Persona 4 Golden Review: Sunshine, Rainbows, and [Redacted]


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    @AWESOMEBIMBOFAN12346XXX Жыл бұрын

    hello i want you to know this video has changed my life! not for the better i am now dying.. this video is is pretty good at su cking u king alright but if i were tell the truth i know you would only shun me.. and hide away my thoughts but you are great yes fake these are my thoughts

  • @BasedPeter
    @BasedPeter Жыл бұрын

    Persona 4 Kiwami seems like a fun time, also I like how your Chie appreciation journey is the same as me. Jokes aside I think your editing and commentary is getting much better than mine, I'm looking forwards to your next video in a year, buddy

  • @Mint_Condition


    Жыл бұрын

    I should be able to put the next one out sooner, if only because I know the game pretty well. It's a big game though, so there's always going to be something I haven't done yet.

    @AWESOMEBIMBOFAN12346XXX Жыл бұрын


  • @lenen9456
    @lenen9456 Жыл бұрын

    Haha funny persona video go BRRRRRRRRRR

  • @gigamett
    @gigamett Жыл бұрын

    Holy shit, a video! What a surprise!

  • @antifaaum
    @antifaaum Жыл бұрын

    Finally! Good stuff. - Guy interviewed

  • @ba-ts1ft
    @ba-ts1ft Жыл бұрын

    He's back

  • @roxas7295
    @roxas7295 Жыл бұрын

    Great review. I especially appreciate how your critique of the dungeon design was more than the usual "They aren't 'proper dungeons' so they're bad." There are merits to Tartarus' design that get ironed out here. Like the more condensed map design, and ability to send out your party members to find stairs and treasure. And to touch on the story, i think it's valid to point out how flat much of the cast is compared to Adachi. It's seriously like they accidentally wrote him to be more reasonable than he was intended, given how weak the characters come off when confronting him.

  • @Birthday888


    Жыл бұрын

    I... Have a hard time relating to people who find Adachi reasonable. Understandable? I do get that to a certain extent. But I don't find him reasonable in the slightest. Adachi is a victim of Japanese culture of constantly pushing their students/children to excel. They are taught that doing X will get them Y and that Y will grant them happiness/fullfilment/success (Where X = Good high school or good university, and then Y = some sort of well paying white collar job). Which isn't the case at all. So when Adachi's worldview breaks upon being sent to Inaba, being taken of the career track despite all of his hard work in his youth, he internalizes his failure to be something out of his control, his "lack of talent". Despite the fact that we know Adachi chose the profession on a whim to get a gun, and he himself admits that he only got sent to Inaba because he made "a tiny mistake". Heck, Adachi's worldview is inherently flawed because he himself, by his own admission, has no friends or bonds. So his only metric in life for happiness or fulfillment is... What? Financial success? Sure, the Investigation Team has no experience with what the adult world is like, but by that same metric, Adachi has no idea what is to like and care about people outside of himself, and for people to feel the same way about him. If the Investigation Team is naive, then so is Adachi. Not to mention, that his entire speech is based on his own worldview and his own experiences. He has zero evidence to prove that everyone else feels the exact same way he does. He's just projecting his own feelings and assuming everyone else feels the exact same way he does because he has no other frame of reference for how other people feel, because he never attempted to know or understand other people. So I really don't get why people think Adachi is reasonable. The Investigation Team doesn't need to reject Adachi's claims via some sort "Gotcha" comeback, because the entire game is supposed to be the counterpoint to his little speech.

