, but this might end up to be a version that is actually interesting for me.

  • @temijinkahn511
    @temijinkahn511 Жыл бұрын

    Great analysis. Question, how are you going to be able to tell that the player is at war with you?

  • @KidFork2525
    @KidFork2525 Жыл бұрын

    I loved lineage 2 which had this pvp system so it encourages you to get into guilds/clans and fight together

  • @Koto137


    Жыл бұрын

    What he said ^ Corruption/PK(player killer) mostly happens when fop 30 ppl on server want to farm same location and they need to fight for it, and gour guild has to protect you just in case you drop that precious draconi bow. Makes game so much more competetive and FUN!! Can't wait 😍

  • @KidFork2525


    Жыл бұрын

    The only thing I didn’t like about l2 was the eastern grind and many bots came out of it. But if they can bring the play style into a western game I’m all for it.

    @MEETDRJ Жыл бұрын

    i believe certain zones should be free from PvP so gatherers can do so in peace, and other zones with rarer materials should be contestable via PvP. There should also be some mobs guarding the materials so people cant just camp there all day with no danger.

  • @babstra55


    Жыл бұрын

    this has been tried in most open pvp games that died. the thing is, if griefing stops people from playing the actual content, they will stop playing the game. they're not gonna be fired up or happy for the 'dynamic gameplay', they're just gonna quit. because why would anyone use their free time repeatedly feeling bad? it just doesn't make any sense that they'd keep coming back.

  • @ChaddeusThaddeus


    Жыл бұрын

    That's one thing I think ESO does right, there's 2 open world pvp zones that are enormous that you have to opt into to participate, although they don't add pvp content so that's where my praise of that game ends lmao

  • @wiliestrogue2924


    Жыл бұрын


  • @VitchAndVorty


    Жыл бұрын

    @@wiliestrogue2924 Saying 'carebear' over and over doesn't make you tough, dipshit.

  • @breezi3154
    @breezi3154 Жыл бұрын

    What's to stop a max level player from griefing and then giving all of their gear and materials to a friend, and then having their friend kill them to remove corruption? (max level - exp debt doesn't matter, all gear and materials in their friends hands - nothing lost) ?

  • @Madpain10
    @Madpain10 Жыл бұрын

    Anyone who played Silkroad online knows how awesome the Trader-Hunter-Thief was. Hopefully this is close or better

  • @Vaelin69
    @Vaelin69 Жыл бұрын

    One of the big issues I ran into with archeage, is if you suck at making friends, you're gunna suck at the game. Whereas other current mmos can be played fine alone. There needs to be a healthy middle man between solo players and group activities

  • @wiliestrogue2924


    Жыл бұрын


  • @206Zelda


    Жыл бұрын

    I'm sure there will be plenty of independent things to do that won't necessarily need to involve groups. Any community is built up from individuals, after all. I personally don't like feeling worried that I'd waste my time trusting a guild that suckers me in with the promise of camaraderie, only to kick me because I couldn't commit 'enough' hours, or because the GM's girlfriend hates me for reasons she won't disclose to me. Casuals will find ways to enjoy their time, and if they can't, then they simply won't play this game. 👍

  • @ricmramos
    @ricmramos Жыл бұрын

    They basically have L2 karma system. And it is good in my view.

  • @gtx5788
    @gtx5788 Жыл бұрын

    love your content Narc. youțre the best!

  • @KarlBarbosa
    @KarlBarbosa Жыл бұрын

    Lineage 2 had one MAJOR problem that was basically droving away all but the most hardcore: bored high level griefers. So yes, L2 had the corruption mechanic and could drop gear when killed while red (a lot of gear). Problem was there were a lot of players who got an archer really high level, decided they didn't want to play it seriously anymore, and then dedicated it solely towards griefing using newbie bows and armor, knowing full well that even with newb gear, they would utterly steamroll actual newbs. I remember MANY times back then playing a level 20-something character and then contending with a level 65+ elven ranger running around the zone, one shotting all the newbs, myself included, and then instantly logging out before any actual high level player could come and take him out. And they'd just do this over and over. And remember that L2 also had the whole XP loss on death mechanic. So it meant that any time I played a new character, the level 20-35 stretch would take literally twice as long as it should have because of these perma red griefers. If Ashes doesn't find a way to deal with these kinds of scenarios while still maintaining XP loss or XP debt (and material drop which is even WORSE than in L2), it will piss off so many players, including PVPers trying to level up a new character. And no, no high level player is going to just volunteer to babysit newbs in those zones unless they are somehow compensated for their 'guard duty'.

