Parade Drill - Appomattox, VA 2015

This Parade Drill was filmed in Appomattox, VA. We also included a few shots of The United States Christian Commission!
The following is taken from Leonidas Jones
Colonel cmdg
6th Regiment. 1st Division ANV
The Liberty Greys
The adjutant is in total control of the formation. When he is satisfied with the alignment, he will direct that the captain of the first company put his company at Parade Rest. That captain will take one step forward, and command, Shoulder-ARMS, Order-ARMS, Parade-REST.
When the first company is at Parade Rest, the captain of the second company will repeat the procedure. Each company should be brought to Parade Rest successively, from right to left.
When the adjutant sees each company at Parade Rest, he will order the music, under the command of the principal musician to Beat-OFF. The music will play a slow march, as they march from right to left in front of the battalion, and then back to return to their position.
Once the music has returned to its position, the adjutant will command, Attention-BATTALION, Shoulder-ARMS, Prepare to open ranks, To the rear open order- MARCH. This executed exactly as in SotB, except that all company officers including lieutenants not in command) should march four paces forward, captains opposite their position in line, lieutenants opposite their place, in other words in front of their commands, (platoons or sections). Lieutenants will pass through the captain’s interval to take position. The lieutenant colonel and major will dismount, and march from their positions behind the line to a place six paces in front of their wings, or two paces in front of the line of company officers. Once the ranks are aligned, and the commissioned officers in their places, the adjutant should command, FRONT.
The adjutant will then march along the battalion front to the center, face right in marching, and pass the line of company officers eight or ten paces, face about, and command, Present-ARMS. He will then face front, salute the colonel, and report, Sir, the parade is formed.
The colonel, still with sword in scabbard, will return the salute with a hand salute. The adjutant will take post three paces to the left, and one to rear of the colonel, passing around his right. The colonel will the draw his sword, command Battalion, Shoulder-ARMS, and drill the battalion in the manual of arms, as he sees fit, ending with Order-ARMS.
The adjutant will then pass around the colonel’s right, taking post midway between the colonel and the line of company officers. He will then command First Sergeants, to the front and center-MARCH. At the preparatory command, (all that before March) they will shoulder arms, march two paces forward, and face inward. At the command MARCH, they will march to the center and halt. Note that they do not face to the adjutant until his command.
The adjutant will then command, Front-FACE, REPORT.
At this, each first sergeant, beginning on the right, will give the rifle salute, and report the result of the roll call. Remember that, while each of our companies portrays a different regiment historically, in the dress parade, we are supposed to be one battalion. Thus, the report should be on the order of, 1st company, all present or accounted for, Sir. It is not necessary to give actual numbers. Neither is it necessary to report missing soldiers, unless they are missing without permission. All others are “accounted for”.
After the reports, the adjutant will command, First sergeants outward-FACE. To your posts-MARCH. The sergeants will face out and return to their positions in line.
The adjutant will face to the colonel, salute, and report the results of the roll to the colonel, who will then direct that the orders be published. The adjutant will face about, and command Attention to Orders, at which time he will read such orders as the colonel may direct. He will then face to the colonel, salute and report that the order has been carried out.
In our practice, the adjutant should announce that the Parade is dismissed. Then the colonel would take command, close ranks, and wheel the battalion into a column by company, and begin the inspection.
According to regulations, the dress parade is a stand alone formation. When the adjutant announces that the Parade is dismissed, the company officers would return their swords, face inwards, and march to side of the adjutant, who will have moved to the center of their line. The field officers would step back to the line of company officers and close on their flanks. The adjutant will command Front-FACE, Forward-MARCH. They will march forward, dressing on the center, with the music playing, to a point six paces from the colonel, when the adjutant will command HALT. The officers will render a hand salute, and remain as the colonel conveys such orders as appropriate. He shall then indicate that the ceremony is concluded. The officers will again salute, and disperse to their camps.

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  • @qwad_ijne
    @qwad_ijne3 жыл бұрын

    nice video