  • @Mint_Condition


    Жыл бұрын

    @@Birthday888 I don't really think that the Investigation team is a good counter to Adachi at all, because they happened to fall into the same trappings as Adachi. They too were deceived by society to some degree, having these preconceived ideas about their situation. The argument is supposed to be that friendship conquers all, but what people seem to miss is that the main character is the glue that holds these people together. He is literally perfect, and even the opening shows he already has friends. In fact the entire classroom wishes he wasn't leaving! He's already in a good position. He's giving a hand to everyone in the game. Where would -they- be if not for him? They would be stuck in their same problems, not growing. And sure, you could say that proves that point, but who here is offering a hand to Adachi? The animation makes it more clear that he's turning down all these opportunities to grow, but he's doing it while in school, pursuing the kind of life that's sold even here in America. In this way he is just as much of a victim as anyone else and it's kind of implied that his short comings are basically just that he is unable to socialize, which is also shown in the anime and kind of already implied in the game as well. It isn't so much that Adachi isn't reasonable. It's that he's just as much of a victim, going through the same exact problems as the main cast but on a significantly larger scale, and instead of having the chance to treat him like a real human being, the game dedicates the entire encounter to them preaching to me that what he did was wrong. I already know this though because I've not only been playing the game, but I'm also not dumb. It's bad anime writing. I've addressed this before, but I -really- don't like when everyone needs to chime in. Not every character in an RPG needs to participate in the conversation, especially when some of them have no room to talk. It comes across as highly hypocritical. More questionable and within the realm of actually making this more tragic is the fact that Adachi didn't intend to kill the first person. You can see him vomiting once he sees the corpse, and obviously you can chalk this up to a fake reaction, but I choose to believe it to be genuine. Now obviously this makes the second death was intentional, but at that point Adachi was kind of lost. It's easy to think that since you've already done something terrible that it's too late for you, and with the discovery of a brand new power? One that makes you feel like you have control over your life in a way you never had before? if only Adachi could be as strong as those not in his position. I empathise with Adachi, and I also find his edgy antics amusing, which makes it really sad to me that the group couldn't empathize on any level with him and that the only person who understands is Dojima, a guy who was shown to be yelling at him (his own fault but still man.)

  • @Birthday888


    Жыл бұрын

    @@Mint_Condition "I don't really think that the Investigation team is a good counter to Adachi at all, because they happened to fall into the same trappings as Adachi. They too were deceived by society to some degree, having these preconceived ideas about their situation." The problem with Adachi isn't that he was deceived by society. That happens to all of our characters to some degree. The problem is that upon realizing he was deceived, Adachi chose to blame everyone but himself for his situation, and then chose to stagnate as a person. "The argument is supposed to be that friendship conquers all, but what people seem to miss is that the main character is the glue that holds these people together. He is literally perfect, and even the opening shows he already has friends. In fact the entire classroom wishes he wasn't leaving! He's already in a good position. He's giving a hand to everyone in the game. Where would they be if not for him? They would be stuck in their same problems, not growing." This is false. The rest of the Investigation Team regularly hangs out with one another, even after the MC leaves Inaba as proven by the canonical spin offs. The primary person supporting Yukiko during her confrontation was Chie. The person that best stands up for Naoto during her shadow battle is Kanji. Heck, despite being the Leader, the MC isn't the person that was most responsible for the Investigation Team's formation. That was always Yosuke. "And sure, you could say that proves that point, but who here is offering a hand to Adachi? The animation makes it more clear that he's turning down all these opportunities to grow, but he's doing it while in school, pursuing the kind of life that's sold even here in America. In this way he is just as much of a victim as anyone else and it's kind of implied that his short comings are basically just that he is unable to socialize, which is also shown in the anime and kind of already implied in the game as well." Dojima, the old woman in his social link, Nanako, the MC. In his past, yes. But that doesn't really justify his behavior after he arrives at Inaba. At that point, he's off the career track and pretty much guaranteed to be stuck out here with a low paying job. If he was resentful and decided to put all of his time in getting back to the city that would be one thing, but he instead constantly complains about being "bored" while still actively shunning most forms of socialization. At that point, that's not an "inability to socialize", he's actively avoiding it because he doesn't see the point. "It isn't so much that Adachi isn't reasonable. It's that he's just as much of a victim, going through the same exact problems as the main cast but on a significantly larger scale, and instead of having the chance to treat him like a real human being, the game dedicates the entire encounter to them preaching to me that what he did was wrong. I already know this though because I've not only been playing the game, but I'm also not dumb. It's bad anime writing." Adachi is a victim, but that doesn't mean he isn't responsible for his choices and his worldview. At any time, he could've stopped and reconsidered where he was at after his world view was shattered. But he's refused to do any sort of self-reflection and chose to blame the world and society at large for how his life turned out, because that's easier than admitting that maybe you were wrong in your choices. All of the main protags go through self reflection once they've been confronted with their shadows, because they all attempt to improve themselves upon confronting their darker impulses/desires. Adachi, instead of reflecting upon what drove him to shove someone into a TV, decides to keep doing it because it makes him feel good instead of doing any kind of self-reflection. And that's entirely on him. Personally, I also agree with your head canon that Adachi vomitted due to the fact that he was coming to terms with killing someone. It fits with his character, and there's a leap from thinking "life sucks if you aren't talented/special" to "Serial killer". However, your explanation that Adachi may have thought it was too late for him to stop is bullshit. Adachi would've known that the investigation was going nowhere, and he would've realized very quickly that there was no way for the crime to be traced back to him. He could've absolutely stopped after the first killing. He chose to keep going. That has nothing to do with "mental strength", just a modicum of respect for life. "I empathise with Adachi, and I also find his edgy antics amusing, which makes it really sad to me that the group couldn't empathize on any level with him and that the only person who understands is Dojima, a guy who was shown to be yelling at him (his own fault but still man.)" I argue that it doesn't matter if you empathize with Adachi or not, he's still an unrepentant serial killer. Quoting Brooklyn 99, "Cool motive, still murder." Why the heck should Yosuke care about Adachi's issues, he still killed Saki for absolutely no reason beyond cheap emotional catharsis. For that matter, if anyone couldn't empathize with Adachi, then that lies completely on him. He's the one who constantly claims that bonds and friendships are pointless and fake, and that being alone is awesome.

