Ports of Auckland Matariki Celebration 2022

At the end of June, our port whānau came together to celebrate Matariki ✨
The festivities began with a pōwhiri, followed by kapa haka performances and a delicious hāngi during a lunch and dinner service for our people.
This year, Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei Kapa Haka showcased an incredible performance before each service. It was the first time our local iwi had performed at our Matariki celebration - an extremely special and memorable moment ✨
The day was brought to life through a team effort, with several of our people putting their hands up to help serve the kai, courtesy of The Hangi Shop, Otahuhu.
Matariki is a special time of year as we acknowledge and celebrate one of the many different cultures that make up our port whānau 😊