  • @blackestyang7528
    @blackestyang7528 Жыл бұрын

    the problem with player-driven content is you eventually run out of players

  • @casualwatcher5029


    Жыл бұрын

    if the game runs out of player in like 10 yrs later then it's done its job

  • @Ordo1980


    Жыл бұрын

    @@casualwatcher5029 I think every RPG like game should have a lifecycle anyway, even if it is an MMO. Everything loses value if they just adding content and numbers. Even if they have number crunching like in WoW. The problem is that epic weapons and enemies became a joke after while. It will be like DBZ where always a new, even more powerful enemy appears.

  • @casualwatcher5029


    Жыл бұрын

    @@Ordo1980 that's why AoC is a player-driven content

  • @casualwatcher5029


    Жыл бұрын

    @@Ordo1980 i see AoC's main gameplay theme as something similar to Rust, but in a bigger scale

  • @bobbycrosby9765
    @bobbycrosby9765 Жыл бұрын

    I've played games with flag systems like this back in the mid to late '90s. Plenty of ways to bait a green player into going purple. Flag systems always have holes you could drive a big rig through.

  • @wiliestrogue2924


    Жыл бұрын

    You can't fix stupid.

  • @Purington
    @Purington Жыл бұрын

    I so enjoy your passion and analysis, but I refuse to define my play style or what I am looking for in the next MMORPG for fear of being given some title I have to google to see what it means 😏

  • @Pax00Imperium


    Жыл бұрын

    That's the play style of the CasRanPvR. Casual Random Player versus Reality. :D But seriously, understanding your own play style or rather what play style a game is can help not be dissatisfied and know what you're getting yourself into.

  • @andrewheavenridge7955
    @andrewheavenridge7955 Жыл бұрын

    This is probably the best topic you've covered so far. LOVE IT

  • @user15121lIlIIll
    @user15121lIlIIll Жыл бұрын

    Unpopular opinion but I love the idea of being a red player, the idea that you're corrupted and a criminal who has it tougher than everyone else because of the debuffs applied and the fact that there are players who's sole job is to hunt people like you makes you feel like you're living on the edge. This opens up opportunities for red players to band together and create an assassins guild, that green players can create requests to assassinate other green players without being corrupted

  • @dagirem9484


    Жыл бұрын

    Sounds awsome to me

  • @xeno9754


    Жыл бұрын

    From the Wiki. Corruption penalties occur as the corruption is gained. The higher the corruption score: The more skill and stat dampening applies (lower health and mana, lower gear proficiency), until the corrupt player ultimately becomes ineffective at combat. This dampening only affects PvP combat

  • @BlackDoorIL


    Жыл бұрын

    from lineage, most clans had a PK player always ready to go, a blood thristy player that was summoned by his clan to clear points of intrest from peaceful players. this way the players didnt get the karma and the pk player that basically had no items but a weapon had fun slaying full parties solo.

  • @bradandrews777


    Жыл бұрын

    Your opinion is quite popular, and a reason that so many want to avoid a game that allows and even rewards that. Any penalty would even be a plus for people who enjoy this. Why would I want to grind things just to get ganked all the time? Not much appeal in that.

  • @joew8438


    Жыл бұрын

    There's some in BDO. They usually run around killing casuals and hiding from guards for a few days, then eventually go back to neutral. Ashes is increasingly sounding like a BDO clone to me, perhaps with less pay to win in the cash shop. Always on PVP, not full loot world PVP, forts, player housing, sandbox world, PVP endgame - all that sound familiar?