  • @Mint_Condition


    Жыл бұрын

    @@Birthday888 It's not too easy to get out of a hole like that on your own. in a perfect world working hard would genuinely get you pretty far. In fact, in many cases it does. I think you're putting too much emphasis on the idea that Adachi one day suddenly woke up and realized he'd been lied to. It's also important to realize especially in the context of the language they're using (Jungian Shadows) that it is explicitly stated these things are caused and created by society. A man is only so much responsible for what happens to him on that kind of scale as he is for being born, as these are the consequences of living in and interacting with modern society. As for the comments about the team hanging out after the game. Yes. After the game. After they've come to terms with who they are and have already become the ideal versions of themselves and sorted their shit out. I think saying that they're helping each other out is a bit of a stretch here. Chie saying "I support you" during those scenes isn't anywhere near on the level of us magically fixing her problems by her changing her perspective on whether or not she was trapped in Inaba. That's not something that happens from someone saying "Of course we came to save you". They were already friends, that was kind of the point. As for the Kanji-Naoto business, I was actually confused what you were talking about so I skimmed through the scene only to find Kanji only says 2-3 things during the entire encounter, only one of which can be taken as supportive. That being his line where he says "You don't know that". Yukiko lets Naoto bounce off of her, but like the scene says itself. It's all stuff she already knew. I wouldn't really call what Yukiko is doing here being supportive. She is mostly asking questions. You also mention Yosuke, but he's motivated for completely different reasons. He's the only character who has a direct reason to be going into the dungeon to find the killer. Yeah, of course the others are involved through association, but they don't have a personal reason like he does. The others are just kind of there. The Protagonist is the only character shown any form of respect, and sure, some of this is because they keep making jokes at everyone else's expense (particularly the men) but I think it's a reach to say that the MC isn't holding everyone together. The scenes that happen in social links used to just be awakenings that happen during the story, and while it's easy to say that that's just how it is now with Persona 5 out, it was a conscious decision to change the game to work that way from how it was in 3. I don't think it's an exaggeration to say that they would be nothing without Yu. As for the argument that Adachi had Dojima, Dojima is his superior. He's only known him for a month, and he's constantly being verbally abused. A month also isn't really enough time to get to know someone. It took Yosuke well over a year to get over his biases towards the town, and it only did it with the help of the protagonist. Adachi did not have a lot of time to stop and reconsider his world view. Life is constantly moving and evolving in many ways that people can not keep up with. He's even further separated from what family he had. He has no friends. No one to discuss this with. By the time he reaches Inaba he is already a lost sheep. It is easy to say he could have just stopped, but that implies his thinking is level, which it's not. I am not saying he's right in killing people. I'm saying that he probably felt that he already killed one person. What's another? He's finding a way to justify what he did in his mind. You can see similar characters in movies like Falling Down, which has an equally polarizing main character that I often see people arguing about whether on not to sympathize with. But all it takes is one bad day for people to snap. I watch a lot of true crime people can be driven to kill over the stupidest of reasons and try to justify it in their mind. It is easy to point the finger and call them an asshole who's intentionally doing it but I believe it is a defense mechanism. No one wants to believe they are wrong. They want to believe they are right and justified and this is reflected all throughout history. What a coincidence that the good guys win every time, right? This is not something exclusive to Adachi. It's something that anyone can go through, and why I think he's a good antagonist, and I think he's relatable.

