Picus - Get to Funicular Stress - Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Director's Cut


This track plays after the cut-scene with Eliza Cassan. I know it's not a ambient track, but there is no ambient version and it's still pretty good. Fits right in as you explore deeper into Picus Communications.
Gameplay tips: The challenge from this section of Picus comes from the main newsroom. Get one the bad guys to leave his patrol so you can take him out without alerting the other or being seen by the turret. With that done, a hole is left which you can now exploit. As for defense, you're again ambushed while waiting for the funicular. Whether you are going lethal or not, use heavy objects to block the entrances to the funicular room. If you are going lethal, you can bring the turret from the main newsroom and use the 2 turrets to cover the avenues of approach (assuming you have switch them to attack your enemies) and let them do all the work. If going pacifist, simply block the entrances with heavy objects.