  • @Polarcete
    @Polarcete Жыл бұрын

    Even though i love pvp, i believe gatherers in the main continents shouldn't lose their gathered materials, because most people do gathering to relax, and it can be very stressful to have to constantly watch out for gankers. Also dropping materials on death would make it harder for people to socialize, since even your fellow gatherers would try to kill you if they see you gathering a rare material. That being said, what i believe would be the best option here is to make the isles on the edges of the map the best gathering spots on the world, fill them with abundant and rare materials, but also make them a full pvp zone, where if you die, you lose all your materials. This would incentivize open sea pvp, because you have to take those materials back to the main continents, and would also make the outer islands more relevant and interesting.

  • @meurumtrain4747


    Жыл бұрын

    This game is gonna be a solo players he’ll. No one will attack a guy with 3 group mates at his side

  • @m_sedziwoj


    Жыл бұрын

    or add option for Mayors of node to turn on/off option to pvp between node citizens, this would make player deciding if they think this system is good or not. And as you said, add better resources in zones where pvp is allowed or on ocean where is free for all, but I would connected gathering and pve, so dungeons with resources but you need first fight mobs, so people must form party for them, and this would make pvp better if it would happen. And random pk would have hard time to get even close

  • @blobfish2624
    @blobfish2624 Жыл бұрын

    That Black desert combat at the start man!

  • @sukrull381
    @sukrull381 Жыл бұрын

    Think ppl will have more than 1 character one perma red ?

  • @TheHighborn
    @TheHighborn Жыл бұрын

    There is a balance between carebear & griefing. getting murced is fine. Getting camped for minutes is not

  • @PetWanties


    Жыл бұрын

    dont give people a reason to camp you, simple as that

  • @NonsenseUnrelated


    Жыл бұрын

    Minutes? I remember actively dodging gankers for hours back in vanilla wow. Was it annoying? Absolutely. But asking in chat for some high level help to defend the lowbies getting killed was good fun and community building and always felt it necessary to help retain interest in the world at large. There was always something going on somewhere

  • @TheHighborn


    Жыл бұрын

    @@PetWanties when me & friends ganked in wow, we just randomly picked a fight and camped low levels until big boys came. Gankers don't need a reason, as long as they can fuck shit up

  • @stefan1360


    Жыл бұрын

    @@PetWanties yeah just don't play lmao, dogshit advice

  • @meurumtrain4747


    Жыл бұрын

    @@NonsenseUnrelated I shouldn’t need to do that.

  • @vidzrswow
    @vidzrswow Жыл бұрын

    I am crafter as I got older but I use to be a pvper. What changed wasn't my age it was there is more serious pvp outlets in gaming. I always thought it was funny that mmo pvpers have a word for the people who don't want pvp in their gathering time. IMO the real carebears are the pvpers who can't hang in real pvp game modes like arena or actual pvp games aka FPS or mobas. I've talked to a few already and I WAS ONE when I was younger. The only real reason a majority(not all MAJORITY) of people want world pvp is to grief or to have a non competitive pvp outlet for their small penis. When I PKed in runescape I wasn't thinking "oh can't wait to have a fun fight" it was more like "give me loot bitch". There is ways to make guild drama without punishing casual content which is the majority of players.

  • @baranteyfur4800
    @baranteyfur4800 Жыл бұрын

    You are literally getting 100 subs a day dude!

  • @sunnybunny2515
    @sunnybunny2515 Жыл бұрын

    OH SNAP - that was my tweet in there :D

  • @techpriest8895
    @techpriest8895 Жыл бұрын

    I'm not sure why people feel that getting ganked is somehow griefing. Actual carebear take.

  • @maxrusty3596


    Жыл бұрын

    I mean it literally is griefing but who cares its a part of the game. Dont get lost in the sauce with the language u use.

  • @TierDvik


    Жыл бұрын

    Because its about risk vs reward. Lets say you activated your gathering items so you are not in combat gear... 3 guys jump you in full combat gear... you die as a green. They are red now and take your loot and logoff or hide somewhere. What risk did those 3 face? The gatherer took all the risk and the attackers get all the reward. If you defend yourself and still die, you still lose and they are not even turned red. This is a problem. On the flip side if you restrict PVP to zones or have a no-pvp flag... then world becomes dead for the pvp players and the game suffers as they begin to grief out of boredom. There is a difference between griefing and PVP. Ganking someone that CANNOT defend themselves is a shit move made by weak skilless PvPers. Real pvpers want to challenge themselves vs someone who will fight back. Then you have pirating. These can seem like griefers but they are doing it to get a reward... they more then likely will extort money to NOT kill you rather then risk anything. If you want to just attack people that cannot fight back due to pvp flaging nature or lower level or fighting a hard mob... then you ARE a griefer and scum.