  • @Birthday888


    Жыл бұрын

    @@Mint_Condition "I think you're putting too much emphasis on the idea that Adachi one day suddenly woke up and realized he'd been lied to. It..." You're ignoring my point. I'm talking about how Adachi responded to his "shadow", not how his worldview was proven false, or how his shadow was created. That's the key difference between Adachi and the rest of the Investigation Team. After confronting their shadows, regardless of whether the MC does their social links or not, each team member self-reflects on their shadow and resolves to become better people. Adachi chooses to avoid self-reflection and instead indulges his shadow even more. "As for the comments about the team hanging out after the game...." Even before that, it's not like each of the Investigation Team needed to be convinced to try and help catch the culprit of the murders/kidnapping. They were all individually invested in Nanako. They all continue to hang out even after they believe the culprit has been caught. And this all still happens even if the protag doesn't go beyond Rank 1 in any of their social links. My argument was against your claim that the MC was the glue holding the Team together, and my examples weren't supposed to be proof that the MC wasn't instrumental in helping them become better people, but that the friend group would still care and love each other even without the MC. Like, conversely, do you have any proof that the friend group would fall apart without the MC? Because the only evidence you seem to be claiming is that the other characters don't have any personal reasons to catch the killer and that the MC is the only one not poked fun at. But poking fun at one another is something friends regularly do with each other, and the fact that none of them except Yosuke have a personal reason to catch the killer kinda strengthens my argument? They don't join the team as a favor to the MC, or need to be convinced by the MC. They join because they want to stop the culprit. That happens with or without the MC. "The scenes that happen in social links used to just be awakenings that happen during the story... I don't think it's an exaggeration to say that they would be nothing without Yu." You are drastically over exaggerating the importance of the social links. Confronting their shadow is about 50% of their character arc, and even without the MC's intervention, they would all be trying to become better people. Completing their social link does lead to them becoming fully complete, but to say that they would be nothing prior to that is just not true. Like I said, they manage to self-reflect and attempt to be better people. That's more than Adachi ever does. "As for the argument that Adachi had Dojima, Dojima is his superior. He's only known him for a month, and he's constantly being verbally abused..." I was confused as to where you got the "1 month" timeframe, and I realized you got it from the Golden anime. To put it bluntly, the Golden anime is trash. The one month prior thing makes zero sense. Dojima tells Adachi when he's going to stop acting like a rookie when seeing the dead body, and he invites Adachi to his house, something we see him do with no other police officers, which is a pretty intimate gesture. These behaviors make no sense if Adachi had only been at Inaba for a month. "Adachi did not have a lot of time to stop and reconsider his world view. Life is constantly moving..." Bullshit. Adachi's life in Inaba was nothing but boredom. He's seen regularly hiding out in Junes' lobby to avoid work. He had plenty of time to reconsider his worldview after arriving in Inaba. The "no friends, no family" factor isn't relevant because Adachi (again) doesn't believe in friends or bonds. If he had any, he wouldn't have his current beliefs in the first place. If Adachi had tried to reach out to people but failed, again, that would be one thing. But Adachi has never tried because he still thinks it's worthless despite no evidence to back up his claims, and that's the problem. "By the time he reaches Inaba he is already a lost sheep. It is easy to say he could have just stopped, but that implies his thinking is level... This is not something exclusive to Adachi. It's something that anyone can go through, and why I think he's a good antagonist, and I think he's relatable." I don't get what you're trying to argue here. I've agreed that Adachi is an understandable character in certain aspects, and I've never talked about whether he's a well-written character or not. But there's a difference between relatable and reasonable, and I've been arguing that he isn't the latter. Same thing with William Foster. We've all had the experience where we want to use violence as an outlet for emotions, whether it be wanting to slap someone or destroying someone's care with a baseball bat. This makes Foster an understandable character. But similarly, not everyone looses control and actually acts on those desires, which is what makes Foster an unreasonable character.

  • @adriangongora699
    @adriangongora699 Жыл бұрын

    Glad you are back brother

  • @OandMalibu
    @OandMalibu Жыл бұрын

    Your channel slaps!!!

  • @OandMalibu


    Жыл бұрын

    Found you from Disgaea 5 review today.

