Perseverance Rover Captured a New Video Footage of Mars || New Mars Video ||

Perseverance Rover Captured a New Video Footage of Mars || New Mars Video ||
#marsfascinatingvideo #nasa #perseverencerover #curiosityrover #redplanet #marsmission2021 #mars #marswater #marslatestimages #mars4kfootages #marsin4k #marsstrangeimages #marsamazingimages #marsupdate #asplanetinfo #marsvideo #newmarsvideo, NASA/GPL-Caltech/ASU/MSSS

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  • @rhinocorexaquaa
    @rhinocorexaquaa8 күн бұрын

    I notice how they never get close enough to an “interesting” object to actually be able to see anything. And nothing with any focus.