  • @justinwhite2725


    Жыл бұрын

    @@TierDvik logging off or hiding doesn't make the red go away. They have to either earn experience or get killed by another player. When you die corrupted there is a chance you will lose items. This is described as an item sink, so it's not like you can get a friend to kill you and give you back your stuff, as an item sink its just *gone*. So no, there are real penalties for being corrupted that I don't think most people have really considered and probably won't be very clear until people actually experience it in A2.

  • @techpriest8895


    Жыл бұрын

    @@TierDvik You're making a lot of assumptions here dude. It's entirely possible to fight back while getting ganked and win. Calling people "scum" and a "griefer" is a total pussy move and childish.

  • @techpriest8895


    Жыл бұрын

    ​@@maxrusty3596 It's not literally griefing. Griefing is when for example you intentionally throw a game of League by feeding the enemy team or some shit. Someone killing you in an open world PVP mmo isn't.

  • @Wholesome_Fries
    @Wholesome_Fries Жыл бұрын

    As a fall guys player I side with the griefers

  • @bitbraindev
    @bitbraindev Жыл бұрын

    Love the length of your beard already. Keep it growing! 🧔

  • @nashoh7626
    @nashoh7626 Жыл бұрын

    First, love your content been watching since you started making vids on ashes keep up the great videos

  • @StarRavage


    Жыл бұрын

    you're 2 secs off of being first. Mykhailo Poliukhovych is

  • @nashoh7626


    Жыл бұрын

    @@StarRavage i realized that:(

  • @memebro3181
    @memebro3181 Жыл бұрын

    PvP in MMO is a joke anyway unless it's fully equalized and devs actually care about PvP balance. However we all know devs don't really care about PvP balance in MMO because MMO is PvE game in the end. For those who think they're good at PvP in MMO. Go play actual PvP games and climb the ladder there. I bet most of you MMO PvPers will fail miserably.

  • @TierDvik


    Жыл бұрын

    This person knows their shit. The reason everyone hates PVP in MMOs is because they do it so half assed. Level scaling, gear scaling, these things matter. In real PVP gear should give you different stat profiles but not be just better then others. That is not pvp, if you need the gear to be better to win, you are a pver. This is something GW2 did RIGHT.

  • @memebro3181


    Жыл бұрын

    @@TierDvik Nice try.

  • @ayres9934
    @ayres9934 Жыл бұрын

    I don't knw if this would be a good feature.....but how about making it so that when you transport materials between nodes or metropolises they get a slight buff in it's quality. Making the outer towns from a main city the farming zones and then having items be transported through the caravan system. It'll be fun to have small fights on the outer towns for smaller benefits and a all out brawl with raid parties forming to get the materials towards the inner cities because the materials get more refined or get better through the travel....

  • @0d0gn
    @0d0gn Жыл бұрын

    When BDO first launched its corruption mechanic it was ramped super hard to try to prevent mass player loss. They slowly scaled it down as less griefers play

  • @jamaly77


    Жыл бұрын

    You also don't drop anything in BDO otherwise the game would have been dead a long time ago. Kind of an example of how p2w doesn't kill games, dumb pvp systems do.

  • @mercster
    @mercster Жыл бұрын

    27 years MMO experience here. YOINK!

  • @Brosiff322
    @Brosiff322 Жыл бұрын

    I want some of that open world PvP action back, I miss it so much since playing newer ones its just rabbit hole gameplay in instanced dungeons/raids and have to go out of the way to get a bit of that PvP action. I want it to be back kinda like when I played pre-launch ArcheAge doing zones where both factions are in the same area and if someone started something, guildmates would start showing up and it would either be a fight or run if you are in the smaller guild/party.