    @AWESOMEBIMBOFAN12346XXX Жыл бұрын


  • @HentaiApocalypses
    @HentaiApocalypses Жыл бұрын

    OMG!!! He is alive.

  • @Mint_Condition


    Жыл бұрын

    Just barely hangin' in there.

  • @silvurrrboi230
    @silvurrrboi230 Жыл бұрын

    Two months ago I bought Vita for the sole reason of playing Disgaea 3 and original Gravity Rush, for a while I was considering purchasing P4 since it's so cheap on the PS Store, now I might actually give it a shot

  • @Mint_Condition


    Жыл бұрын

    Very nice.

  • @unsungheroes8626
    @unsungheroes8626 Жыл бұрын

    kino youtuber.

  • @elivy394
    @elivy394 Жыл бұрын

    "How would you make it morally acceptable?" "Cease and desist" LMAO

  • @shizzleblitz
    @shizzleblitz Жыл бұрын

    this some good shit.

  • @tonybamanabonitomatopowers6057
    @tonybamanabonitomatopowers6057 Жыл бұрын

    he returns...

  • @Mint_Condition


    Жыл бұрын

    Sounds like the kind of like what you'd find on a sequel's box art.

  • @senorapples1115
    @senorapples1115 Жыл бұрын

    I was so bothered by the other things that idn't notice the fortnite dance at first

