Practical shooting / Sports experience / What the first practical shooting training looks like


It doesn’t matter what sport you play, it’s important that you play sports.
In each episode, we introduce ourselves to a new sport, answer popular questions, go through training, interview a champion, and give away a themed prize.
🔞Telegram channel with exclusive content -
📌VK group - findersport
🎁 Conditions of the competition at the end of the issue.
#sportexperience #practicalshooting
00:00 - splash screen
00:29 - greeting
01:20 - historical background
03:32 - greeting at the location
03:56 - meeting the trainer
09:32 - introduction to weapons
16:13 - first shots
22:00 - questions for the coach
25:42 - continuation of training
28:55 - Saiga 9
33:31 - comparison of Saiga with Glock
36:10 - questions for the champion
44:28 - competition
44:56 - advice from the presenter

