Prismatic Warlock is the Wave (Destiny 2 Expert Lost Sector)


I think of the three classes that has benefited the most from the addition of the Prismatic subclass, I think it's been the Warlock, with the Hunters being a very close second and the Titans a VERY distant third. I'll go into further detail why I feel this way in due time, but as for this gameplay here, this Prismatic Warlock build I'm using has to be my favorite at the moment. It's almost an exact bar for bar copy of Esoterickk's Warlock build when he ran the solo legendary campaign, with the Getaway Artist exotic gauntlets being pretty much the star of the show, with the Bleak Watcher Stasis Aspect allowing to have both an Arc Soul and a Stasis Turret active at the same time when you consume your grenade, which is just insanity to me. The only thing that bothers me about the build is that the turret doesn't travel further when you consume the grenade, but that's only a minor gripe. And of course, Feed the Void so I can proc Devour and keep it active through other means.