  • @joshmcc3182
    @joshmcc3182 Жыл бұрын

    "2022 lack of commitment" lol truer words were never spoken.

  • @joshk5206
    @joshk5206 Жыл бұрын

    You could make certain nodes that spawn roaming high-level guards in its territory in random spots which would make gatherers more safe and fighting a challenge for pvp’ers. In this way a gatherer can get regular items in this node. Just make more rare items in other nodes so its a risk vs reward venture. Players could then guard said gatherers on such journeys for a fee and/or to get some of the rare items they themselves cant gather due to a lack of skill. Could also add this option in nodes for the mayor to spend node profits on hiring more guards. They could have a board where players vote on what options they want their mayor to focus profits on next. Better shops with more items? More guards of X level? 5% extra XP for gathering and leveling in the node? A new portal that teleports players to X other location/city? Work on opening up the old mines (new, unique dungeon)? And so on.

  • @babstra55


    Жыл бұрын

    that's also been tried many times. then the devs either nerf the guards or increase dps enough to kill them, or just move the resource elsewhere where there's no guards. it's always just an excuse to not actually deal with griefing.

  • @joshk5206


    Жыл бұрын

    @@babstra55 Oh I meant just added options along with their already intended corruption system. I wasn’t suggesting the main way of combating griefing.

  • @MrGaiden100
    @MrGaiden100 Жыл бұрын

    Ahh the Classic fight between Introverted people and Extroverted people. This is what it all boils down too...

  • @Nytukas


    Жыл бұрын

    If you are that introverted that you cant make friends in mmos you should stick to single player games

  • @BigBananaVT
    @BigBananaVT Жыл бұрын

    "I dare you to attack me on stream idiots" Challenge accepted 😎 Unfortunately I don't think I'll be that effective at 1v1 being a Bard 😅

  • @hanzpeter7587
    @hanzpeter7587 Жыл бұрын

    best thing you can do about it is the system where u can hire people and/or npcs to protect you while farming, it should be open world pvp, but when u are a casual friendly gatherer you should bring yourself a mercenary company that maybe professions in helping out gatherers and also making regions where its impossible to gather without right amount of gear bc of monsters, there you could also overcome that with mercenaries that would love to help you for right amount of money, i think thats the best idea you can have for an open world pvp game, i think everywhere should pvp be enabled, if you want protection you could always hire bodyguards

  • @Architectofawesome
    @Architectofawesome Жыл бұрын

    Thank you for some copium and hopium Narc sama.

  • @marong8813
    @marong8813 Жыл бұрын

    keep up the good work man

  • @logun24x7
    @logun24x7 Жыл бұрын

    Driving down the center lane is a train wreck waiting to happen

  • @LoreyRuru
    @LoreyRuru Жыл бұрын

    Hello... when I was young and free I heard about AoC and became excited 😊.... that was very many years a go... New kids were born and grown... and their kids came to be old.. I am still waiting

  • @folonrng
    @folonrng Жыл бұрын

    kinda reminds me of the system of silk roads the game with thiefs, guardians and merchants. was pretty fun. ngl and it's a cool dynamic for sure. :)

  • @mefninja
    @mefninja Жыл бұрын

    Open world pvp isnt for everyone.. but it can be really fun.. it can also be really fusterating but for me it adds a dynamic to mmos that isnt explored enough. I think a good idea would be to reward people for hunting griefers

  • @Naruir
    @Naruir Жыл бұрын

    BDO was really good on launch everything was pretty balanced and you didn't get 1 shot if you knew what you were doing, sorc was crazy strong but as a valk player I was able to tank through them. I loved the duel arena and being able to practice fighting, guildvsguild was also really fun. Looking at the way you drop materials, after world boss kills, they plan to add super rare materials, which gives incentive to mass PvP in the area afterwards.(good imo) I do put my opinions on the AoC forums when I feel strongly about them, but I do believe they are going the right way with the penalties etc. and I can't wait to see how they build on top of it. Ps: I can see that you're really much happier just in general the last few videos and you deserve it my dude, your content is 10/10, I wish you all the luck!