  • @blazingswordchad3384
    @blazingswordchad3384 Жыл бұрын

    I'll give ya credit for sticking to your guns and going through with posting this. Personally, despite agreeing with most of your criticisms, I really can't agree with the overall premise of this video. It was just way too negative, and I don't mean that in a "wow how dare you insult my favorite game", since, again, I agreed with much of your criticisms, such as the pacing issues and the gameplay loop constricting the story to its detriment, and the writing for certain characters being flat (at least in social links), and funnily enough I was also misled by the fanart to believe that the game would look way better than it did, but the vibe I got from this review just felt like the venting of a frustrated, very jaded man who decided to bring a game he used to like to the guillotine and say a small eulogy afterwards. It makes me want to ask you, aside from Adachi and the OST, did you even like this game? I've been around communities with megaten fans, so I've seen enough hate for this game in my lifetime, and I get very similar vibes to the kinds of things I heard back in the day from them, though with less bile, bitterness and anger. (nothing against 'em for it, but they are definitely way too personally invested). It felt like the whole thing was negative, the first 1/3rd more so than the rest, the story was supposed to be the most positive part but every "good" thing besides Adachi was qualified with "but this" or went by super fast. It "really does get tiresome" :^) Other issues you had with the game I felt were more personal to you, which is fair since it is your own experience, but I didn't have much hatred about the anime tropes since I didn't watch stuff with them as a kid; I only saw and read some shounens here and there, I didn't really have any exposure to slice of life and school stuff at all, or the whole "abuse of male characters by women" thing. It was just a recurring gag to me in the game. The misfortune of others, in certain contexts, is just funny in general as a common thing in comedy, even if its awful (like when Yosuke's bike was crushed by that whale-sized girl). I was laughing at Yosuke's misfortunes but I also sympathized with him like a bro. Dungeons weren't great, but I found them okay enough, since I literally only did them when I needed to, so they didn't feel nearly as unwelcome as they could have been. I also personally disagree about the story's writing and depth. I get that your reviews are part meme and all and I do agree that Adachi's viewpoint is a quite strong one that the party members can't really counter with their words, but its not the words that matter there imo, its the actions and experience that you've taken up until that point. Your "life" in the game is the counter to Adachi's viewpoint. The story beats have storytelling flaws thanks to the game structure, yes, but that doesn't mean they lack on thematic depth. When they show the actual list of characters to guess who the killer is, yes, that was basically the "you have to know by now" point, but you aren't really thinking about it like that when you're going through the game, since the game immerses and distracts you. The lack of going into anything concerning things like the fog, Ameno-Sagiri, the character shadows, also felt like it made the game look like it was ''just a murder mystery with SoL elements that distracted from it in an incoherent mess", there's a lot of symbolism and representative things that are clearly not meant to be taken merely at face value alone, imo the supernatural elements are highly relevant to understanding Persona 4, and how they connect to the mundane life otherwise and what meaning it has. Persona 4 isn't just a story about "lol TV bad" or consumerism bad stuff. Its quite literally a story about the importance of the truth as a concept, and why, even when only a few people value it, even when only one person values it, it makes a life or death difference, and that's not the only theme either of course, but just another important one. Its, yes, a story of the meaning and power of friendship and bonds which some might call cliche, but its one of the few games that actually does it well, and doesn't take the bonds for granted (except in the weak social link writings for some characters, yes). There is also the issue of reviewing a mystery game after you've already known the end results of the mystery for a long time. Anyone can say anything in hindsight or point out the parts that might make something more obvious after the fact, but saying it now just feels like taking cheap shots like, "oh any r*tard could've solved this, who else *could've* done it lmao" Things that I straight up disagreed with on, completely: The Vita is great. Yeah, its not the PS2 since literally no console is the PS2, but for a handheld its the best one ever made. Don't forget the 3DS was $250 at launch for infinitely worse hardware. Launch prices aren't really a fair comparison since both Sony and Nintendo made terrible mistakes (and Sony basically tried to literally kill the Vita as well). Ya can't just trash on the handheld with 3 top-tier Vanillaware titles, Super Robot Wars games, a bunch of good rhythm games and ARPGs (including much of the Ys games), fighting games, mosous, well-handled indie ports, a bunch of great JRPGs and the greatest VNs on it, and yes, it had weeb titles, but it can perfectly emulate and play all PSP and PSX games on a top-tier ergonomics and build quality handheld, and its gotten a lot of homebrew love as well. The price has gotten down significantly since launch, and in 2017ish or so, you could pick up a Vita for anywhere between $80-140 with a memory card often included inside it, which was when I got my first one, and for that price its a steal. Greatest gaming-related purchase I ever made. Honestly, I did not know that Persona 4 was written in the way that was described here but for me, while that *should* be a negative, I instead viewed that as a "how the f*** did they pull writing this whole story off, off the cuff"? Persona 4 has flaws, but the development process they handled this with *should* have led to a total disaster, but instead, I can't really call it a happy accident since it feels too intentional, but that's kind of what it is. Most electronic media with stories *wish* they had a story as good as P4's. I also actually liked Marie a lot, so... yeah. She seems like a love her or hate her character, but I really liked her personally. I enjoyed the way that the game was handled in Golden, though I never played the original P4, I also didn't play P3 yet so I don't have the reference point here either. The only Persona games I've played thus far are Persona 1 (which I played before P4), and P4G. This comment is mostly negative and probably unpleasant to read... perhaps that's an ironic point. I think Persona 4 is absolutely great, there's multiple games with stories and characters I like more than it, but the experience was still quite precious to me, I feel sorry that its not really the case for you anymore, hopefully you won't turn into one of those people I see on YT who seem insistent on destroying what things they used to like because they're "more mature now". I hope I never do that to the things I once liked, since it basically feels like you're gaslighting yourself into unhappiness. However, I'm looking forward to whatever you put out next, hopefully it won't be a bummer like this one. I still liked the video though and watched the whole thing :^).

