Paul Murphy - 'Ocean Eyes' . Recital and composing back-story with hospital anecdotes


A new lyric, and a veeerrrryyyy rambling back-story to go with it. Just to rub it in, I overran the file, so the end to the anecdote is not here, but on the Part 2 video.
As there is no manuscript to this to upload, I will place the lyric here.
Ocean Eyes (Christine)
I could swim forever in your ocean eyes
Past the stardust moon to the new sunrise
While the nightingale sings her melody
To background the joy you bring unto me
Tomorrow is always so far away
So let's make the most of every today
Your comet-trail smile lights my tentative steps
Diaphanous dreams I will never forget
When darkness comes and shades my soul
And leads me astray as the storm clouds roll
I never shall be lost, for come what may
Your angel-wing eyes will safe guide my way
If this should be all that we do share
Between here and Heaven and who knows where
I will hold each sacred second most dear
And cherish and revere them thru' all my years
'Ocean Eyes (Christine)' © Paul Murphy / 2024

