Operation Flashpoint: Red River - No One Gets Left Behind - Operation Roadblock


May 30th, 2013
During the last mission to hold back the PLA advance, a friendly attack chopper was shot down in what is now enemy territory. The pilots have been confirmed to still be alive and are holding up in a nearby village but have been spotted by the enemy.
Kirby and his squad will operate under callsign Coyote 2 Bravo, they are dropped into the AO as near to the pilots location as possible. As soon as they touch down does the team come into contact with PLA infantry.
Moving forward whilst engaging the enemy, the team move towards the village ahead, they take out a number of enemy squads and also engage a few victors. The team can hear the pilots engaging the enemy and work as quickly as possible to secure the destination.
With no time to waste Kirby leads the men out and heads towards the crash site, using the M203 to destroy the wreckage. The PLA are swarming and pursuing the US forces, Kirby and his team get into heavy combat as they head for the extraction zone.
Everyone arrives at extraction but one of the pilots has been killed in an earlier engagement, the rest dig in and wait for the chopper to arrive. The PLA engage them from a few directions, Kirby throws a smoke grenade to cover the extraction.