  • @tanksin5726
    @tanksin5726 Жыл бұрын

    losing gear on death does sound awful, it will promote people collecting multiple pieces of the same items to the detriment of other players and cluttered bags space and all the pvpers will ignore open world pvp if they are not in a zerg

  • @FeralFibreFarm
    @FeralFibreFarm Жыл бұрын

    There is a great example of "open world", as it were, pvp existing with gathering to great success that is rarely if ever mentioned, Eve Online, and it doesn't even have any sort of 'corruption' mechanic to it, (well in LowSec anyway). That is where Corporations (Guilds) come in, and look out for and protect each other while gathering. That maybe what winds up happening in AoC, and becomes yet another enhancement to the social aspects of the game.

  • @bowlinbob6
    @bowlinbob6 Жыл бұрын

    I used to play an mmo called perfect world, where the pvp sounded kinda familiar. I'm curious if there's safe zones or bound to character equipment. Pvpers like myself would just bind our equipment, kill the people we didn't like, and hightail it to a safe zone before the guild came as backup. (or sometimes stuck around for a guild v guild brawl.) Not many downsides other than repair cost after death and potions resupply. I think pvp is extremely useful, the pros outweigh the negative imo. It helps gaslight drama, and gives you an attachment to the game, and keeps your attention from going into afk mode at the risk of death. My best mmo memories are from being harassed by my nemesis, gearing up for months, hunting him down and fighting his leveling alts. Then that evolved into my guild vs his guild, trash talking for territory wars, fighting over herb spawns. It was a great time and everytime I logged in was a different gameplay experience Player driven gameplay is essential to mmorpgs, and open world pvp is a great way to do that if handled correctly.

  • @blackcrow3718


    Жыл бұрын

    I agree this the reason we stil talk about these games. Pvp pretty much key in these sandbox mmorpgs. Just need a zone were full loot is enable with crazy strong mobs mini bosses or even raids. Maybe some rare gathering node or trading goods you can buy. Age of wushu, early game bdo, archeage were my favorite games to date.

  • @BigLipsMcGee
    @BigLipsMcGee Жыл бұрын

    Hey it's me! 10:15

  • @kdavis9948
    @kdavis9948 Жыл бұрын

    I would say that I expect to lose some materials if I lose a pvp fight while gathering or transporting goods but I'm not sure I'm ok with the experience loss. If they want experience loss to be in the game then hand that to corrupted players ONLY. While in the corrupted status players continuously lose experience, based on their level of corruption, it persists until they either die or the corruption timer expires. If they die they also have the chance of losing gear.

  • @gordiasz
    @gordiasz Жыл бұрын

    Same. Always artisan, sometimes Dungeons, rarely sieges, PVP, guild wars

  • @AnarchoFuturist
    @AnarchoFuturist Жыл бұрын

    I think they should handle pvp and gathering like the UO Outlands server. Have a skill that allows players to track PK's, if a player sees a PK on track, they can either run, hide, or fight.

  • @DannyPHable


    Жыл бұрын

    there is the bounty hunters system which allows interested players ot view the red-flagged pkers on the map, track them down and hunt them for some reward

  • @ggNotSuree


    Жыл бұрын

    They have bounty hunting quests that allow you to pick up contracts for corrupted players. So it seems pretty similar to what you described. Could have full on bounty hunter guilds dedicated to just this if they wanted.

  • @DannyPHable


    Жыл бұрын

    @@ggNotSuree we're talking about the same thing i think. I just didnt describe it that well

  • @ggNotSuree


    Жыл бұрын

    @@DannyPHable ahhh. Yes yes. I hadn’t seen your reply. Indeed we are.

  • @williamdc3104
    @williamdc3104 Жыл бұрын

    As long as pvp attacks don't force interrupt the gathering process then the system sounds fine.

  • @haunter64
    @haunter64 Жыл бұрын

    Isnt this just the Skull system in Runescape¿

  • @Ultralightaman
    @Ultralightaman Жыл бұрын

    I remember SWG FFAPVP vs. Carebear vs. Pro-temp flag on the message boards.

  • @brandoncrowe1223
    @brandoncrowe1223 Жыл бұрын

    The benefit of gathering in a pvp zone should be that there are less gatherers there. They should not make the best resources only be in pvp areas.