  • @Mint_Condition


    Жыл бұрын

    I think you're assigning negatives to things I didn't necessarily intend to be negatives such as Adachi obviously being the killer. It's absolutely not something I'm mad about. I love Adachi, and it's tying back into my issue with them not hiding it well enough. Despite being told repeatedly that Adachi is the killer, you can pass off a lot of that as just memes, especially when characters like Nanako are also being passed off as the killer. The fact of the matter is they explicitly and repeatedly tell you that someone isn't the killer, and with the case of Namatame, they don't do a good enough job easing you into why he did what he did. It's all thrown in your face, and because of the calendar system as well as their method of relaying this information, it leaves a bad taste in my mouth that didn't have to happen. And yeah, I still like the story, but I can't just ignore everything about it. I wound up not really discussing everything I wanted to, such as the relation between the three candidates and media. Yes, I'm a bit critical of the Vita. I own one, after all. I think it's important to know where I'm coming from. Many games that the Vita is known for did not come out until a significant amount of time later. I'm talking 3-4 years down the line. It is the reason why Persona 4 constantly is at number 1 in lists. People simply moved on by the time anything else came out because Sony had essentially announced they weren't gonna make anything for it anymore (outside of Japan.) I actually had to find a list where it was at number 2. Look at the rest of that list, and you will see that every other game on there is a port to the Vita. Look at where Persona 4 stands in listings on the PS2, then look at the Vita. The issue isn't necessarily that the Vita is a bad system. It's that the fanbase has sold people on the idea that the best way to play this game is through the Vita port, which much to my surprise seemed to be adding things I wound up not really liking. Many people bought a Vita due to Persona 4. I was one of them. I got this game fairly close to release. What I was left with was a machine that played Katamari and Persona 4 Golden, as well as the PSP games I had already bought digitally. Part of this issue with this review I suppose is that I tried to condense too much information down. In doing so, I lost a lot of clarity for these negatives. A prime example is when I brush over the whole Naoto bit with spam events. What I don't mention, is that a few hours are dedicated to shenanigans prior to this because someone just died and they are absolutely desperate to make you forget about that. That's why it's getting tiresome. This doesn't happen every part of the game, no, but it's an accumulation. And yes, some of these events are added to Golden, which hampers the pacing. I also probably should have held back on some of the jokes. I like Kanji for instance, but I can see where people might think that I don't because I'm conveying too many things at once. The main point should probably be that the first 3 party members are stupid broken. In explaining what the issue is, it may come off as if I'm complaining, but if he was really -that- bad I wouldn't be using him. In Persona 3 every character has something they're good at. Kanji could be filling Akihiko's role, but because they handed out the buff and debuff skills to everyone it winds up removing a layer of depth that the system had where characters did specific things and had specific roles. Many of these other changes (i.e golden hands) create vacuums because there are specific methods for tackling these, and the player will not be equipped to handle them and have to rely on a specific party member until the game decides it's fine (like when you get Naoto and the AoE Personas designed to kill them.) It's a real shame because I can use every character in Persona 3 unless I'm playing on Hard, since golden hands aren't metal slime tier EXP. Instead you fight above average strength enemies. Irrelevant towards the end of the game, but it does give some incentive early on to swap out party members, but never so much that I feel like I'm being punished for not doing it. And yeah, maybe there's more to the themes then just societal stuff, but it's clear to me that they simply added a theme about the truth at the very end to tie it all together. It's more than just consumerism, I'm aware of that. It's Identity, which is a much more prevalent theme than the very broad, vague idea of "truth". You can absolutely apply the idea of truth to anything. Sure it's at the end of the game, but can you really tell me it's as in your face as the ideas of identity and it's corruption through information? This goes beyond just TV, and I should have made that more clear, but multiple characters explicitly state in one off conversations that their issues seem to have stemmed from something they saw or heard on TV. What it means to be a detective. What it means to be manly. These are ideas and identities that can be applied and taken on, and so obviously when trying to wear them like a mask you run into issues when they conflict with who you are. The most obvious example of this existing even outside of media (even though in the anime they directly tie it to media) is the idea that working hard and having talent will get you where you want to in life. Adachi is what happens when you don't address these problems and you allow society to tell how to live your life. When your promised reward does not match what your lot in life is it breeds resentment. I wouldn't have made the review at all if I didn't like the game, but many of the positives of this game are hard to talk about because they're either small things (day to day life) or they aren't things I like exclusively about Persona 4. They're things I like about Persona 3, which is what this game was built off of, and they even reuse many things that should have been tossed aside, even though I think it's an active detriment to the game. And maybe that comes across as negative, but there's a lot more that can be said about the matter and if anything I held back, because it's simply not fun to edit unless I can be direct and to the point I will admit some points were honed in on made as they're something I felt needed to be said, because I'm tired of hearing the same thing said by others. It is a very common argument to shit all over Persona 3's dungeons because 4's are "better", but I would have to hard disagree on everything other than aesthetic, as the dungeons can be attributed to many of the plot issues I mentioned and lock the story down, rather than allowing it to be dynamic, because it is using Persona 3's calendar system, but also at the same time not utilizing it.

  • @Mint_Condition


    Жыл бұрын

    As a side note, thank you for writing this comment, as it's helpful in trying to find out where to improve on next time. I think that sometimes people are afraid to criticize me because they like the video overall.

