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Pesach by the Rebbe, Part Two, Rabbi Yossi Paltiel 5783 2022

02. Pesach by the Rebbe (5783/ 2023), Part Two.
4) 11 Nissan slowly becomes a public day; Farbrengens from 5731- 5745; until 5737 people would present the Rebbe with gifts at the Farbrengen.
5) Selling the Rebbe’s Chometz to the Rav; the Rebbe’s warning not to sell HIS Chometz to a non-Jew.
6) Checking for Chometz and burning the Chometz.
7) 5748 Siyum Meseches after Shacharis.
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לנדבות והקדשות להמשיך את עבודת הקודש
