Ports of Auckland lash platforms: Improving safety

Ports of Auckland is the first port in New Zealand and one of the few in the world to implement lash platforms on our container cranes which removes a critical risk from our workplace.
One of the jobs at the port is the removal and installation of twist-locks on containers as they come off or go on to a ship. Twist-locks are installed on the corners of containers and lock them
securely together when on board. This process has typically been carried out at ground level in the same area where heavy machinery such as straddle carriers - 60 tonne container lifting machines - come to pick up and drop off containers. While we have not had an accident in this area we have had near misses and would prefer to eliminate the risk. To address it we are installing ‘lash platforms’ on our cranes, above ground level, so our people can work out of the way of the straddles. This new approach ensures a safer working environment for our team. Installing lash platforms will result in a slight drop in productivity on our cranes, but safety comes first.
The three new container cranes received in October 2018 came fitted with lash platforms and we are retrospectively installing them on the other five existing cranes.