  • @tastethecock5203


    Жыл бұрын

    @@Mint_Condition It's actually reverse in my opinion. They've had an game with truth as main topic they wanted to talk about as an idea, and they've decided to use TV as a vessel and aesthetic to tell that. In the end TV is just a device to "Show people what they want to see, and to allow themselves to expose what they want to show." In the end the erosion of identities of the main cast happened because of all the rumors, and convenient perception of society they've fallen to. If you tell a man he's a cow enough times, he'll begin to make cow noises, that what happened to people like Kanji, and so on. The more comfortable you become with convenient lies, the less comfortable you become with the truth, and hollow forest continues to expand. There's some strong themes in the game, as in "What is your true self even, and whether does such thing even exist?" Importance of faith and belief, and so on.

  • @Mint_Condition


    Жыл бұрын

    What I'm saying is that Truth (As an actual thing referenced) is thrown together for the start and finish to tie this in to a god. It fits nicely into the Persona 3 climax structure. Sure you can argue that the investigation scenes and what not are indicative of truth, and that the fog etc are about the vague notion of truth, but these are all ideas part of Identity too, which is popping right out at you in the opening, which is also the very first thing they made. It can be easy to forget this because Golden's opening is far weaker than the original PS2's "Pursuing My True Self."

  • @holydezmondgamez1728
    @holydezmondgamez1728 Жыл бұрын

    Any JRPG's that you're interested in reviewing? I got into you with the Disgaea reviews and wonder if you would talk about Persona 5 or Disgaea 6 or whatever else

  • @Mint_Condition


    Жыл бұрын

    Just Final Fantasy 9 at the moment. I have other plans for NIS titles, but nothing is set in stone just yet.

  • @kilaz7071
    @kilaz7071 Жыл бұрын

    Now that you have a vita are you gonna do a disgaea 3 review?

  • @Mint_Condition


    Жыл бұрын

    I have always had a Vita. No promises.

  • @goodgamer1419
    @goodgamer1419 Жыл бұрын

    This is untrue the psvita also had umm uhhh umm uhhh

  • @nyxsblood
    @nyxsblood Жыл бұрын

    Better time to release this video especially since the ports of P5R are about to come out which will surely be a time in which Persona is sparked back up to twitter trends n such. Anyways great video, I for one share a similar opinion that P4 doesn't hit the mark as often as P3 did, but it still has its positives. now to wait for the disgaea 6 review (joking)

  • @Mint_Condition


    Жыл бұрын

    It certainly does seem like the stars allign for me at times. I don't know about Disgaea 6, but I have been thinking about the older games.

  • @ryanhatfield8602
    @ryanhatfield8602 Жыл бұрын

    I like persona 4 more than 3 but that’s just me.

    @AWESOMEBIMBOFAN12346XXX Жыл бұрын

    1 month still is no good

  • @bred7833
    @bred7833 Жыл бұрын

    my guy actually did motherlode mine for exp and not for the nuggies the fuck

  • @Mint_Condition


    Жыл бұрын

    Look man I am not 3 ticking iron, and between that and predicting stars, it's obvious which one is most consistent. Nuggies are just a nice bonus that makes mining there more worth while.

  • @bred7833


    Жыл бұрын

    @@Mint_Condition i didn't mean to say u should sweat by doing 3t (fuck that, i can't tell how people can do that for hours while barb fishing) but more like surprised you went to MLM on your own will w/o the upper floor

  • @Mint_Condition


    Жыл бұрын

    @@bred7833 Oh lol. I got advice from a friend of mine and it worked out. It's a more direct way of training and I got to use it as part of the review.

  • @kupo871
    @kupo871 Жыл бұрын

    Question: is p4 better than p4 golden? No bad VAs (Chie, Teddy) Much less filler

  • @Mint_Condition


    Жыл бұрын

    This is a tough one, as it's a question I don't have an easy answer to. It's something I wanted to bring up, however, as Atlus fans have a tendency to tell you tat everything is a straight improvement, and tell you that the shortcomings are things outside of Atlus' control, even if they aren't. It's a deceptive tactic to get people to purchase the game and stop asking questions.

  • @BasedPeter
    @BasedPeter Жыл бұрын

    47:04 We literally just spoke yesterday, you liar

  • @Mint_Condition


    Жыл бұрын

    Mistakes were made.

  • @ayayukio7608
    @ayayukio760811 ай бұрын

    Vanilla unironically better than Golden

  • @Mint_Condition


    9 ай бұрын

    No cherry blossoms, no buy.

    @AWESOMEBIMBOFAN12346XXX Жыл бұрын

    sucks lole

    @AWESOMEBIMBOFAN12346XXX Жыл бұрын
