பெரும் கழுகின் இரு சிறகுகள் Two wings of a great eagle

By Jesus Christ, the Son who was lifted up from the earth and took power Realizing that he was the cause of the downfall to the earth, the mighty one i.e. Satan rose up with great fury and ferocity to afflict Israel with the male child, Sri.
Then the beautiful girl left Valusarpha and was given two wings of a mere eagle to fly to her place in the wilderness to be nourished for 31/2 years.
Just as Sri M's + mighty serpent is a metaphorical sign, so are the eagles' coats given to Sri, a kind of symbol of Israel, the perfect, who quickly and safely reached the wilderness and remained there for 3 1/2 years, until the serpent was bound. This mundane sign expresses the protection of security until it is built.
The prophet Isaiah refers to this period in the book of Isaiah 26 :20 It is a year of great tribulation, as Isaiah says, "My people, go into your rooms, lock your doors, and be gone for a little while It is the great tribulation period of years as Isaiah says that Anger will pass away.
That is, it will take place during the great tribulation period, which will begin after the abomination of desolation revealed by the prophet Daniel.
It is also the place where the woman called Israel perishes and is nourished by God for a short period of three 1/2 yearsThen we will see the place where she was to be fed and the room where she was locked. Thus, as Israel fled into the wilderness as a woman, we see that the Antichrist, incarnate by Satan, poured out a flood from his mouth like a river after her to destroy her with a mighty serpent.
A great army will then continue to approach. According to Reval 12 :16, the earth opens its mouth to help the woman and swallows up the flood from Strong serpent mouth .
The army, that is, the woman called Israel, was beaten by the sandstorm of the desert and buried in the sand, and the sand rose up like a great flood and poured out behind her.
The earth opened its mouth to help the woman Israel and swallowed up the flood of sand that the mighty serpent poured out of his mouth.
The woman called Israel will go to the city of refuge and be protected safely. Jesus Christ, our high priest, will appear, that is, in the thousand year, he will free her and bring her out of the city of refuge.
Just as God taught the Israelites in the wanderings of the wilderness in the days of Moses, He will think of Israel in the wilderness lampstand.The Lord God will nourish and support the woman .
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